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If you have breast cancer, your healthcare team will almost always recommend surgery to remove it — either before or after other types of treatment. Breast cancer surgery is the most effective means of breast cancer removal when it’s technically feasible to remove it. (It’s not necessarily an effective treatment for metastatic breast cancer — when the cancer has already spread to other parts of your body.)
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Sometimes, breast cancer surgery removes an individual tumor from your breast. Other times, it might be necessary to remove your entire breast to remove the cancer. Breast surgery for cancer is primarily a treatment, but it can also be diagnostic or even cosmetic. You might have exploratory surgery to look for signs of cancer spreading. You might also have surgery to reconstruct your breast after cancer treatment.
Surgical procedures for breast cancer removal include:
Additional surgeries for breast cancer may include:
The type(s) of surgery that your healthcare team recommends will depend on many individual factors, including the type of breast cancer you have, how advanced it is, your general health and your personal preferences. For some people, surgery may be the only treatment they need. For others, it may be only a part of a larger treatment plan. Most people will have more than one surgical procedure.
Cancer treatment is always urgent. The sooner you begin treatment, the better your chances of stopping the cancer from progressing. Statistically, breast cancer surgery has a better success rate when it occurs within eight weeks of your diagnosis. This is true regardless of the stage of cancer you have. However, there are some cases where you might have another type of treatment before surgery.
Surgery is the primary treatment for breast cancer in all stages except the last (Stage V, also called metastatic breast cancer). When breast cancer has spread beyond the region of your breast to distant regions, like your liver, lungs or brain, you’ll need a more systemic type of treatment. This means treatment that targets cancer throughout your body, like chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Some types are and some aren’t. For example, sentinel node biopsy and lumpectomy are relatively minor procedures by themselves. But if you have them both at the same time, your surgery and recovery will be longer.
Mastectomy and breast reconstruction are both longer procedures by themselves, and they can also happen at the same time. With longer procedures, the risk of complications is also higher.
Once your healthcare provider has diagnosed breast cancer, they’ll schedule a meeting with you to discuss your surgery options. Your health condition and the stage of the cancer will inform your overall treatment plan and where surgery fits in. Usually, in early-stage breast cancer, surgery is the first step in treatment. You’ll also consider whether you want to have breast reconstruction surgery, and when that would take place.
Your breast cancer surgery will be tailored to your individual needs based on your discussions with your healthcare team. Your surgeon will try to remove any tissue that may have cancer cells in it. This may include removing a portion of your breast, all of your breast or both breasts. It may also include removing and dissecting a few or all of the axillary (underarm) lymph nodes next to your affected breast.
If you’ve opted for breast reconstruction, your surgeon may begin or complete your reconstruction during the same surgery. This may involve additional wounds to your body — for example, if your surgeon needs to take tissue from another place on your body to reconstruct your breast. Alternatively, you may choose to delay breast reconstruction until after you’ve completed your cancer treatment.
How long it takes will depend on the type of procedure and how extensive it is. In general, a simple lumpectomy, with or without sentinel node biopsy, can usually be done in one to two hours. On the other hand, a mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection or breast reconstruction at the same time may take up to three to four hours in surgery. You may have to stay in the hospital for one or more nights afterward.
While you’re recovering from surgery, a pathologist may be working on your lymph node biopsy results. They’ll want to make sure they’ve removed all of the cancer cells in your body. When they have their results, they’ll discuss these and next steps with you. If they find cancer in your lymph node(s), you might need additional treatment, like chemotherapy, radiation therapy or additional surgery.
General surgery risks and complications include:
Specific side effects that may occur after breast cancer surgery include:
You may be sore and have limited movement in your chest and arms for a few weeks afterward. Your healthcare provider will send you home with painkillers and arm and shoulder exercises to practice daily. These are important to prevent stiffness. You may feel tired for a while. It can take several weeks to regain your former energy levels. Most people are able to resume normal activities after a month.
According to the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database, the five-year relative survival rate for people who undergo treatment for breast cancer is 91% (all stages combined). Survival rates are 99% when breast cancer is only localized in the breast at the time of surgery. They fall to 86% if it’s spread to lymph nodes, and 30% if it’s spread to other organs.
Any type of surgery will leave a scar. Breast surgery scars differ from person to person, depending on the type of operation you had, the cuts (incisions) your surgeon made and the way they healed. Most scars will gradually reduce over time. They may look red and raised at first, then flatter and paler after a few months. With reconstructive breast surgery, surgeons attempt to hide your scars as much as possible.
Your healthcare team will schedule a follow-up appointment about one to two weeks after your surgery. During your appointment, they’ll assess your condition, fill you in on any test results and plan the next steps in your treatment plan. Be sure to see your healthcare provider sooner if you experience any signs or symptoms of complications following your surgery, like excessive swelling, fever or cording.
For almost all types and stages of breast cancer, surgery will be an essential part of your treatment plan. Whether it’s to remove a tumor, check for remaining cancer cells or reconstruct your breast shape afterward, you and your surgeon will work closely together in the course of your treatment. You’ll discuss your options and preferences at length to accomplish your goals with breast cancer surgery.
A breast cancer diagnosis can turn your world upside down. At Cleveland Clinic, we offer expertise, compassion and personalized treatment plans.
Last reviewed on 10/12/2023.
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