Cleveland Clinic in Florida's Hospital Care At HomeSM is a home-based substitute for acute-level hospital care and post-acute care.
Hospital Care At Home can provide complex, hospital-level care for a number of diseases including congestive heart failure, COPD, pneumonia, kidney infections, and other conditions. Individual treatment plans may consist of medication management, lab services, IV antibiotics, infusions, rehabilitation services such as physical and respiratory therapies, imaging, meals and more. Eligibility is determined after a thorough evaluation in either the Emergency Department or the hospital’s medical/surgical inpatient unit.
Patients who choose to receive care from Cleveland Clinic in Florida’s Hospital Care At Home will be monitored via a state-of-the-art Clinically Integrated Virtual Care (CIViC) Center, located in Vero Beach, Florida. Patients and their family members are connected to the CIViC center 24/7 and can speak with a caregiver immediately with the push of a button. A patient’s care plan will be comprised of a mix of integrated medical technology as well as hands-on care provided by clinical specialists. Our care teams include physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and potentially other health care professionals such as physical and occupational therapists.
Florida Health Care Insider Podcast - Ep. 1: Cleveland Clinic in Florida's Hospital Care at HomeSM
Hospital Care at Home, an alternative to inpatient hospital care, is available for patients admitted to any of our Cleveland Clinic in Florida hospitals, including Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Tradition Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Martin South Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Martin North Hospital and Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital. Patients who meet specific eligibility criteria and qualify for Hospital Care at Home will receive acute, advanced medical care in their home, comparable to what they would receive in an inpatient hospital setting. At Cleveland Clinic in Florida, we understand healing at home with the right medical care is a better experience for our patients.
Care Plan Summary

Care plans are customized to each patient’s individual needs, but generally will include the following:
- 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week access to your care team who will respond to your medical needs via video and telephone.
- Vital signs monitoring using a telehealth platform.
- Video visits by your care team.
- In-home visits by healthcare professionals.
- Lab tests, mobile imaging like X-rays and ultrasound, and IV therapies performed in your home.
- Collaboration with your primary care physician and/or specialists.
- Complete report of your care sent to your primary care physician.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between receiving hospital-level Care At Home or in a traditional hospital setting?
The Hospital Care At Home care team’s goal is to provide high-quality, hospital-level care in the comfort of your own home. Hospitalization at home provides a better experience by promoting more rest, all while keeping you connected to your hospital care team and providing hospital services. These services include lab tests, mobile imaging like x-rays and ultrasounds, IV therapies, durable medical equipment such as shower chairs, grab bars, oxygen and hospital beds.
Does my insurance cover hospitalization at home?
Hospital Care At Home is covered by insurance plans including Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and several commercial plans.
How do I know if I qualify for Hospital Care At Home?
You will be evaluated in the Emergency Room or the Medical/Surgical Inpatient Unit to determine whether you are eligible for Hospital Care At Home.
What kinds of conditions can be treated at home?
Hospital Care At Home provides specialized, acute care for a number of diseases including congestive heart failure, COPD, pneumonia, kidney infections, and other conditions.
Will Hospital Care At Home work with my primary care physician?
Yes, we will work closely with your primary care physician to keep your care plan uninterrupted.
Who is my care team?
Your Hospital Care At Home care team includes physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and may include other health care professionals such as physical and occupational therapists.
If I'm admitted to Hospital Care At Home, what happens next?
Our team will begin the process of hospitalizing you at home. We will move you back home and equip you with everything you need to connect with your care team.
What technology will be set up in my home?
During your hospitalization at home, you will be provided with a computer tablet for video visits with your nurses and physicians, a telephone that connects directly to your care team, a personal emergency response bracelet, vital signs monitoring devices and a backup power supply.
Will I have to install medical equipment or purchase a hospital bed for my home?
Your Hospital Care At Home team will provide and install all the medical equipment required to treat and monitor your specific condition.
Can I go out (leave my home) during my episode of care?
Just as if you were in the hospital, we ask that you stay home during your time of care. Your individual diagnosis and circumstances will be taken into consideration by the care team should you need to leave your home during the episode of care.
What happens in an emergency?
We are constantly monitoring our patients through our 24/7 virtual command center. If an emergency arises, we will contact the paramedics immediately. Additionally, our patients are able to contact us in real time by the push of a button.
What if I don’t like hospitalization at home?
At any time, you may ask to be discharged from Hospital Care At Home and our physicians will help transition your care to a safe alternative.
What happens after discharge?
When you are well enough to be discharged, our care team will remove the monitoring equipment and collaborate with your primary care physician to make your care plan seamless.