Breast Augmentations

Breast Augmentations

This procedure involves enlargement of the breasts with an implant. Various techniques may be used to perform this procedure, and they are surgeon and patient dependent. Breast augmentation is often performed as an outpatient procedure but some patients may require one night stay in the hospital.

Facial Feminizations

Facial Feminizations

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) involves several surgeries that can be done to feminize the facial features. These procedures include but are not limited to: rhinoplasty, forehead contouring, jaw angle reduction, chin width reduction, lowering the hairline, hair transplantation, cheek augmentation, lip augmentation and upper lip shortening. Some procedures are performed as outpatient procedures while others require an inpatient stay.



This procedure includes removal of breast tissue with masculinizing chest contouring and nipple grafting in some cases. Chest surgery is sometimes performed as an outpatient procedure but some patients may require one night stay in the hospital.



Vaginoplasty surgery involves creation of the vulva (outer female genital structures) with or without a vaginal canal. Patients may opt to have a “zero depth” vaginoplasty procedure which involves creation of the outer genitals (labia, clitoral hood, urethral opening) only without a vagina. The procedure requires an inpatient stay in the hospital and if a full-depth vaginoplasty is performed, there is a required stay at a nearby hotel. For zero-depth procedures patients should expect to be in Cleveland for 3-4 days after the surgery and for a full-depth procedure, 7-10 days after surgery.