Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital for Rehabilitation

ADHD Center for Evaluation and Treatment


Social Skills Training for Children with ADHD

2022 (N = 35)

Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital for Rehabilitation offers age-appropriate social skills training for children and adolescents ages 6–14 years with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Groups meet for 90 minutes per week for 6 weeks, and sessions are facilitated by the ADHD Center for Evaluation and Treatment staff. Behavioral techniques and interventions are simultaneously taught to caregivers and parents. The most frequently targeted skills are following instructions, accepting limits, interrupting appropriately, listening during conversation, and making and keeping friends.

During 2022, 39 children and their families participated in a group session. Upon program completion, parents are surveyed and they continue to respond favorably to questions rating overall satisfaction and behavioral and skill improvements. In total, 35 parents submitted a survey at program completion in 2022. Of parents surveyes, 97% reported above average satisfaction, and 100% stated that they would recommend the program to others.

Parents' Response to: Would you Recommend the Summer Treatment Program to other parents? (N = 218)

2017-2019; 2022

Cleveland Clinic Children’s ADHD Center for Evaluation and Treatment offers Summer Treatment Programs for children ages 6–12 years, adolescents ages 13-14 years. The 7-week program is an intensive behavioral intervention that improves specific target behaviors associated with ADHD. In 2022, 44 children and 12 adolescents participated in the summer program. Upon program completion, parents are surveyed and they continue to respond favorably to questions rating overall satisfaction and behavioral and skill improvements. In total, 18 parents submitted a completed survey at program completion in 2022 and reported an 89% satisfaction rate with the services received.

Parents’ Responses to: Would You Recommend the Summer Treatment Program to other parents?

Extent to Which Child and Parent Benefited From Summer Treatment Program (N = 218)

2017-2019; 2022

Overall Behavioral Improvement of Children After Completion of the Summer Treatment Program (N = 218)

2017-2019; 2022