Clinical Chemistry

Clinical Chemistry

Chemistry I

Lectures, reading assignments, and hands-on practice are used to present basic laboratory principles of medical laboratory science techniques including quality control, laboratory statistics, pipetting, glassware, and function verification/preventative maintenance (FVPM). Safety including basic knowledge of various chemical and biological hazards, proper methods of handling and disposing of them, body fluid precautions, and laboratory safety is also covered. The correct use of appropriate safety equipment and techniques is stressed during daily laboratory assignments.

The homeostasis of the human body with respect to acid-base balance, blood gases, water balance, and electrolytes is examined as are the testing methodologies and requirements for specimen handling. The enzymatic processes of the patient and their pathological malfunctions are discussed and the testing explained. The substrates on which the enzymes act and the use of enzymes as reagents are additionally explained.

A survey of laboratory methods used to measure various classes of chemicals, their interpretation, and clinical application is also covered. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation and manual methods to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control, and result interpretation.

Chemistry II

Lectures, reading assignments, and hands-on practice are used to guide the student through a survey of the proteins of the human body. The non-protein nitrogens, lipids, and vitamins are explained and the historical and more recent testing are described and practiced in the student lab with an aim to diagnose both chronic and acute conditions. Exogenous substances both prescribed and illicit will affect the body in numerous ways and how the body acts on the substances is defined. The specifics of the processes are examined and the testing discussed with an emphasis placed especially on the purposes both for taking therapeutic drugs and testing for various analytes. The regulation of complex systems of the body is carried out by the endocrine system. Several of the most important endocrine axes are diagrammed and pathological increases and decreases in hormones or their precursors are explained and diagnosed both in case studies and in the student lab.

A survey of laboratory methods used to measure various classes of chemicals, their interpretation, and clinical application is also covered. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control, and result interpretation.  

Clinical Hematology

Clinical Hematology

Hematology I

Lectures and reading assignments cover the basic methods of manual and automated hematology testing as well as the production, function, and morphology of hematopoietic cells. The various causes and presentations of anemias are also covered. The course also covers manual and automated enumeration and identification of the cellular components of blood and performance of diagnostic test procedures. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation and manual methods to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control, and result interpretation.

Hematology II

Lectures cover the production and function of hemoglobins, the identification of diseases associated with abnormal hemoglobins, and the principles of laboratory tests employed in their diagnosis. The course also covers morphology of white blood cells, discussion of the diagnostic features of hematologic disorders and principles of laboratory tests employed in their diagnosis. Additionally, specimen collection, manual and automated enumeration and identification of white blood cells, and performance of diagnostic test procedures are also discussed and/or practiced. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation and manual methods to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control and result interpretation.

Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Lectures cover the process of hemostasis, hemorrhagic and thrombotic disorders, and the principles and performance of laboratory procedures used in the diagnosing and monitoring of disorders. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation and manual methods to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control, and result interpretation.

Urinalysis and Body Fluid Analysis

Lectures cover the physiology and clinical importance of examining urine and body fluids. The course also covers the anatomy and physiology of the kidney in health and disease and the chemical and microscopic examination of urine and body fluids. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation and manual methods to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control, and result interpretation.

Clinical Immunohematology

Clinical Immunohematology

Immunohematology I

Lectures cover the ABO and Rh blood group systems as well as other common blood group systems including their inheritance, antigen and antibody characteristics, and clinical significance, the identification, resolution, and cause of ABO type discrepancies, and serologic procedures performed prior to blood transfusion. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation and manual methods to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control, and result interpretation. 

Immunohematology II

Lectures cover the collection and processing of donor units, donor screening, component preparation, transfusion therapy, and adverse effects of blood transfusion. Additionally, Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn, various types of autoimmune hemolytic anemia, the HLA blood group system, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and some molecular testing methods are investigated. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation and manual methods to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control, and result interpretation.

Clinical Immunology

Clinical Immunology

Immunopathology I

Lectures cover the characteristics of antigens, antibodies, their reactions and the principles of laboratory tests involving antigen-antibody reactions. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation and manual methods to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control, and result interpretation.

Immunopathology II

Lectures cover the function and dysfunction of the immune mechanism and the laboratory tests used to measure its integrity. A survey of infectious diseases for which serologic testing is of diagnostic importance is also covered. Laboratory work will give the student hands-on experience with instrumentation and manual methods to assist with the understanding of troubleshooting, quality control, and result interpretation.

Clinical Microbiology

Clinical Microbiology

Bacteriology I

Lectures introduce specimen collection, transport, processing, and storage as well as quality assurance and quality control. Additional lectures will cover medically relevant aerobic gram-positive bacteria. Laboratory work emphasizes isolation, identification, and antibiotic susceptibility testing of aerobic gram-positive bacteria.

Bacteriology II

Lectures introduce medically relevant aerobic gram-negative bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, and viruses. Laboratory work emphasizes the isolation, identification, and susceptibility testing of clinically significant aerobic gram-negative bacteria and anaerobes.

Mycology and Mycobacteriology

Lectures introduce clinically significant yeasts, molds, and other fungi. Additional lectures will cover the medically important mycobacteria. Special topics will focus on infection prevention. Laboratory work will emphasize the isolation and identification of fungi and mycobacteria as well as susceptibility testing of mycobacteria.


Lectures cover life cycles, diagnostic morphology, and pathology of human parasites. The course also emphasizes the detection and microscopic identification of diagnostic forms of parasites and detection of blood in fecal specimens.

Laboratory Operations

Laboratory Operations

Laboratory Operations I

Lectures and demonstration are used to present basic laboratory principles of venipuncture. The student will learn to effectively obtain blood specimens using the multi-sample evacuated tube system. Knowledge and understanding of medical terminology and jargon is a necessary part of effective communication skills. Self-instructional textbook assignments, a written exam, and day-to-day exposure during lab activities enable the student to develop these skills.

Lectures and reading assignments cover the ethics and principles of clinical research, governmental regulations, and their associated organizations, and basics of data analysis. Students will complete a written research project, using testing data to illustrate the methods used when validating a test in the clinical laboratory.

Laboratory Operations II

Lectures and reading assignments throughout the year cover the basics of management, leadership and educational principles. In order to demonstrate the practical application of these principles as they apply to laboratory management and education, the student is required to complete a capstone project.

Laboratory Operations III

The last weeks of the program are devoted to a review of the year’s work, integrating the knowledge from all coursework through case studies and successful completion of the program’s comprehensive examinations.

Molecular Diagnostics

Molecular Diagnostics

Lectures and reading assignments cover principles of molecular biology and genetics, nucleic acid isolation and quality assessment, a broad range of molecular techniques common to molecular diagnostics services, cytogenetic studies and fluorescent in-situ hybridization. Laboratory exercises cover micro-pipetting, DNA extraction and quantification, PCR master mix preparation, and high resolution melt curve genotyping analysis.