IRB Study Number 21-494
Status Recruiting
Location Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
Institute Respiratory Institute
The primary objective of this study, DELFI-L101, is to train and test classifiers for lung cancer detection using the DELFI assay and other biomarker and clinical features.
Inclusion Criteria
All Subjects:
- Ability to understand and provide written informed consent
- Age ≥ 50 years
- Current or Former Smoker
- ≥ 20 pack-years (pack years = number of packs per day X number of years smoked)
Inclusion Group 1: High Risk Patients that meet criteria 5 and 6 below:
- Prior thoracic imaging (computed tomography (CT)) within 12 months of enrollment OR Planned thoracic imaging (CT) as part of standard of care within 6 weeks of enrollment
- Meet one of the criteria below:
- No suspected or confirmed lung cancer diagnosis OR
- Suspected of lung cancer OR
- Confirmed, untreated lung cancer
Inclusion Group 2: High Risk Patients with cancer other than lung cancer that meet the following criteria:
- Pathologic confirmed, solid-tumor cancer diagnosis, that is not lung cancer or non-melanoma skin cancer, with no prior systemic therapy, definitive therapy, radiation, or surgical resection.
Exclusion Criteria
All Subjects:
- History of previous cancer or therapy for cancer within the year prior to enrollment
- Any history of hematologic malignancies or myelodysplasia
- Any history of organ tissue transplantation
- Any history of blood product transfusion
- Current pregnancy
- Any condition that in the opinion of the Investigator should preclude the subject's participation in the study