What is ultrasonography?
Ultrasonography (ultrasound) uses high-frequency sound waves to create images. The sound waves are sent through the body tissue, and the echoes are recorded and turned into pictures or video.
The idea for ultrasonography came from sonar technology, which uses sound waves to find underwater objects.
Ultrasound is used to diagnose many diseases and conditions and is also used to find blockages in veins and arteries. Ultrasound may be used alone or with other diagnostic procedures.
What is a vascular ultrasound?
Vascular ultrasound is used to check the blood circulation in your arms and legs. The test is noninvasive, which means it does not use needles, dyes, radiation or anesthesia. The test is also called a duplex study.
During the test, sound waves are sent through the tissue and are reflected off the blood moving in the blood vessels. The images appear on a computer screen and the speed of blood flow is measured.
Why do I need this test?
Your doctor ordered this test to make sure your arteries are open (patent) and do not have blockages. The “mapping” portion of the ultrasound test is done to find out which blood vessels can be used as a bypass graft for lower extremity or coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
How long is the test?
The ultrasound takes about 30 to 90 minutes to complete. Please arrive about 15 minutes before your appointment time to complete the registration process.
Before the test
- Please do not bring valuables or wear jewelry.
- You may eat and drink normally.
- You will change into a hospital gown for the test.
During the test
- A specially trained technologist will perform the test. A vascular doctor will interpret the results.
- You will lie on a padded exam table during the test.
- A small amount of gel is applied to your skin. The gel does not harm your skin or stain your clothes.
- A small device called a transducer is placed over the gel-coated area. The transducer creates images on the ultrasound screen. The transducer is held in place until the blood flow information has been recorded.
- You may hear noises when the technologist listens to the blood flow and records measurements. The test is not painful.
- Your skin may be marked with special ink to show where your veins are. These markings should not be washed off before your surgery. If your surgery date is more than a few days after your ultrasound, you may need to remark them if they fade after showering.
After the test
The gel will be wiped off your skin. There are no special instructions to follow after the test. You may go home or to your other scheduled appointments.
Are there any risks or side effects?
There are no harmful side effects of this test. A vascular ultrasound does not use radiation.
How will I get my test results?
A vascular medicine doctor will review the test results and send a report to your doctor.
Please call the Vascular Laboratory at 216.444.5710 or 800.223.2273 ext. 45710.