Preventive Cardiovascular

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac Rehabilitation, Improvement in Exercise Capacityᵃ

2023, N = 249

The metabolic equivalent of task (MET) is the ratio of the working metabolic rate to the resting metabolic rate. It has been noted in publications that for patients with stable coronary heart disease each 1-MET increase in functional capacity reduces the risk of mortality by 8% to 35%. An exercise stress test was used to measure improvement in METs.

The median improvement in METs in 2023 was 1.4.

MET = metabolic equivalent of task

Source: Internal Cleveland Clinic document

ᵃData represent all cardiac rehab patients with entry visit in 2023.

Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Systolic Blood Pressureᵃ

2023, N = 249

The median systolic blood pressure of all patients entering cardiac rehabilitation was already well controlled. After completing the program, there was no significant change. 81.6% of cardiac rehab graduates achieved a blood pressure of <130/<80 mmHG.

Source: Internal Cleveland Clinic document

ᵃData represent all cardiac rehab patients with entry visit in 2023.

Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Weightᵃ

2023, N = 249

The median change in weight for patients who completed the cardiac rehabilitation program in 2023 was +0.8 pounds from program entry to exit.

Source: Internal Cleveland Clinic document

ᵃData represent all cardiac rehab patients with entry visit in 2023.

Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Symptoms of Depressionᵃ

2023, N = 249

All patients entering cardiac rehabilitation are screened for symptoms of depression. The median Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scores for patients who exhibit minor depression symptoms or greater (PHQ-9 score of 10 or greater; the PHQ-9 is a multipurpose instrument for screening, diagnosing, monitoring, and measuring the severity of depression) at entry to cardiac rehabilitation show a decrease in symptoms by at least 1 category of severity.

PHQ-9 thresholds

  • 5–9 Minimal symptoms
  • 10–14 Minor depression
  • 15–19 Major depression, moderately severe
  • 20 Major depression, severe

Cardiac rehabilitation has been demonstrated to help reduce symptoms of depression. Data demonstrates the median PHQ9 score at entry if the score was >9 versus the median PHQ9 score at discharge if the entry score was >9.

PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire-9

Source: Internal Cleveland Clinic document

ᵃData represent all cardiac rehab patients with entry visit in 2023.