Tag: vitamins and supplements

Salmon, liver, avocado, olive oil, asparagus
January 29, 2023/Nutrition

How Zinc Benefits Your Body — and How Much Zinc You Need

Zinc from meats, nuts and fortified foods helps your immune system, among other benefits

Person holding a handful of fish oil capsules after pouring them from a pill bottle.
January 10, 2023/Heart Health

Fish Oil Pills Aren’t Doing What You Think They’re Doing

OTC options are unhelpful at best, while some prescriptions can raise your arrhythmia risk

Person wondering about folate acid versus folic acid.
January 5, 2023/Nutrition

7 Ways Folate and Folic Acid Are Different

Folate occurs naturally in foods, while folic acid is man-made — but both are essential

A variety of fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains and meat that contain large amounts of folic or vitamin B9.
December 26, 2022/Nutrition

Top Benefits of Vitamin B9 (Folate) and Folic Acid

Folic acid supports healthy growth and development


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Girl drinking orange juice

Can Vitamin C Help You Fight a Cold?

Not only can it strengthen your immune system, but vitamin C can do a whole lot more, too

Older person experiencing heart palpitations, with hands on thier chest.
December 20, 2022/Heart Health

How Supplements Affect Heart Palpitations

Don’t self-medicate with vitamin supplements without consulting a doctor first

The Mullein flower.
December 18, 2022/Lung

How Mullein Benefits Your Lungs

For centuries, people have been drinking mullein tea for respiratory conditions

December 6, 2022/Nutrition

Top Benefits of Vitamin K

It helps your bones stay strong and your blood clot, but it may also do so much more

A chaste tree.
November 21, 2022/Women's Health

What Is Chasteberry, and What Can It Do?

It may help with hormonal issues, like PMS, irregular periods and breast pain

Older woman prepares healthy drink with immune boosting ingredients.
November 16, 2022/Nutrition

5 Vitamins That Are Best for Boosting Your Immunity

Eat your fill of vitamins C, B6 and E, plus zinc and selenium

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