Sharon Mace, MD
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Sharon E. Mace, MD, FACEP, FAAP, has over 28 years of full-time clinical, administrative and academic emergency medicine practice and is board-certified in emergency medicine and pediatrics.
She is the author/editor of a textbook on Emergency Department Procedural Sedation and Pain Management. In addition, she has authored over 100 articles in medical journals and over 30 textbook chapters in emergency medicine textbooks.
Dr. Mace lectures nationally and internationally on emergency medicine. She serves as reviewer for several medical journals and emergency medicine publications, including Academic Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine News and Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine. She is the recipient of several local and national research grants.
Dr. Mace has held administrative positions as Director of an emergency department at a community hospital and Emergency Medical Services Medical Director, Director of 911 for the City of Rochester and Monroe County and Medical Consultant for New York State Department of Health.
Leader in Pediatric Emergency MedicineBoard-certified in emergency medicine and pediatrics
Chaired multiple positions and held multiple appointments at a national level with respect to pediatric emergency medicine including:
- Chair, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Committee, American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP -- National)
- Chair, Section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, National ACEP
- National Representative to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section of Emergency Medicine, ACEP
- National Representative to AAP Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine, ACEP
- Pediatric Subcommittee, Emergency Care Committee, American Heart Association
Lectured nationally and internationally on pediatric emergency medicine, including:
- Ohio ACEP Emergency Medicine Review Course, "Pediatric Medical Illnesses - Respiratory Illnesses," Columbus, Ohio, September 25, 2007
- Ohio ACEP Emergency Medicine Review Course, "Pediatric Medical Illnesses - Neurologic and Infectious Illnesses," Columbus, Ohio, September 25, 2007
- ACEP Scientific Assembly, “Pediatric Procedures Lab,” New Orleans, La., October 16, 2006
- Third National Congress on Childhood Emergencies, "Pediatric Asthma," Dallas
Leader in Observation Medicine
Elected and appointed to several positions of leadership with respect to observation medicine, peer-reviewed articles written, lectured internationally as well as nationally, and had research funding in the area of observation medicine including but not limited to:
- Chair, Section of Observation Medicine, National ACEP Observation Medicine Committee, Society of Hospital Medicine, July 2007-Present
- Director, Observation Unit, Cleveland Clinic
- Research grant: "A Survey of Observation Medicine," Principle Investigator
Peer-reviewed articles:
- Mace SE, Shah J. Observation Medicine in Emergency Medicine Residency Programs. Academic Emergency Medicine, 9(2): 169-171, 2002.
- Mace SE, Graff L, Mikhail M, Ross M. A National Survey of Observation Units in the United States. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 21(7): 529-533, 2003.
- Society of Hospital Medicine, "The Operation of an Observation Unit," Chicago, Ill., July 19, 2007
- Re-Engineering the Patient Experience: "Tackling Observation to Create the Best Possible Experience," Washington, D.C., August 8, 2007
- Observation Status Symposium, "Setting Up an Observation Unit at the Cleveland Clinic," Chicago, Ill., September 6, 2007
- Observation Status Symposium, "Managing Observation Status with Third-Party Payors," Chicago
Leader in Pain Management and Procedural Sedation
- Chaired international symposium on pain management
- Lectured nationally and internationally on the topic
- Awarded several research grants on sedation and analgesia in the emergency department
- Edited medical book, Mace SE, Ducharme J, Murphy MF (eds). Pain Management and Sedation Emergency Department Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006
- Written many textbook chapters on pain management and sedation
Leader in Emergency Airway/Respiratory Diseases
- Chaired conferences on airway procedures
- Participated in procedure labs at a national level on pediatric airway procedures
- Lectured nationally and internationally on airway/respiratory topics
- Written textbook chapters on airway/respiratory diseases
- Editor of upcoming "Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America," "Challenges and Advances in Airway Management" to be published in 2008 by Elsevier
- Author of numerous textbook chapters on airway/respiratory topics
Education & Professional Highlights
Education & Fellowships
Fellowship - University Hospitals of Cleveland
Pediatric Cardiology
Residency - University Hospitals of Cleveland
Medical Education - State University New York Health Science Center at Syracuse
Undergraduate - Syracuse University
Professional Highlights
- Professor, Department of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University
- Leader in Pediatric Emergency Medicine -- See Biographical Sketch
- Leader in Observation Medicine -- See Biographical Sketch
- Leader in Pain Management and Procedural Sedation --See Biographical Sketch
- Leader in Emergency Airway/Respiratory Diseases -- See Biographical Sketch
- Emergency Medicine
- Pediatrics
Specialty Interests
pediatric emergency medicine, emergency airways and drugs, resuscitation
Awards & Honors
- Research Grants:
- Principle Investigator, "Pediatric Sedation and Analgesia in the Emergency Department"
- Principle Investigator, "Critical Issues in the Sedation of Pediatric Patients in the Emergency Department"
- Principle Investigator, "Pediatrics Issues in Disaster Medicine"
- Principle Investigator, "A Survey of Observation Medicine"
- Appointments:
- Emergency Care Committee, Pediatric Subcommittee, American Heart Association, 2007-Present
- Observation Medicine Committee, Society of Hospital Medicine, July 2007-Present
- Site Surveyor, Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services, July 2007-Present
- Grant Reviewer, Department of Health and Human Services Administration, 2003-Present
- National Representative to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section of Emergency Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
- National Representative to AAP Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine, ACEP
- Chair, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Committee, National ACEP
- Chair, Section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, National ACEP
- Chair, Section of Observation Medicine, National ACEP
- Professor of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University
- Awards:
- National ACEP Chapter Project Award, "Development of an Emergency Medicine Written Board Review Course"
- New York State Emergency Medicine Services Council Award for Leadership and Excellence in Emergency Medical Services
- American Association of Women Emergency Physicians, Research and Education Award
- National ACEP, Service to Sections Award
- Who's Who in the World
- American College of Emergency Physicians, National and Ohio Chapters
- American Academy of Pediatrics, National and Ohio Chapters
- Society of Academic Emergency Medicine
- National Association of EMS Physicians
Research & Publications
See publications for Sharon Mace, MD.
(Disclaimer: This search is powered by PubMed, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. PubMed is a third-party website with no affiliation with Cleveland Clinic.)
Industry Relationships
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To assure professional and commercial integrity in such matters, Cleveland Clinic maintains a program that reviews these collaborations and, when appropriate, puts measures in place to minimize bias that may result from ties to industry. Cleveland Clinic publicly discloses the names of companies when (i) its physicians/scientists receive $5,000 or more per year (or, in rare cases, equity or stock options) for speaking and consulting, (ii) its physicians/scientists serve as a fiduciary, (iii) its physicians/scientists receive or have the right to receive royalties or (iv) its physicians/ scientists hold any equity interest for the physician's/scientist's role as inventor, discoverer, developer, founder or consultant.* In publicly disclosing this information, Cleveland Clinic tries to provide information as accurately as possible about its physicians' and scientists' connections with industry.
As of 10/26/2024, Dr. Mace has reported no financial relationship with industry that is applicable to this listing. In general, patients should feel free to contact their doctor about any of the relationships and how the relationships are overseen by Cleveland Clinic. To learn more about Cleveland Clinic's policies on collaborations with industry and innovation management, go to our Integrity in Innovation page.
Public Health Service-Reportable Financial Conflicts of Interest. Cleveland Clinic scientists and physicians engage in basic, translational and clinical research activities, working to solve health problems, enhance patient care and improve quality of life for patients. Interactions with industry are essential to bringing the researchers' discoveries to the public, but can present the potential for conflicts of interest related to their research activities. Click here to view a listing of instances where Cleveland Clinic has identified a Public Health Service (PHS)-Reportable Financial Conflict of Interest and has put measures in place to ensure that, to the extent possible, the design, conduct and reporting of the research is free from bias.
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