

The chances of surviving childhood cancer are better than ever before. While most survivors enjoy good health after their cure, some develop "late effects," which are chronic medical conditions or emotional difficulties that appear years after treatment.

Cleveland Clinic Children's High-Five Cancer Survivor’s Clinic is a long-term follow-up clinic for children and adults who have reached the point of five years from their diagnosis of pediatric cancer and have been off therapy for at least three years. We also work with patients who have been treated for non-cancerous diseases with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or stem cell transplant.

Our specially trained team works with many different subspecialties to provide individualized care tailored specifically for childhood cancer survivors. In addition, we work with our patients' primary care physicians to make them aware of any issues that may need close monitoring.

Counseling and educating childhood cancer patients who are in the process of undergoing cancer therapy, as well as their families, about "late effects" and the importance of post-therapy follow-up care are important aspects of our Clinic. We help ensure our patients' success by identifying and managing their medical conditions and emotional needs. Our goal is to help childhood cancer survivors move forward confidently with their lives by arming them with the information they need to preserve their health.

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