IRB Study Number 18-379
Status Recruiting
Location Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
Institute Taussig Cancer Institute
HLA-Matched Donor HCT Study
Primary objectives
Compare the five-year survival probabilities from DIPSS assessment between the two study arms. Two co-primary analyses will be conducted, one for all alloHCT patients versus Arm 2 and one for the subset of patients receiving MAC prior to alloHCT patients versus Arm 2.
Arm 1: AlloHCT recipients
- Arm 2: Non-HCT therapies (ruxolitinib / best supportive care recipients)
Secondary objectives
- Compare LFS at five years from DIPSS assessment. Two co-secondary analyses will be conducted, one for all alloHCT patients versus Arm 2 and one for the subset of patients receiving MAC prior to alloHCT versus Arm 2.
- Identify patient-, disease-, and HCT-related factors associated with poor HCT outcomes in the alloHCT arm.
- Estimate the cumulative incidences of acute (II-IV and III-IV) and (limited and extensive) chronic GVHD, starting at HCT in the alloHCT arm.
- Estimate the cumulative incidence of TRM and relapse starting at HCT in the alloHCT arm.
Haploidentical Donor Study
Primary objectives
- Estimate the five-year survival probabilities with haploidentical HCT from DIPSS assessment (collected prior to JAK2 inhibitor therapy initiation).
Secondary objectives
- Estimate five-year LFS with haploidentical HCT from DIPSS assessment (collected prior to JAK2 inhibitor therapy initiation).
- Identify patient-, disease-, and HCT-related factors associated with poor outcomes post haploidentical HCT, starting at HCT.
- Estimate the cumulative incidences of acute (II-IV and III-IV) and (limited and extensive) chronic GVHD, starting at HCT.
- Estimate the five-year cumulative incidences of relapse and TRM, starting at HCT.
Inclusion Criteria
- PMF, post-ET MF, or post-PV MF.
- Int-2 or high-risk disease as determined by the DIPSS.
- Age ≥55 at the time of DIPSS assessment.
For the alloHCT arm:
- Donors must be a 6/6 HLA-matched related donors, defined by Class I (HLA-A and -B) intermediate resolution or high resolution DNA-based typing and Class II (HLA-DRBI) at high resolution DNA-based typing (but not monozygotic twins) OR an 8/8 HLA-A, -B, -C, and -DRB1 at high resolution DNA-based typing matched unrelated donor identified through the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP)/Be The Match. Donors must meet institutional or NMDP/Be The Match selection criteria; there is no age restriction for sibling donors.
- Both peripheral blood stem cells and bone marrow grafts are allowed.
- All conditioning regimen intensities are allowed.
- All GVHD prophylaxis regimens are allowed.
- Haploidentical donors are allowed in the Haploidentical Donor Study (Section 3.0).
Exclusion Criteria
- AlloHCT using umbilical cord blood unit(s) or HLA-mismatched adult donors (< 6/6 HLA alleles for related and < 8/8 HLA alleles for unrelated).
- Overlap syndromes.