
IRB Study Number 24-028

Status Recruiting

Location Cleveland Clinic Main Campus

Institute Heart and Vascular Institute



The study seeks to evaluate the use of magnetocardiography (MCG) to identify coronary ischemia, a condition where blood flow is reduced in the heart muscle and compare results to a cardiac PET scan. The diagnostic capabilities of the magnetocardiography scanner being evaluated is called CardioFlux. CardioFlux has been cleared by the FDA for use as a general tool which non-invasively measures and displays the magnetic signals produced by the electric currents of the heart. Study participation involves a 15 minute scan and a short survey.

Inclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

  1. Willing to provide written informed consent.

  2. Male or female, aged 40 and up (inclusive) at the time of enrollment

  3. Clinical suspicion of myocardial ischemia that clinician desired cardiac PET

Exclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

  1. Participants unable to fit into device

  2. Patients unable to lie supine for 5 minutes

  3. Ongoing/currently in atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter at the time of enrollment