IRB Study Number 20-035
Status Recruiting
Location Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
Institute Digestive Disease & Surgery Institute
The objective of this study is to collect specimens and information from subjects or participants diagnosed with colorectal cancer (CRC) and advanced adenoma (AA) and subjects negative for CRC, AA and Non-Advanced Adenoma (NAA). Analysis of these specimens will support the development and clinical validation of an assay, which someday could result in significant improvements to the early detection and/or treatment of CRC and AA.
Inclusion Criteria
Eligible patients will need to have had a colonoscopy within 12 months before enrollment into the study, and be willing to provide a blood specimen at least 7 days after colonoscopy and before any bowel preparation for surgery or any treatment. Being pregnant disqualifies you from participation. Patient participation will last about 1 month.
Exclusion Criteria
Exclusions include pregnancy and being enrolled in another study.