
IRB Study Number 23-1286

Status Recruiting

Institute Taussig Cancer Institute



2.1 Primary Objectives

  1. To determine the feasibility of wearing the Apple watch for at least 16 hours per day in patients with


  1. To determine the feasibility of consistently documenting notable symptoms in the associated iPhone application

(GBMStudy), in patients with glioblastoma and/or their caretakers.

2.2 Exploratory Objectives

  1. To identify actigraphy variables that are predictive of clinical symptoms, major health outcomes (e.g. tumor

progression, VTE, major cardiac events), and clinical covariates (e.g. tumor location, volume, and KPS).

  1. To identify optimal compression and resampling times for actigraphy data in predicting clinical symptoms,

clinical covariates, and major health outcomes.

Inclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

• newly-diagnosed or recurrent glioblastoma undergoing treatment or active surveillance

• at least 18 years of age at the time of study enrolment

• Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) ≥ 70% at time of study enrolment

• able to comprehend informed consent form and provide informed consent

• access to patient or caregiver’s own Apple iPhone to interface with watch application for documentation of symptoms

Exclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

• under 18 years of age at the time of study enrolment

• inability to give informed consent due to aphasia or other language barrier

• tattoos located on the skin of the wrist or forearm where the Apple Watch will be placed or other skin conditions preventing adequate sensor function

• inability to tolerate Apple Watch for at least 12 hours per day on at least 50% of days in a four-week period

• no access to patient or caregiver Apple iPhone to document symptoms