From diagnosis to treatment to recovery, handling a pediatric illness is a difficult journey. Cleveland Clinic Children’s multidisciplinary hematology and oncology program is designed to streamline care and improve patient outcomes. Our team of highly trained specialists provide a range of services including clinical trials and internationally-recognized research efforts that ensure patients have access to the latest advances in treatment, as well as multiple support programs that help patients and their families navigate the challenges associated with a childhood cancer or hematologic disease diagnosis.
Partnering to Support Your Child During Treatment
Every child is different, but some pediatric patients can experience decreased functioning and mobility related to their illness or treatment. The Hematology/Oncology Mobility Clinic aims to integrate rehabilitation services into a child's treatment in order to strengthen muscle, reduce physical impairments, and improve quality of life for our patients.
The AYA Cancer Program cares for patients ages 15-39.
Care for children and adolescents who require blood or marrow transplants to treat their illness.
Diagnosis and treatment of the conditions that can cause bone marrow failure.
Comprehensive and compassionate diagnosis and treatment for children and young adults with brain and central nervous system tumors.
Consider options for preserving fertility prior to starting any planned cancer treatment.
Inpatient and outpatient services for children and adolescents with nonmalignant hematologic disorders.
Long-term follow-up clinic for childhood cancer patients who have completed therapy.
Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of all types of inborn error of immunity disorders.
Prompt expert evaluation and initiation of therapy for leukemia and lymphoma patients.
Coordinated and family-centered care for children, adolescents and young adults with rare and common varieties of cancer.
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