Healthcare providers performing an echocardiogram on a newborn.

Tricuspid Atresia

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Chances are, you’ll never forget the moment you learned your new baby has heart problems.

You likely felt overwhelmed or even scared when your newborn was diagnosed with the congenital (born with it) heart condition tricuspid atresia. Now you’re probably wondering how to handle this life-changing news and worrying about your baby’s future.

Cleveland Clinic Children’s experienced, compassionate pediatric healthcare providers are here to help. We care for children with all types of heart conditions, including tricuspid atresia, using the latest treatments and equipment. We’ll give your baby the highest level of care — and support your family throughout this journey.

Why Choose Us for Tricuspid Atresia Care?

skilled and collaborative providers icon

Collaborative care:

At Cleveland Clinic Children’s, specialists from congenital heart surgery, pulmonology (lung care), interventional cardiology (heart care) and other providers work together to design your child’s unique treatment plan. We’ll talk with you and keep your child’s needs in mind at all times. Meet our team.

caring approach icon

Caring approach:

Treatment for congenital heart conditions should focus on your child’s total well-being. We provide the latest treatments while keeping a close eye on your baby’s comfort and emotional needs. Our pediatric providers are passionate about giving your little one the tender care they deserve.

Innovation and Research Icon

Innovation and research:

Our physician-scientists are on the front lines of research on congenital heart conditions, including tricuspid atresia. This lets us deliver some of the most advanced and effective treatments available.

Diagnosing Tricuspid Atresia at Cleveland Clinic Children’s

Sometimes, tricuspid atresia can be found during pregnancy through a prenatal ultrasound. If your provider sees anything concerning, they may then order a detailed heart ultrasound called a fetal echocardiogram. With this test, we can often diagnose tricuspid atresia before birth.

Many parents don’t find out their baby has tricuspid atresia until after delivery. Soon after your baby’s arrival, we’ll carefully listen to their heart and lungs with a stethoscope. We’ll also check their well-being as part of their newborn care in the hospital.

When we check your newborn’s health, we’ll look at their skin color and how they’re breathing and responding. Babies with tricuspid atresia often have pale or bluish skin and trouble breathing or might be very sleepy. If we suspect your baby could have a heart problem like tricuspid atresia, we’ll order more tests right away.

Pulse oximetry

This test checks your child’s oxygen levels using a painless clip placed on their finger or toe.

Echocardiogram (Echo)

An echocardiogram (echo) shows detailed pictures of your baby’s heart using ultrasound. This painless test is one of the best ways to diagnose tricuspid atresia.

Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG)

Our providers can use electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG) to check for heart damage and arrhythmias (heart rhythm problems). This test uses small stickers with leads on your child’s chest. These leads connect with a computer to show electronic details of your baby’s heartbeat.

Chest X-ray

A chest X-ray takes pictures of your baby’s heart and lungs to diagnose health problems.

Cardiac catheterization

Our pediatric interventional cardiologists are experts in cardiac catheterization. During this procedure, a specialist guides a catheter (thin tube) through one of your baby’s blood vessels. The catheter has a tiny camera on it that lets us see inside your baby’s heart. This procedure requires anesthesia (medicine to put your baby to sleep).


Our healthcare providers see patients at convenient locations throughout Northeast Ohio.

Treating Tricuspid Atresia at Cleveland Clinic Children’s

Our decades of experience combined with the latest technology let us provide the most effective treatments for tricuspid atresia — both temporary ones to help your child between birth and surgery and more permanent fixes to help them thrive and grow.

Temporary treatments

Babies with tricuspid atresia need heart surgery. But before your baby has surgery, our providers may recommend treatments to help them get more oxygen. These treatments may include:

  • Medication: Special medications help keep an important blood vessel open that normally closes after birth.
  • Balloon atrial septostomy: This procedure uses a catheter and a balloon to widen an opening in your baby’s heart, allowing more blood through. Septostomy can help your baby get more oxygen in the time between birth and surgery. Your baby will be asleep during this test.

Open-heart surgery

In most cases, babies with tricuspid atresia need surgery within the first days or weeks of life. Our pediatric heart surgeons regularly do surgery on even the youngest, tiniest patients with congenital heart conditions. Surgery aims to improve blood flow through your baby’s heart to their lungs and increase oxygen levels in their blood.

Surgeons will decide what procedures are necessary based on how your baby’s developed. Some babies with tricuspid atresia may have other heart defects that developed during pregnancy.

After your baby’s first surgery, we’ll walk you through future treatment. Many babies with tricuspid atresia need additional surgery and ongoing care. Our skilled pediatric heart surgeons do every type of surgery for tricuspid atresia. You can feel confident that our care team is ready to provide what your child needs.

Taking the Next Step

You’ll want the best personalized heart care for your baby after their life-changing tricuspid atresia diagnosis. Cleveland Clinic Children’s compassionate providers have the experience and skills to care for your baby now and well into the future. We’re here to treat and support them (and your family) every step of the way.

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