Courtney Stephenson, DO
Additional Locations
Treatment & Services
- Chorionic Villus Sampling
- Fetal Care
- Fetal Surgery
- Fetoscopic Cord Occlusion
- Fetoscopic Intervention
- Fetoscopic Laser Ablation for the Treatment of Twin Twin Transfusion Syndrome
- Fetoscopic Surgery
- Maternal and Fetal Medicine
- Microwave Ablation
- Prenatal Genetics
- Prenatal Ultrasound
- Radiofrequency Ablation
- Section of Maternal-Fetal Medicine
- Thoracoamniotic Shunt
- Vesicoamniotic Shunt
Specialty in Diseases & Conditions
- Alloimmunization
- Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation of the Lung (CCAM)
- Fetal Bladder Outlet Obstruction
- Fetal Hydrothorax
- Multiple Pregnancy
- Selective Growth Restriction
- Twin Reverse Arterial Perfusion Sequence
- Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
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View All PlansAbout Courtney Stephenson, DO
Dr. Stephenson specializes in unique fetal procedures that only a select group of physicians worldwide can perform. In October 2007, she sought out extensive training in treating Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) through fetoscopic laser ablation at the Cincinnati Fetal Center under Dr. Timothy Crombleholme’s mentorship. In 2010, Dr. Stephenson was the first woman to establish a fetal care center in the U.S. and served for years as the sole operating surgeon in the southeast region. In 2012, she published the first microwave ablation procedure during pregnancy to save fetuses affected by TRAP sequence. Since 2010, she has performed fetoscopic laser ablation procedures for advanced stage TTTS, addressing risks like recipient cardiomyopathy or donor fetal growth restriction (IUGR). With 81.2% of her TTTS patients having cardiomyopathy, 48% having IUGR, there was a 92% survival rate at birth for fetal survivors. Beyond TTTS, her extensive experience includes over 180 fetoscopic surgeries, 1,400 complex ultrasound procedures (including shunts, thoracentesis, vesicocentesis, and microwave ablation), and over 4,000 ultrasound-guided procedures. In addition, Dr. Stephenson has presented her cases internationally, showcasing her expertise and contributions to the field. Dr. Stephenson’s work stands as a testament to her commitment to advancing the field of fetal medicine and improving outcomes for both mothers and babies.
Education & Professional Highlights
Education & Fellowships
Fellowship - NYU School of Medicine
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
New York,
NY United States
Residency - New York- Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Obstetrics and Gynecology
NY United States
Medical Education - New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
Old Westbury,
NY [ None or N/A ] (Archived)
Undergraduate - Fairfield University
CT United States
Additional Training
Advanced Training:
Fetoscopic treatment of Twin-to-Twin Transfusion, Cincinnati Children’s Fetal Care Center,
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, OH
Fellowship − Maternal-Fetal Medicine, New York University
School of Medicine, NYU Langone Tisch Hospital,
New York, NY
Residency − Obstetrics and Gynecology, New York
Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, Affiliate of Weill
Medical College of Cornell University, Brooklyn, NY
- Obstetrics and Gynecology - Maternal-Fetal Medicine
- Obstetrics and Gynecology - Obstetrics & Gynecology
Specialty Interests
Clinical interests are: · Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome · Fetal Anomalies · Fetoscopic Surgery · Selective Fetoscopic Laser Surgery · Thoraroamniotic shunts · Vesicoamniotic shunt · Bladder outlet syndrome · High order multiples · Twin Reverse Arterial Perfusion (TRAP) · Microwave ablation procedure · Fetal transfusion · Umbilical cord blood sampling · Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) · Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis · Amniocentesis · High Risk Pregnancy · Amnioreduction · Amnioinfusion · Microseptostomy · Heterotopic pregnancy · Cornual pregnancy · Pregnant with Multiples
Awards & Honors
- Top 100 Registry Q4 Doctor of the Year, 2021
- America's Most Honored Doctors - Top 1%. Castel & Connoly, The American Registry, 2021
- Exceptional Women in Medicine. Castle and Connolly, Medical LTD, 2018-2021
- Leading Physicians of the World. The Waiting Room, Find a Top Doctor Magazine, 2020
- America's Most Honored Professionals, Top 5%. Castle and Connolly, The American Registry, 2019, 2018
- Winner Dancing with the Stars 2019, Raised over $117,000. Charlotte Ballet Gala, 2019
- Top Doctor of North Carolina
- Best Doctors, Inc, 2016-2019
- Top Doctor in America. Castle and Connolly, 2013-2019
- Top Doctor of Charlotte. Charlotte Magazine, 2011-2019 America's Most Honored Professionals
- Corporate Champion for Women and Children, Recognizing and Improving Lives. General Federation of Women's Clubs of NC, 2017
- Vitals Patients' Choice Award North Carolina Physician Favorite. Castle and Connolly, 2015
- 50 Most Influential Women in Charlotte. The Mecklenburg Times, 2015
- Pinnacle Award, Finalist. Carolinas Healthcare System, 2015
- Innovation and Advancements in Healthcare, Winner 2015 Finalist 2013, 2011. The Charlotte Business Journal, 2011, 2013, 2015
- Outstanding Teaching Attending. Association Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO), 2011
- Exemplary Report: NC Department of Health and Human Services: Women's and Children's Services. NC State Department of Health, 2006
Research & Publications
See publications for Courtney Stephenson, DO.
(Disclaimer: This search is powered by PubMed, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. PubMed is a third-party website with no affiliation with Cleveland Clinic.)
Industry Relationships
Cleveland Clinic physicians and scientists may collaborate with the pharmaceutical or medical device industries to help develop medical breakthroughs or provide medical expertise or education. Cleveland Clinic strives to make scientific advances that will benefit patient care and support outside relationships that promise public benefit. In order for the discoveries of Cleveland Clinic physicians' and scientists' laboratories and investigations to benefit the public, these discoveries must be commercialized in partnership with industry. As experts in their fields, Cleveland Clinic physicians and scientists are often sought after by industry to consult, provide expertise and education.
To assure professional and commercial integrity in such matters, Cleveland Clinic maintains a program that reviews these collaborations and, when appropriate, puts measures in place to minimize bias that may result from ties to industry. Cleveland Clinic publicly discloses the names of companies when (i) its physicians/scientists receive $5,000 or more per year (or, in rare cases, equity or stock options) for speaking and consulting, (ii) its physicians/scientists serve as a fiduciary, (iii) its physicians/scientists receive or have the right to receive royalties or (iv) its physicians/ scientists hold any equity interest for the physician's/scientist's role as inventor, discoverer, developer, founder or consultant.* In publicly disclosing this information, Cleveland Clinic tries to provide information as accurately as possible about its physicians' and scientists' connections with industry.
As of 8/7/2024, Dr. Stephenson has reported no financial relationship with industry that is applicable to this listing. In general, patients should feel free to contact their doctor about any of the relationships and how the relationships are overseen by Cleveland Clinic. To learn more about Cleveland Clinic's policies on collaborations with industry and innovation management, go to our Integrity in Innovation page.
Public Health Service-Reportable Financial Conflicts of Interest. Cleveland Clinic scientists and physicians engage in basic, translational and clinical research activities, working to solve health problems, enhance patient care and improve quality of life for patients. Interactions with industry are essential to bringing the researchers' discoveries to the public, but can present the potential for conflicts of interest related to their research activities. Click here to view a listing of instances where Cleveland Clinic has identified a Public Health Service (PHS)-Reportable Financial Conflict of Interest and has put measures in place to ensure that, to the extent possible, the design, conduct and reporting of the research is free from bias.
* Cleveland Clinic physicians and scientists subscribe to the guidance presented in the PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals and the AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals. As such, gifts of substantial value are generally prohibited.