Thank you for your interest in the career opportunities within Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation and Sports Therapy. Within the Rehabilitation and Sports Therapy Department, we have a fully-integrated, disease-based care delivery system. Our therapist and support staff work closely with world-class Cleveland Clinic doctors, surgeons and medical specialists who share their subspecialty interests.

We are committed to:

  • Helping our patients maintain good health and improve function.
  • Creating efficient and effective career paths that will define future delivery of rehabilitation services.
  • Recording and analyzing patient data to gain knowledge from our over 600,000 annual patient encounters.
  • Learning from our colleagues and partnering with them on research efforts.

The Cleveland Clinic Difference

Cleveland is a big-league city with a small-town lifestyle. A welcoming and culturally diverse population takes advantage of superb entertainment, sports, music and outdoor resources in the region. It is a wonderful place to raise a family and build a career.

Cleveland Clinic career opportunities

Careers in rehabilitation and sports therapy

Meet the professionals