
The Mobility and Seating Clinic at Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital for Rehabilitation focuses on mobility solutions for infants, children, adolescents and young adults. Together, we explore a variety of options to help those with mobility challenges get moving to explore, learn and participate!
Our unique team approach involves the patient and their family, our specialized physical and occupational therapists, rehab physicians, durable medical equipment suppliers and anyone on the patient's therapy, medical and caregiving team. Mobility gives us the freedom to participate, make choices and make friends.
Who benefits from a mobility evaluation?
- Infants and toddlers
- Anyone who is at least 6 months old and has a diagnosis which may delay or prevent the onset of crawling, standing, and walking (even if they will eventually learn to walk).
- Anyone who is at least 12 months old and has motor delays that include: limited or no crawling or limited or no standing.
- Children who have motor delays that prevent them from moving independently at home, outdoor or in activities (even if they are working on walking or will eventually learn to walk).
- Children who can walk but their endurance or medical condition limits their ability to participate at the same level as other children their age.
- Children who have motor delays that prevent them from moving independently in all environments (even if they are working on walking or will eventually learn to walk)
- Children who can walk but their endurance or medical condition limits their ability to participate at the same level as other children their age.
- Any child who can walk or wheel but cannot keep up with kids their own age.
- Children whose diagnosis will lead to an eventual loss of mobility.
- Post high school
- Any young adult who can walk part time but has difficulty keeping up with friends, maintaining balance in crowds, or tires out limiting their participation.
- Any young adult who has motor limitations that prevent them from moving independently in all environments.
- Any young adult whose motor limitations limit their participation in work or college.
- Anyone with a mobility system that needs modifications because of:
- Growth
- A change in medical status
- A need for increased independence for school, home or work
- A change in school or work environment such as a transition to a larger school campus that affects independence
- Body changes that need different supports for posture
- Is experiencing redness or open areas from using their current mobility system
- Anyone that needs consideration for a secondary system as a backup to a primary chair.
- Anyone who would like to consider other equipment such as bath equipment, adaptive car seats or standers..
Don't watch life from the sidelines! Get moving!
Our Program
What’s unique about our program?
The Mobility Clinic utilizes a team approach. You will have a designated seating and mobility therapist but may also work with additional members of our staff during the process. This team approach allows for a variety of expertise and creativity! You are always welcome to invite and/or bring input from any of your established therapists, caregivers and physicians.
Team members include (but are not limited to):
- You, your child and/or your family
- A seating clinic physician: Pediatrician or Physiatrist
- A seating clinic therapist: Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist
- A supplier: This is chosen by you or your insurance
New and replacement equipment
Equipment decisions are not easy ones. There can be funding barriers or confusion about what equipment is best. Sometimes what makes sense to get around the house, doesn’t help at all on the playground or at school! Our program explores multiple mobility choices. These can range from independent options or those designed for caregivers to propel.
We are excited to discuss all the different ways that equipment can help with being active, promoting development and enhancing participation. Whenever possible, we like to arrange for opportunities to see or trial the equipment choices. Usually a picture is not enough! Our team strives to provide education, resources, mobility training, and trial equipment to determine which products will make a difference.
Equipment modification
Many insurances want your mobility base to last 5 years. Sometimes things change along the way and adjustments are needed for growth or to improve how you sit or move. Together, we can explore the options to modify your equipment to keep you rolling!
Mobility training
Whether you have a manual chair or a power chair, we can evaluate your chair set up, your mobility techniques and address your goals in individualized therapy sessions.
Our Team
- We are up to date on the research behind mobility science.
- We work with medical suppliers with extensive experience in pediatric equipment.
- We regularly participate in continuing education to be aware of new products and product improvements.
- We present at national and local conferences.
- We work closely with your augmentative communication team when mounting of a device is needed or when access to both communication and mobility are needed.
Scheduling and Support
How to Get Started

Need additional information?
You will then be contacted shortly by someone from our team with answers to your questions.
Ready to schedule an appointment?
All mobility clinic clients must go through an intake process before your appointment can be scheduled. The following guide will take you step by step. Once the initial steps are completed, you will receive a call to schedule your appointments.
- Obtain Physician Prescription:
- Wheelchair Evaluation
- Mobility Training OT, PT
- Click on the link below to complete the intake survey: This information is required to correctly schedule your appointment.
- Intake Survey
- If you have difficulty, please call 216.448.6220. If your call goes to voicemail, please leave a message with your name, contact information and your interest in the Mobility and Seating Clinic.
- Register in our system
- The Intake Department at 216.636.KIDS
- This is required even if you receive other services at Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital
- Schedule your appointment
- This cannot be completed until the referral, registration and survey are completed
- You should receive a call to schedule once the above steps are completed
- If you do not receive a call, please contact 216.448.6220
Additional Scheduling Information
Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Visits
All appointments through the Mobility and Seating Clinic involve either an occupational or physical therapist. If you have a limited number of therapy visits on your insurance policy, please be sure to discuss this with the scheduler when you register
Choosing a Durable Medical Equipment Provider
Ordering equipment is a team effort and a durable medical equipment supply company is a valuable part of our team. They participate in the assessment, process all paperwork to the insurance company and provide service to the equipment down the road. Pediatric equipment is a unique specialty. We have a working relationship with the suppliers listed below. If your child is covered under private insurance or under a Medicaid HMO, please contact your insurance company to determine if there is a preferred provider.
Our clinic works primarily with 3 local companies:
- Health Aid of Ohio
- National Seating and Mobility
- Millers Rental and Sales
Understanding Your Private Insurance Policy & Durable Medical Equipment
You can contact your insurance company prior to your appointment for the following information. It is important to understand any financial obligations that you may have.
- What is your DME (durable medical equipment) policy?
- When many families ask this question, the insurance company may ask you for a code for a chair or piece of equipment so that they can tell you if it is covered. At this stage we are looking for more general information regarding your policy. Here are some direct questions that might help.
- At what percentage is equipment covered?
- If it less than 100%, does your policy have a set deductible to meet and then a change in coverage percentage?
- If so, has your deductible been met for the year?
- Are there any equipment exclusions unique to your policy?
- Some policies have specific items that they do not cover, for example: Bathroom equipment.
- Does my policy require the use of a preferred durable medical equipment supplier? If so are either Health Aid of Ohio, National Seating and Mobility, or Millers Rental and Sales in network?
New Equipment
What to Expect: Evaluations for New Equipment
What to Bring
- A copy of your most recent insurance card
- A current height and weight for you or your child
- A list of what you like about you or your child's current equipment or mobility solution
- A list of any problems or challenges with you or your child’s current equipment or mobility solution
- You or your child’s orthotics: any braces worn during the day for the back, neck, hands, or feet
- You or your child’s current mobility equipment including wheelchair or stroller with all parts (headrest, lap tray, etc.)
Location: Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital for Rehabilitation
2801 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
Cleveland, OH 44104
Parking is available in the lower lot. Upon entering the facility, please check in at the registration desk and then take the elevator to the first floor lobby. The therapist will meet you there.
Our Approach
We have a multi step evaluation system, created in response to family feedback. Equipment decisions involve multiple considerations which can be overwhelming for many families. Your insurance expects this equipment to last for 5 years so it is important to take the time to make a thoughtful decision. These appointments allows time for questions to be answered and families to learn about all of their options. It also allows us more time to get to know you and your child so we can make better recommendations. While we strive to have demos of multiple types of equipment, we frequently have to make arrangements for trial equipment. This approach allows us the time to do so.
Step 1: Evaluation Part 1 will last approximately 60-90 minutes.
- This session will involve:
- Our mobility clinic therapist and one of our physicians.
- You are welcome to bring any therapists or caregivers to any appointment.
- If you are under 18, at least one parent must attend this session.
- If your child is shy around new people, please feel welcome to bring a video or photos of your child doing things she enjoys.
- This session will focus on
- Your or your child’s history
- Activities, hobbies, and interests
- Places or activities where participation is challenging due to mobility limitations
- An assessment of you or your child’s posture and flexibility
- An assessment of movement, balance and strength
- A discussion of the pros and cons of different types of mobility and equipment
- A decision of what equipment types need to be explored
Step 2: Mobility Trials: 4-6 sessions with a mobility therapist lasting 60 minutes each.
- These sessions will focus on exploring a variety of independent mobility options.
- If you or your child are not pursuing independent mobility or a change in independent mobility type, you will go directly to step 3
- Some time will be spent adjusting the equipment for use by you or your child.
- Multiple opportunities are necessary to learn new ways to move and try different approaches.
- This concludes with a trial of the equipment in your home and community
- Parents are encouraged to attend these sessions but this may involve a combination of caregivers if you are under 18
Step 3: Evaluation Part 2 will last 60-90 minutes.
- This session will involve:
- The mobility clinic therapist and the durable medical equipment supplier.
- You are welcome to bring any therapists or caregivers to any appointment.
- If you are under 18, a parent must be present for this session.
- This session will focus on
- Measurements of you or your or child for sizing purposes
- Any additional equipment trials or demonstrations
- Determine all specifics of the equipment prescription
Step 4: Submitting to Insurance
After all equipment decisions are finalized, documentation is generated to be sent to your insurance company. This is a combined effort of the therapist, the physician and the DME provider.
Your insurance will make a decision regarding each item that was submitted. If denials occur, we will work with your family to appeal the denials or consider alternatives. This time frame is unique to each individual.
Step 5: Receiving your equipment
- Custom Seat and Backs: Some have a custom seat or back as part of their equipment. Once insurance has approved the custom seat and/or back, you will be contacted to schedule a molding appointment.
- 60 minutes for a seat
- 60 minutes for a back
- 90 minutes for a seat and back
- This appointment determines the shape of the cushion and/or backrest.
- Appointment lengths vary but last approximately:
- You or your child should wear light, comfortable clothing
- Avoid clothes with stripes or patterns as this can cause confusion in the molding process
- This is often a good time to review what was decided and is on order. Please allow extra time if you would like to review the order.
- Equipment Delivery
- This appointment is scheduled at the Mobility and Seating Clinic to ensure that the chair is well fitted to you or your child, to educate you on the new equipment and address all questions.
- These appointments vary in length, most deliveries will take around 2 hours to complete adjustments. Check with your primary therapist to get an estimate that reflects your appointment specifics.
Step 6: Using your equipment:
Training sessions can be scheduled with your mobility therapist so you or your child can master moving in the new ride. Please let your mobility therapist know if you are interested in scheduling these sessions.
Equipment Modifications
What to expect: evaluations for equipment modifications
What to bring:
- A copy of your most recent insurance card.
- A current height and weight for you or your child.
- A list of what you like about you or your child's current equipment or mobility solution.
- A list of any problems or challenges with you or your child’s current equipment or mobility solution.
- You or your child’s orthotics: any braces worn during the day for the back, neck, hands, or feet.
- You or your child’s current mobility equipment including wheelchair or stroller with all parts (headrest, lap tray, etc.).
Location: Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital for Rehabilitation
2801 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
Cleveland, OH 44104
Parking is available in the lower lot. Upon entering the facility, please check in at the registration desk and then take the elevator to the first floor lobby. The therapist will meet you there.
Our approach
We have a multi step evaluation system, created in response to family feedback. Equipment decisions involve multiple considerations which can be overwhelming for many families. Your insurance expects this equipment to last for 5 years so it is important to take the time to make a thoughtful decision. These appointments allows time for questions to be answered and families to learn about all of their options. It also allows us more time to get to know you and your child so we can make better recommendations. While we strive to have demos of multiple types of equipment, we frequently have to make arrangements for trial equipment. This approach allows us the time to do so.
Step 1: Evaluation appointment
- Evaluations for modifications to current equipment: Insurance companies expect your frame to last 5 years. During this time, modifications are often necessary for growth or changing needs.
- This is one appointment which will last approximately 90 minutes
- You will meet with the mobility clinic therapist, the physician, and the durable medical equipment supplier. You are welcome to bring any therapists or caregivers to any appointment. If you are under 18, at least one parent needs to be present at this appointment.
- This session will focus on
- A discussion of goals and challenges with your current equipment
- Aan assessment of you or your child’s posture, flexibility, balance, strength and movement.
- An opportunity to learn/discuss types of modifications possible on your equipment
- Measurements to look at sizing of equipment that is being discussed
- Determine if additional equipment trials would be helpful: Some modifications can be big changes and it can be helpful to determine if the changes are going to have a good chance of success.
- Determine all components of the equipment
- This session will focus on
- Your or your child’s history
- Activities, hobbies, and interests
- Places or activities where participation is challenging due to mobility limitations
- An assessment of you or your child’s posture and flexibility
- An assessment of movement, balance and strength
- A discussion of the pros and cons of different types of mobility and equipment
- A decision of what equipment types need to be explored
Step 2: Submitting to insurance
After all equipment decisions are finalized, documentation is generated to be sent to your insurance company. This is a combined effort of the therapist, the physician and the DME provider.
Your insurance will make a decision regarding each item that was submitted. If denials occur, we will work with your family to appeal the denials or consider alternatives. This time frame is unique to each individual.
Step 3: Receiving your equipment
- Custom Seat and Backs: Some have a custom seat or back as part of their equipment. Once insurance has approved the custom seat and/or back, you will be contacted to schedule a molding appointment.
- This appointment determines the shape of the cushion and/or backrest.
- Appointment lengths vary but last approximately:
- 60 minutes for a seat
- 60 minutes for a back
- 90 minutes for a seat and back
- You or your child should wear light, comfortable clothing
- Avoid clothes with stripes or patterns as this can cause confusion in the molding process
- This is often a good time to review what was decided and is on order. Please allow extra time if you would like to review the order.
- Equipment Delivery
- This appointment is scheduled at the Mobility and Seating Clinic to ensure that the chair is well fitted to you or your child, to educate you on the new equipment and address all questions.
- In an effort to reduce the time of this appointment, the supplier may need to pick up your current chair the day before to complete some of the changes at their shop.
- Check with your primary therapist to get an estimate that reflects your appointment specifics.
Step 4: Using your equipment
Training sessions can be scheduled with your mobility therapist if you or your child need help to improve mobility skills.
Mobility Training
What to expect during mobility training
Mobility needs change as kids get older. Schools get bigger and interests change. One way to help your participation in activities is to make sure that your chair is helping you be as independent as possible. In a manual chair, you may need to learn some new skills like how to get up and down a curb safely or better techniques for managing ramps and hills. Maybe the set up of your chair could be altered to keep your speeds high and minimize stress on your shoulders.
Power chairs may need changes too! Many power chairs have highly sophisticated electronics that can be adjusted to your unique needs for independence. Sometimes the way to control your chair needs to change or maybe you are just ready to do more with your chair.
No matter how you roll, if you are relying on caregivers more than you used to or just want to be more independent, mobility training may help. It is easy to think moving a chair will come with just practice. While practice is critical, techniques and chair set up can make a definite difference. Your initial session will include an evaluation of how you move in your chair as well as an assessment of your strengths and posture on the mat. We have therapy options of varying intensity to best match your schedule, goals and insurance funding.
What to bring:
- Your chair and all components: headrests, lap tray, etc.
- Your goals
- Contact information for your therapists and your equipment supplier
- If you are under 18, a parent or caregiver must attend these sessions.
Wheelchair Transportation Safety
Funding Challenges
Why Mobility Matters
Contact Us
Interested in general information about our programs?
Please complete our Intake Survey.
To register, contact our Intake Department at 216.636.KIDS(5437).
To find scheduling and more information, call 216.448.6220.
For cancellations, call 216.448.6220. Call as soon as possible if any changes to your appointment are necessary. While emergencies may arise, please cancel a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Our appointments often involve a team including a physician, a supplier and a therapist. Advance notice allows us to notify all team members in a timely manner.
Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital for Rehabilitation
2801 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
Cleveland, OH 44104
Problems with your chair?
For service related issues, please contact your supplier directly. For any other non-urgent problems or concerns, please contact your seating clinic therapist.