Primary Fonts
News Gothic Bold
The examples above show the weights for the News Gothic BT font family. The smaller the font size, the heavier the weight
News Gothic BT
The primary font News Gothic BT is an easy-to-read sans serif font. Use it in headlines, subheads and primary messaging.
Secondary Font
Arnhem DTL

The examples above show the weights for the Arnhem DTL font family.
Our secondary font, Arnhem DTL, is an easy-to-read yet distinctive serif font. When used in body copy, it provides a well-rounded complement to News Gothic BT.
Use only News Gothic BT and Arnhem DTL fonts. They are available for both Macintosh and PC platforms.
Alternative Fonts
If you don’t have News Gothic BT or Arnhem DTL, Arial and Times New Roman may be substituted.
Minimum Type Sizes
Serif 8.5/13 Arnhem (8.5 point)Ciuntem esequat. Ihiliquas mo mo blaut volorio reper ovidi audigentiur rerunt voluptat. Us molum enienimin plabori onseque del maxima dolupta quas dolupit ant odiassi nimporendis eatum ex earchil laborpo remquias con eum aut que perae. Optatio stius, occatem fugia ipsam auta is saescil itiuscimi, corro illiqui ne moluptatet dolescid eum quibusant ut hitam reiur, qui dempos sum reperrumque vendae volupta volupta sim facid milleni nulliquam erio. Nempor a qui alignatia sum apit quostias dunt facererit, cor ra volore pera corecus, nonsed quas reium dolor sit, corporum num estrum faceaquis ullesectur, quias disti tem. Aquidem pelecullitae omnimin ist consect ureheni sciant volo escidip ictatur mos es
San Serif 9/13 News Gothic (9 point)Ciuntem esequat. Ihiliquas mo mo blaut volorio reper ovidi audigentiur rerunt voluptat. Us molum enienimin plabori onseque del maxima dolupta quas dolupit ant odiassi nimporendis eatum ex earchil laborpo remquias con eum aut que perae. Optatio stius, occatem fugia ipsam auta is saescil itiuscimi, corro illiqui ne moluptatet dolescid eum quibusant ut hitam reiur, qui dempos sum reperrumque vendae volupta volupta sim facid milleni nulliquam erio. Nempor a qui alignatia sum apit quostias dunt facererit, cor ra volore pera corecus, nonsed quas reium dolor sit, corporum num estrum faceaquis ullesectur, quias disti tem. Aquidem pelecullitae omnimin ist consect ureheni sciant volo escidip ictatur mos es
Brand Fonts Must Be Purchased; They Cannot Be Shared
News Gothic and Arnhem both require the purchase of a single font license per computer. Cleveland Clinic does not have blanket ownership to distribute these fonts. If you believe you have a circumstance that requires you to have these fonts, please email and we will evaluate.
If you have a licensed version of these fonts on your computer, you are not permitted to share these fonts with anyone else in Cleveland Clinic or elsewhere.
If you are working with a vendor on a project for Cleveland Clinic, the vendor is required to purchase licenses for these fonts if they don’t own them already.
What is a font license?
Fonts are considered software since they are installed on our computers. When you purchase a license to use the font, you agree to the conditions determined by the seller. The conditions are outlined in the license.
Even though copyright laws differ in the US, UK and other countries, the font licenses are written to enable the software use regardless of location.
Are You Making a Website or App for Cleveland Clinic?
Do not use News Gothic or Arnhem on websites, apps or other digital experiences. These require special licensing and require ongoing subscriptions and maintenance. On Cleveland Clinic websites and apps, please use open-source fonts. Open-source fonts may be used free of charge by anyone anywhere for any purpose.
Recommended open-source fonts for Cleveland Clinic websites and apps:
- Headline – News Cycle Bold.
- Sub-Headline – News Cycle regular.
- Body – Source Sans Pro Regular.
- Additional font #1 – Source Sans Pro Light.
- Additional font #2 – Source Sans Pro Semi-Bold.