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Jerome O'Hara, Jr., MD

Jerome O'Hara, Jr., MD
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Department General Anesthesiology
Primary Location Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
Type of Doctor Adults Only
Languages English
Surgeon No
Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
Primary Location

Cleveland Clinic Main Campus



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About Jerome O'Hara, Jr., MD


One of the reasons I accepted a Staff Anesthesiologist position in 1991 in the Department of General Anesthesiology at Cleveland Clinic was the diversity of the teaching environment. I initially began providing care for patients in the Section of Orthopedics. In 1994, I became Head of the Section of Urological Anesthesia, and in 1999 was given a joint appointment in the Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute. I enjoy being involved in academic and clinical teaching in the specialty of anesthesiology with anesthesiology residents, student nurse anesthetists, emergency room residents and allied health professionals who rotate through the operating room. As Head of the Section of Urological Anesthesia, I have taken part in establishing and updating the anesthesia urological teaching manual. I have established and conducted orthopedic and urological journal clubs since I joined the department. Residents consistently rate the Section of Urological Anesthesia in the top 10% among clinical staff teaching rotations. As Head of the Section of Urological Anesthesia, I have the responsibility of providing the final evaluation for each anesthesiology resident rotating through the urology section.

Teaching done outside of the operating room includes organizing and presenting urologic anesthesiology/surgical morbidity and mortality conferences (3-4/year), yearly lectures for the surgical urologic residents at the Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute (2-3/year) and multiple CME presentations within and outside Cleveland Clinic (3-6/year). I continue to participate in the Anesthesiology Institute Oral Practice Exams Program for our resident trainees and graduate residents who return in preparation for their oral boards. I have participated in this program since passing my Anesthesiology Boards in 1992. I actively participate in the anesthesiology resident lecture series curriculum and average two formal lectures per year. My average rating is 4.66/5.0 for the 18 lectures I gave over nine years. My average annual teaching score over the last 11 years as evaluated by the anesthesiology residents is 4.45/5.0.

I have guest edited Anesthesiology Clinics of North America, titled Anesthesia and Renal Considerations in 2000. I contributed book chapters to that project and have been involved in writing other anesthesiology and renal-related book chapters. I have edited as first author the chapter on “Renal Physiology and Urology” in the 5th edition of Clinical Anesthesia, and an author for the 7th edition of Miller’s Anesthesia. Currently, I review for the Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, Circulation, Journal of Urology, and Pediatric Anesthesia.

As Vice Chair for Professional Affairs in the Department of General Anesthesiology for five years, I oversaw staff mentoring, clinical teaching activities, advanced training/development and recognition of individual staff achievements. I began the grass roots effort in the department to build a mentorship program and in organizing several recognition awards for the Staff in the Department of Anesthesiology. These awards include a yearly peer-review process to identify faculty likely to succeed in professional development (advancement in national and subspecialty professional societies) and research opportunities. 2004 was the inaugural year for the “Colleague of the Year Award” as nominated by the Staff within the Department of General Anesthesiology. The award is intended to recognize outstanding collegiality, professionalism and career commitment.

I have co-directed several Cleveland Clinic CME sponsored courses, functioned as Assistant Program Coordinator for the Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, lectured and served on committees in my specialty both at the state and national levels. At the national level I have been asked to present and moderate scientific panels at the American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting.

Since being on Staff I have been the recipient of the Staff Anesthesiologist of the Year Award as selected by the entire anesthesiology house staff, and I also received the Outstanding Staff Anesthesiologist Award awarded annually by the school of nurse anesthesia. I continue an active involvement with the curriculum for the first-year medical students entering the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. I remain responsible for teaching seminar and PBLD sessions of the respiratory module of the curriculum with emphasis on alveolar ventilation, gas exchange and ventilation perfusion matching. 


Current research interests include anesthesia for urologic surgery, regional anesthesia, acute pain, PONV, IV sedation, blood substitutes, staff development for education and staff development for a working mentorship program. Active research projects include the effect of fenoldopam for renal preservation of patients undergoing partial solitary nephrectomy surgery, the effect of the lateral flex position on EKG and hemodynamics, and the effect of establishing a mentorship program within our department.


At Cleveland Clinic , I have participated in numerous committees. In the Anesthesiology Institute, I have chaired several committees for departmental and Institute retreats; meeting support; revision of vacation, call compliance, non-operating room time, and daily relief policies.

Education & Professional Highlights

Education & Professional Highlights


Education & Fellowships

Residency - Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH

Internship - Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH

Medical Education - Medical College of Ohio at Toledo
Toledo, OH


  • Anesthesiology

Awards & Honors

  • Best Doctors in America, 2007-2008
Research & Publications

Research & Publications

See publications for Jerome O'Hara, Jr., MD.

(Disclaimer: This search is powered by PubMed, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. PubMed is a third-party website with no affiliation with Cleveland Clinic.)

Industry Relationships

Industry Relationships

Cleveland Clinic physicians and scientists may collaborate with the pharmaceutical or medical device industries to help develop medical breakthroughs or provide medical expertise or education. Cleveland Clinic strives to make scientific advances that will benefit patient care and support outside relationships that promise public benefit. In order for the discoveries of Cleveland Clinic physicians' and scientists' laboratories and investigations to benefit the public, these discoveries must be commercialized in partnership with industry. As experts in their fields, Cleveland Clinic physicians and scientists are often sought after by industry to consult, provide expertise and education.

To assure professional and commercial integrity in such matters, Cleveland Clinic maintains a program that reviews these collaborations and, when appropriate, puts measures in place to minimize bias that may result from ties to industry. Cleveland Clinic publicly discloses the names of companies when (i) its physicians/scientists receive $5,000 or more per year (or, in rare cases, equity or stock options) for speaking and consulting, (ii) its physicians/scientists serve as a fiduciary, (iii) its physicians/scientists receive or have the right to receive royalties or (iv) its physicians/ scientists hold any equity interest for the physician's/scientist's role as inventor, discoverer, developer, founder or consultant.* In publicly disclosing this information, Cleveland Clinic tries to provide information as accurately as possible about its physicians' and scientists' connections with industry.

As of 1/19/2024, Dr. O'Hara, Jr. has reported no financial relationship with industry that is applicable to this listing. In general, patients should feel free to contact their doctor about any of the relationships and how the relationships are overseen by Cleveland Clinic. To learn more about Cleveland Clinic's policies on collaborations with industry and innovation management, go to our Integrity in Innovation page.

Public Health Service-Reportable Financial Conflicts of Interest. Cleveland Clinic scientists and physicians engage in basic, translational and clinical research activities, working to solve health problems, enhance patient care and improve quality of life for patients. Interactions with industry are essential to bringing the researchers' discoveries to the public, but can present the potential for conflicts of interest related to their research activities. Click here to view a listing of instances where Cleveland Clinic has identified a Public Health Service (PHS)-Reportable Financial Conflict of Interest and has put measures in place to ensure that, to the extent possible, the design, conduct and reporting of the research is free from bias.

* Cleveland Clinic physicians and scientists subscribe to the guidance presented in the PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals and the AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals. As such, gifts of substantial value are generally prohibited.

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