The Power Dialysis Unit at the Hospital for Rehabilitation Campus offers treatment for young patients with chronic renal disease. The unit opened in 2003 and is designed to serve children up to 21 years of age.
The unit is staffed by a number of specialists who understand the unique medical emotional and social needs of these children, including, pediatric nephrologists, certified nephrology nurses, pediatric renal dietitians, renal social workers, recreational therapists, volunteers and education liaison personnel.
The unit provides:
- Hemodialysis.
- Acute dialysis.
- Support services.
- Peritoneal dialysis management and training.
The unit also serves as a training center for parents whose children are on peritoneal dialysis. Nurses work closely with families to ensure that they understand how to care for their children at home.
Child-friendly setting
The center's open floor plan promotes interaction with other children on the unit. Recreational therapists and volunteers entertain children with educational activities, games crafts and events. The staff promotes interaction outside the unit by arranging field trips for miniature golf, ball games and shows during off-dialysis hours.
Kidney transplantation
This is the only dedicated pediatric dialysis unit in Northeastern Ohio affiliated with a full-service transplant center. Kidney transplantation is the ultimate goal of end-stage renal disease management. The same pediatric nephrologists staffing the center provide both transplantation and dialysis services, and the pediatric renal transplant coordinator — a member of the end-stage renal disease team — is present on the unit.
For more information or to arrange a personal tour of the Power Dialysis Unit, please call: 216.448.6191.
To arrange for a consultation with a pediatric nephrologist, please call: 216.444.2235 or 216.444.6123.