Application Process
Application Process
Step 1
Apply using the American Medical Colleges Application Service (AMCAS). Select "Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine," and the “regular M.D. program.” This includes the application to CCLCM.
Please apply early! Because we admit a small number and can invite a limited number of students for an interview, we highly recommend you apply in June or July.
Step 2
We receive and process the AMCAS application and then email applicants.
Step 3
Complete our electronic secondary application (you will receive instructions by email).
Choose whether you are applying to the five-year MD program at CCLCM, the four-year University Program at CWRU, both MD programs and/or the MSTP Program. (It is possible for an applicant to be interviewed by and receive an admission offer from both the CCLCM and University Program.)
Secondary application questions are available to applicants applying for the 2024 – 2025 application cycle.
Step 4
The admissions committee reviews applicants with complete application materials and selects applicants to interview.
Step 5
Following the interview, the committee meets and evaluates all applicants.
Important Dates
Important Dates
Primary Application
Early May: AMCAS application becomes available to applicants
Early June: Filing AMCAS Application
November 1: Latest AMCAS filing date
July to November 1: Admissions receives application and emails applicants an invitation to complete CWRU’s Secondary Application
Please Note: The AMCAS verification processing can take up to four to eight weeks from the time your application and all required official transcripts are received at AMCAS and can take significantly longer during peak processing times. Medical schools do not receive your application until it is verified by AMCAS.
You may have your letters of recommendation sent to AMCAS before your Secondary Application is received by our office. However, your application will not be reviewed until you have submitted a completed secondary application and all letters of recommendation have been received by AMCAS.
Secondary Application
July: Earliest applicants will receive invitation to complete secondary application
December 1: Latest filing date
July to December 1: Admissions reviews applications. Applicants selected to schedule an interview
September to January: Interviews are scheduled (see Accepted Applicants tab)
Accepted Applicants
February 19 – April 30, 2025: Accepted applicants holding one or more acceptance offers can select “Plan to Enroll” in the AMCAS Choose Your Medical School Tool. According to our school-specific policies, an applicant whose first choice is Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine (CCLCM) of Case Western Reserve University must indicate “Plan to Enroll” no later than April 30, 2025; at this time, you must also withdraw from all other acceptances you may be holding (though you may remain on alternate lists). In consideration of other applicants who want to come here, we ask you to make your final decision as soon as you know or by the stated deadline. If an applicant fails to indicate that they “Plan to Enroll” in CCLCM by April 30, the acceptance offer may be rescinded. It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform us of any extenuating circumstances that may preclude you from complying with requirements.
TBD, 2025: Second Look
April 15, 2025: Applicants may not hold more than three acceptances after April 15, 2025. It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform us of any extenuating circumstances that may preclude you from complying with this requirement. This is also communicated in the AAMC Acceptance Protocols for Applicants.
April 30, 2025: Accepted applicants may select “Commit to Enroll” in the AMCAS Choose Your Medical School Tool as early as April 30. If our program is your first choice, we ask you to indicate this action as early as possible. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the rescission of your acceptance to our program. Per our school-specific processes, if you are holding a place in our class and receive additional acceptance offers after April 30, you must notify us via email within 24 hours.
March to July 2025: Admissions may accept students on the alternate list.
June 2, 2025: Accepted applicants who plan to attend CCLCM must select the “Commit to Enroll” action in AMCAS no later than noon EST on June 2, 2025. At this time, you must also withdraw from all other acceptances you may be holding and/or all alternate lists to confirm your final commitment to attend our program. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the rescission of your acceptance to our program.
July 7, 2025: Start date
Withdrawal Process
If you decide to attend another school or another program at CWRU SOM, you should withdraw your acceptance to CCLCM through your iApply status page.
Acceptance Terms
Plan to Enroll
Applicants can begin to select “Plan to Enroll” for their top medical school choice in the AMCAS Choose Your Medical School Tool. Applicants may hold alternate list spots and multiple acceptances at other schools until April 30. If CCLCM is your top choice, we ask that you choose this action as early as possible.
Commit to Enroll
Applicants can select “Commit to Enroll” when they are ready to make their final selection in the AMCAS Choose Your Medical School Tool. This indicates that you have withdrawn all other applications and your place on alternate lists from other schools and that you are holding only one acceptance.
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of Recommendation
These letters are critical in the decision-making process. We require students to submit three to five letters of recommendation. Students have two options when submitting their letters of recommendation:
One Letter from a Research Advisor |
One Letter from a Research Advisor |
As well as, two more from science faculty
(may add two to three others)
As well as, a premedical committee evaluation
(must include at least two recommendations from science faculty) |
Request letters from people who know you well and can judge your performance objectively (no family members or friends of family). Confidential letters are preferred, and a specific statement that a student is in good standing is highly preferred.
All letters of recommendation must be submitted through AMCAS. Instructions for submitting letters of recommendation can be found here as well as on the AMCAS application. The AAMC has created some useful guidelines for letter writers to reference if they are unfamiliar with the kind of information that is to be included in a recommendation letter. Applications are not considered complete until all letters are received by AMCAS.
There is no deadline for letters of recommendation, but your application will not be considered complete until ALL letters have been received, which could delay the review of your application.
Interview Process
Interview Process
Personal Interview
A personal interview is an essential component of our candidate selection. We will consider you for an interview once your file is complete. Unfortunately, our interview schedule cannot accommodate all outstanding candidates, and the granting of interviews remains at the discretion of the Admissions Committee.
An admissions process is used with applicants who are sent acceptance letters. Acceptance offers are provided on a rolling basis with all initial offers made by mid-February. Again, submitting all portions of the application and recommendation letters in the summer enhances the possibility that an interview will be offered.
Interview Day
The virtual interview day begins at 10 a.m. ET and ends around 3:30 p.m. ET. The day starts with an orientation to the curriculum and facilities. You will participate in an activity that shows how our small group process works.
You will also have the opportunity to meet for Q&A with our medical students. In the afternoon, you will interview with one of our current medical students as well as two of our faculty/staff on the Admissions team.
Second Look
We are hopeful that we will be able to invite all accepted applicants to visit CCLCM in the spring for an “in-person” Second Look. Current medical students, faculty and administrators plan multiple events including panel discussions with students and faculty, a reception and a tour of Cleveland.
This visit is a way to enjoy meeting potential classmates and faculty, and to explore what Cleveland offers.
Secondary Application Information 2024-2025
Secondary Application Information 2024-2025
Secondary application invitations are emailed to all CWRU applicants with a verified AMCAS application. Each program (University Program, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine (CCLCM), and the Medical Scientist Training Program) has essays to complete, some of which are shared and some of which are unique to the program. You are able to select which program(s) you would like to apply to within the secondary application, and this selection will then dictate which essay prompts are displayed.