How can I find a Cleveland Clinic Florida doctor?

We offer a tool on the site where you may customize your search based on several filters to view information on our doctors.

May I have my physician's email address?

Our physicians cannot communicate with patients over email. You may message your doctor through the "Message my Doctor" option if you have a MyChart account. If not, please call your doctor's office.

How can I rate my Doctor?

Our online rating surveys are distributed on a random basis, as required by Medicare. If you would like to offer remarks about your provider, you may do so, by calling the Ombudsman Office at 954.689.5545 or send your comments or questions via our WebMail service.

How do I find out if a physician is accepting new patients?

Please call the Cleveland Clinic Florida Appointment Office to speak with an agent who can assist you at 877.463.2010.

Can you help me find a physician near me (outside of Florida)?

You may request assistance from our Alumni Office Alumni finder. Complete the online form and you'll receive a response via email.