
Webbed Penis (Penoscrotal Webbing)

Your penis and scrotum are connected by skin. Sometimes, that skin is connected too high on your penis, creating a web-like appearance. Webbed penis is rare, but it’s usually present at birth (congenital). Sometimes it happens when too much skin is removed during circumcision. Surgery called scrotoplasty can treat it.


What is webbed penis?

Webbed penis is when skin from your scrotum is attached too high on your penis. This creates a web-like appearance when you pull your penis away from your scrotum. Webbed penis is also called penoscrotal webbing (PSW) and congenital penile scrotal fusion.


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Is webbed penis a problem?

During childhood, webbed penis (penoscrotal webbing) doesn’t typically cause problems. But it can cause painful erections and make sexual intercourse challenging. Many people pursue treatment to relieve erection pain and for cosmetic reasons.

Is webbed penis rare?

Yes, penoscrotal webbing is rare. There is little research about the prevalence of webbed penis, but one study of 5,881 newborns found that about 4% had the condition.

What’s the difference between buried penis and webbed penis?

Both are penis health problems. Buried penis is when excess skin and fat hide the penis. Sometimes, webbing can cause a buried penis. However, not all buried penises are webbed penises.

Symptoms and Causes

How do I know if I have webbed penis?

If you’re concerned you might have a webbed penis, you can:

  1. Gently pull your penis toward the ceiling.
  2. At the same time, gently pull the skin of the scrotum toward the floor.
  3. If you see skin with a webbed appearance between the scrotum and penis, you likely have webbed penis.
  4. Follow up with your primary care physician or your urologist.

To know for sure if you have webbed penis, consult your healthcare provider who can confirm the diagnosis and recommend treatment.

What causes webbed penis?

There are two types of webbed penis:

  • Congenital webbed penis: Most of the time, webbed penis is present at birth. Researchers don’t know what causes congenital penile scrotal fusion.
  • Acquired webbed penis: This type of webbed penis develops after birth, usually due to circumcision that removes too much skin.


Diagnosis and Tests

How do healthcare providers confirm a webbed penis diagnosis?

Your healthcare provider can diagnose webbed penis through a physical examination.

Management and Treatment

How do you get rid of webbed penis?

Surgery on your scrotum (scrotoplasty) is the most common treatment for webbed penis. During the surgery, your healthcare provider cuts the skin connecting your scrotum to your penis, then reconnects it in the proper location using stitches (sutures).

This procedure creates a typical penis/scrotum angle. It also eliminates uncomfortable or painful erections and any cosmetic concerns. If you have penoscrotal webbing but you’re not bothered by it, there’s no need to pursue surgery.

Is treatment for acquired webbed penis the same as for congenital webbed penis?

Yes, scrotoplasty is the standard treatment for both congenital and acquired cases of webbed penis.

How long will it take to feel better after scrotoplasty?

You will feel discomfort or mild pain for at least three to five days after scrotoplasty. It takes several weeks to recover. During that time, you can expect mild scrotal swelling and discomfort. Follow steps for incision care. Use a support garment like a jockstrap to reduce movement.

When can I resume sexual activities after surgery for webbed penis?

Complete recovery and healing take about six weeks. During that time, avoid sexual intercourse so the wound can fully heal.


How can I prevent webbed penis?

You can’t prevent webbed penis since it occurs at birth or from circumcision.

Outlook / Prognosis

What can I expect if I have webbed penis?

Webbed penis, or penoscrotal webbing, may not cause any health problems, but it can cause discomfort and pain during erections and sex. You may also be unhappy with the way it looks. But there are treatments available. Talk to your healthcare provider if webbed penis is bothering you.

What is the outlook for webbed penis?

For those who seek treatment for webbed penis, the outlook is good. Scrotoplasty is a routine procedure for many providers who specialize in penile conditions. Many people experience successful outcomes.

Living With

Does webbed penis affect penis size?

The webbing itself doesn’t affect penis size or penis growth. But webbing can reduce the penis angle, especially during erections. This can affect your perception of your penis size.

What questions should I ask my provider about webbed penis?

Ask your healthcare provider any questions or concerns regarding webbed penis, including:

  • What can I do at home to reduce erection pain or discomfort?
  • What can I expect from scrotoplasty?
  • What are the side effects of treatment?
  • What should I expect for the day of the procedure?
  • How often should I have follow-up checkups?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

A webbed penis is when skin from your scrotum connects to your penis at a higher location than it should. An erect penis pulls on that skin, creating an uncomfortable tightness or even pain. That can make sexual intercourse challenging or unpleasant. Scrotoplasty is a common surgery for treating webbed penis. Talk to your healthcare provider to see if scrotoplasty is right for you.


Care at Cleveland Clinic

When something’s wrong with your penis, you’ll want to get care right away. Cleveland Clinic’s experienced urology providers are here for you.

Medically Reviewed

Last reviewed on 09/05/2022.

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