Referring a Patient
Our specialists consult with pediatricians prior to referral or appointments and provide care for your child and adolescent patients requiring hospitalization.
Consult QD
A site for physicians and healthcare professionals from Cleveland Clinic. Discover the latest pediatric research insights, innovations, treatment trends and more.
Sign up for Cleveland Clinic Children's pediatric publications, as well as other news and research.
Cleveland Clinic Children’s Outcomes
Our digital outcomes books provide a summary of Cleveland Clinic surgical and medical trends and approaches, data on patient volume and outcomes, and a review of new technologies and innovations.
Cleveland Clinic Children's Clinical Trials
Cleveland Clinic Children's participates in a wide variety of clinical trials in order to offer our patients the best possible care.
Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory (PCQLI)
Access information about the disease-specific measure of health-related quality of life for children and adolescents with congenital or acquired heart disease.
Cleveland Clinic Children’s Center for Artificial Intelligence
We use a problem-focused, patient-centered approach to enhance the use of artificial intelligence methods for children.
Education Resources for Medical Professionals
Find information regarding our pediatric residency and fellowship programs, materials on specific areas of Cleveland Clinic Children's, details about upcoming CME events, Grand Rounds and more.