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Cleveland Clinic Masking Policy

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we required patients and visitors to wear a mask so we could help protect one another. Now, thankfully, we’re able to ease these restrictions. But when do you need a mask and when can you leave it at home? Here’s what you need to know.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to wear a mask when I come for an appointment or to visit a loved one?

No, you don’t have to wear a mask when you come to our locations. But from November through April, it’s what’s now called respiratory virus season. During this time of year, there tends to be more cases of flu, RSV and COVID-19. We encourage you to take precautions to help limit the spread of illnesses:

  • Take care when you cough — Practicing good cough etiquette can help protect the people around you. Turn away from people when coughing. And cover your cough with a tissue (or in your elbow, if you don’t have one).
  • Practice good hand hygiene — Wash your hands with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer.
  • Stay home when you’re sick — If you’re not the patient and aren’t feeling well, it’s best not to visit or accompany others to avoid infecting anyone.

Should I consider still wearing a mask?

We realize you might not have a mask hanging from the mirror of your car or in a bin right by your side door, but there’s still a time and a place for them. Here are a few reasons why we still recommend you wear a mask:

  • If you’re immunocompromised — This means your immune system is underactive and doesn’t fight off diseases like everyone else’s. Since you’re at high risk for complications from respiratory viruses, masking is a great added precaution.
  • If you’re sick with a respiratory virus — Coughing or sneezing? If you have any symptoms of any type of respiratory virus, we encourage you to mask to protect others around you.
  • If you want to! You’re always still welcome to wear a mask if it makes you feel more comfortable to have an added layer of protection while visiting with us.

Are there any areas at Cleveland Clinic where masks are mandatory?

Yes, we may also require you to mask in some areas of the hospital where we care for particularly vulnerable patients — like our Intensive Care Unit.

Forgot yours? No worries. We still have them available here for you.

Do these guidelines apply to all Cleveland Clinic locations?

Our masking guidelines are for our Ohio locations, including our Main Campus, community hospitals, family health centers, express cares and urgent cares.

In Florida, we may ask you to wear a mask in certain situations, like:

  • If you have any symptoms of a respiratory virus.
  • If you’re in a sterile environment, like a hospital room or anywhere procedures are performed.
  • If you’re in a room with a patient who has an infectious disease or a compromised immune system.

Masking can help keep both patients and visitors safe. You can choose not to wear a mask if you take other precautions.

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