Cleveland Clinic Children’s provides several specialty therapeutic groups at various locations and times throughout the year. Each individual group has specific inclusion criteria.
For more information on a group listed below, please contact your child’s therapist or call 216.636.KIDS (5437).
Game Break
This 6-week group focuses on the development of age appropriate leisure participation though various games. The group utilizes board games and other interactive games to teach social and leisure skills.
Gym Class Heroes
Small group for kids ages 9-13 years old who have overall decreased strength, limited endurance and low activity levels. The focus is on overall whole body strengthening, endurance training and promote increased activity in their daily lives. Groups consist of strength training, stretching, yoga, aerobic activities, breathing techniques, conditioning and endurance activities.
Master Movers
Group offered for children who demonstrate difficulty with balance, coordination, ball skills and core strength. Peer modeling is used to facilitate skill development such as hopping, skipping and throwing/catching. Children will learn simple yoga poses, complete obstacle courses and participate in various games. Parents are provided with a home exercise program to encourage practice in the home environment.
Master Movers Jr.
Small group for children ages 3-4 years old who demonstrate difficulty with balance, coordination, ball skills and core strength. This group focuses on peer modeling and practice of gross motor skills such as throwing/catching, jumping, standing on one foot and galloping. We design a home exercise program in order to encourage practice in the home environment as well as use of kid-friendly yoga poses, games and obstacle courses.
Mindful Movement
Class which consists of breathing techniques, body awareness techniques, yoga poses and a group relaxation experience. The class will has an emphasis on the unique mental health needs of children.
Pre-School Language Group
Encourages vocabulary development and concept development for preschool aged children experiencing mild-moderate expressive and/or receptive language delays. This group focuses on the names of familiar objects, verbs and early concepts including descriptive words, location words, and opposites.
Ready Readers Beginner
Small 8-week emergent literacy group for children ages 4-6. The group focuses on setting the foundation for reading and spelling by improving phonological awareness (i.e, identifying &manipulating words, syllables, onsets and rhymes), phonemic awareness (i.e, identifying & manipulating sounds in words and syllables), letter/sound knowledge, book orientation, story comprehension, problem solving, and sequencing of stories.
Social Thinking Camp
A social skills group based off the Social Thinking Curriculum. The goal of this camp is to help patients learn and build social communication skills to
effectively interact with others at home, school and within their everyday environment.
Summer Handwriting Camp
A fun, multi-sensory way for children to learn handwriting by participating in games and activities that help them develop skills for handwriting mastery. Handwriting camp also addresses letter formation, pencil grip, size, spacing, generalizing ideas, etc.
Tiny Dancers
Small group for children ages 6-8 years old who are interested in ballet and have impaired balance and limited coordination. Children should be able to follow directions without needing one-on-one attention. The group consists of stretching, balance, training, coordination activities, rhythmic training, learning ballet basics and working on barre and floor combinations. Group activities are paired with music and incorporate props.
Water Warriors
Aquatic group which involves gentle rhythmic exercises, yoga poses, breathing techniques and balance activities. The groups is designed for children with difficulties in higher level balance, body awareness and coordination. Participants must be between 12-17 years of age, 54” tall, and able to enter the pool via steps and a railing. Participants must also be able to change into a swimsuit with minimal assistance from a caregiver of the same sex in a public locker room. Sessions are billed as a physical therapy group.
Young Artists
Group that focuses on leisure, fine/visual motor abilities and social skills through an art focus. Each week a different famous artist is discussed and the children get a chance to recreate a famous work of their art.