
IRB Study Number 18-379

Status Recruiting

Location Cleveland Clinic Main Campus

Institute Taussig Cancer Institute



HLA-Matched Donor HCT Study

  • Primary objectives

    • Compare the five-year survival probabilities from DIPSS assessment between the two study arms. Two co-primary analyses will be conducted, one for all alloHCT patients versus Arm 2 and one for the subset of patients receiving MAC prior to alloHCT patients versus Arm 2.

    • Arm 1: AlloHCT recipients

    • Arm 2: Non-HCT therapies (ruxolitinib / best supportive care recipients)
  • Secondary objectives

    • Compare LFS at five years from DIPSS assessment. Two co-secondary analyses will be conducted, one for all alloHCT patients versus Arm 2 and one for the subset of patients receiving MAC prior to alloHCT versus Arm 2.
    • Identify patient-, disease-, and HCT-related factors associated with poor HCT outcomes in the alloHCT arm.
    • Estimate the cumulative incidences of acute (II-IV and III-IV) and (limited and extensive) chronic GVHD, starting at HCT in the alloHCT arm.
    • Estimate the cumulative incidence of TRM and relapse starting at HCT in the alloHCT arm.
      Haploidentical Donor Study
  • Primary objectives

    • Estimate the five-year survival probabilities with haploidentical HCT from DIPSS assessment (collected prior to JAK2 inhibitor therapy initiation).
  • Secondary objectives

    • Estimate five-year LFS with haploidentical HCT from DIPSS assessment (collected prior to JAK2 inhibitor therapy initiation).
    • Identify patient-, disease-, and HCT-related factors associated with poor outcomes post haploidentical HCT, starting at HCT.
    • Estimate the cumulative incidences of acute (II-IV and III-IV) and (limited and extensive) chronic GVHD, starting at HCT.
    • Estimate the five-year cumulative incidences of relapse and TRM, starting at HCT.

Inclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

  1. PMF, post-ET MF, or post-PV MF.
  2. Int-2 or high-risk disease as determined by the DIPSS.
  3. Age ≥55 at the time of DIPSS assessment.
  4. For the alloHCT arm:

    • Donors must be a 6/6 HLA-matched related donors, defined by Class I (HLA-A and -B) intermediate resolution or high resolution DNA-based typing and Class II (HLA-DRBI) at high resolution DNA-based typing (but not monozygotic twins) OR an 8/8 HLA-A, -B, -C, and -DRB1 at high resolution DNA-based typing matched unrelated donor identified through the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP)/Be The Match. Donors must meet institutional or NMDP/Be The Match selection criteria; there is no age restriction for sibling donors.
    • Both peripheral blood stem cells and bone marrow grafts are allowed.
    • All conditioning regimen intensities are allowed.
    • All GVHD prophylaxis regimens are allowed.
  5. Haploidentical donors are allowed in the Haploidentical Donor Study (Section 3.0).

Exclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

  1. AlloHCT using umbilical cord blood unit(s) or HLA-mismatched adult donors (< 6/6 HLA alleles for related and < 8/8 HLA alleles for unrelated).
  2. Overlap syndromes.