Tag: parenting

An illustration of an adult and child hugging while a suitcase sits near the door
November 16, 2021/Children's Health

How to Help Your Child After a Breakup or Divorce

Tips from a pediatrician to help your child adjust

boy sad at school from bullying
October 27, 2021/Mental Health

How To Handle Bullying

An expert shares how to help your child navigate school bullies

toddler playing with legos
July 25, 2021/Children's Health

The Dangers of Lead for Your Child — and Its Many Sources

Children should be screened for lead poisoning starting at ages 1 and 2

Baby beginning to walk
July 21, 2021/Children's Health

When Do Babies Start Walking?

Plus, signs your baby will walk soon


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mother consoling crying two year old
July 11, 2021/Children's Health

Tips to Help You Survive Your Toddler’s ‘Terrible Twos’

Find out how to head off unruly behavior

mother making baby formula in bottle
June 1, 2021/Children's Health

Feeding Your Infant: How to Prepare and Store Baby Formula

Get the 101 on formula, from preventing illness to ensuring your child gets all the nutrients

stressed out father
February 9, 2021/Children's Health

Ready to Snap? Tips for Stressed-Out Parents

Our experts explain how to keep your cool when it counts

teenage girl applying makeup
January 3, 2021/Children's Health

Does Your Child Want to Wear Makeup? 5 Things You Should Know

Start by discussing healthy routines as well as healthy boundaries

A woman sitting on the floor talking to a child.
December 29, 2020/Children's Health

Yes, You Still Have Permission to Parent

If you’ve been letting a lot of things slide, learn how to reintroduce the rules

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