Why is My Vision Poor?

Why is My Vision Poor?

Clear vision depends on how light rays are focused, or “refracted,” inside the eye. The shape of the cornea, the power of the lens and the length of the eyeball all determine how well the eye refracts light.

In a normal eye, the light is focused sharply on the retina and a clear image is seen at all distances. In people with refractive disorders, a disproportionally shaped eye causes the light to focus in front of or behind the retina, making objects appear blurred.

There are four common types of refractive disorders:


Nearsightedness (myopia) occurs when the cornea is too steep or the eyeball is too long, allowing light rays to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it. Images of distant objects are blurred, but close objects may be clear.


Farsightedness (hyperopia) results when the cornea is too flat or the eyeball is too short so that light rays focus directly behind the retina, causing near objects to appear blurred. Farsighted people cannot focus on distant or near objects.


Astigmatism occurs when the curvature of the cornea is uneven and is shaped more like the back of a spoon than a normal round eyeball. This irregularity creates multiple focal points in the eye and makes it difficult to clearly focus on an object.


Presbyopia occurs in middle age when the lens inside the eye loses elasticity and is no longer able to focus on near objects. The majority of people over age 40 will need reading glasses to read small print or to see small, poorly lit objects. Refractive surgery does not affect the natural progression of presbyopia.



How well you see without glasses or contact lenses following laser vision correction depends in part on your vision before the procedure. In most cases, you will be able to obtain the same vision correction with laser surgery as you had with glasses or contact lenses.

People with mild prescriptions generally have the best success in obtaining normal vision after the procedure. People with more severe vision prescriptions may require glasses or contact lenses for some situations, such as night driving.

Success rates at the Cole Eye Institute are very high. Our surgeons have performed thousands of procedures and complication rates are less than 1 percent.

Most people who undergo a procedure for vision correction agree that it has had a positive impact on their quality of life.

Are You A Good Candidate?

Laser vision correction is right for many people, but it is not for everyone. If many or all of the following statements are true for you, you may be a good candidate.

  • You are at least 18 years old.
  • You have had stable vision for the past 12 months.
  • You do not have a history of corneal disorders or diseases.
  • You have no significant medical or ocular problems and are not pregnant or nursing.
  • You dislike your glasses and do not find contact lenses comfortable or convenient.
  • You are athletic and feel your activities would be enhanced if you did not depend on glasses or contact lenses.
  • You worry about your ability to help in an emergency situation if you could not quickly find your glasses or contact lenses.
  • You would be happy if laser vision correction improved your vision significantly even if you still had to wear corrective lenses for some specific activities, such as driving at night.
  • You prefer how you look without glasses.
  • You are tired of the ongoing expenses of buying replacement contact lenses, solutions, cleaners, cases and spare eyeglasses and can view laser vision correction as a good long-term investment.
Treatment Options

Treatment Options

Which laser vision correction procedure is right for you?

If you are considering laser vision correction surgery, you should be aware of the various types of procedures available. A meeting with a Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute surgeon can help you understand if you are a candidate.

After your initial consultation, your surgeon will make treatment recommendations based on the type and severity of your refractive error and the health of your eye. LASIK, PRK and SMILE are the three most common types of laser vision correction performed today.


In laser in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK), a thin flap is created in the top layer of the cornea, and the underlying tissue is reshaped by the laser. The flap is then replaced and serves as a buffer to protect the newly treated tissue from irritants, such as your blinking eyelid.
Visual recovery and healing are more rapid than in most other procedures. Its greater accuracy and control lead to better outcomes. Cole Eye Institute experts use solely this bladeless technique on all patients seeking LASIK laser vision correction.


The next most common procedure is photorefractive keratectomy
(PRK). This procedure also uses a laser to reshape the cornea, but instead of lifting a small flap to reach the sub-layer of the cornea, the outer layer is removed completely. This layer regrows in about three to five days. Your surgeon may have you wear a “bandage contact lens” for a few days to shield the newly treated surface from irritants.


Small-incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) uses a very precise laser to create a disc-shaped piece of tissue inside the cornea that can be removed through a small incision.

ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens)

Another non-laser option for patients with high degrees of nearsightedness (high myopia) is the implantable collamer lens (ICL). In this procedure a small, thin, contact-like lens is implanted just behind the colored part of the eye (iris). While less commonly used than laser vision correction, these lenses have been available for more than 15 years in the United States and can correct high nearsightedness and astigmatism, with great visual outcomes that can meet or surpass outcomes from LASIK in select patients. Visual recovery and healing are more typically slightly slower than LASIK but faster than PRK.

RLE (Refractive Lens Exchange)

Some patients are better suited for procedures that remove the natural lens in a technique similar to cataract surgery, called refractive lens exchange (RLE). RLE achieves outcomes similar to routine cataract surgery, and depending on the type of implant used all forms of vision correction can be achieved, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia (the need for reading glasses).

Before Surgery

Before Surgery

If you are considering having laser vision correction, the best way to learn more is to come in for a free consultation at Cleveland Clinic's Cole Eye Institute.

Your consultation will begin with a meeting with one of our laser vision correction technicians. They will review your medical history with you and answer your initial questions. Next, we will perform basic tests of your eyes, including checking corneal thickness, assessing your refraction and possibly dilating your pupils. Then, you will watch a video that answers many questions about the procedure before you see a doctor who will examine your eyes and discuss which laser vision correction procedure would be best for you. Before you leave, you will spend a few minutes with one of our coordinators who can schedule your surgery and review payment options.

Do not wear your contact lenses for at least three days before your appointment (three weeks if you wear rigid gas permeable lenses) and bring your glasses so we can review your prescription. Bring in your parking ticket so we can validate it.

On the day of your surgery, eat a light meal before coming and take all of your prescribed medications. Do not wear eye makeup or have any bulky accessories in your hair that will interfere with positioning your head under the laser. If you are not feeling well that morning, please call to discuss whether your procedure needs to be postponed.

After Surgery

After Surgery

The ophthalmologist from Cleveland Clinic's Cole Eye Institute who performs your laser surgery will ensure that you receive the highest quality care after surgery. To help you achieve the best outcome, plan on scheduling at least three follow-up appointments after your surgery. Depending on the procedure, these will occur one day and/or one week and/or three months after surgery. A visit between six months and one year after surgery also might be scheduled. The cost of these visits is included in your surgical fee.

What to expect after surgery

  • Your vision may be blurry and hazy for the first day. Plan to have someone drive you home after your procedure.
  • You may experience some discomfort or sensitivity to light for the first several hours after LASIK and the first several days after PRK.
  • Your vision may fluctuate between clear and blurry for the first few weeks.
  • You may need to wear glasses for night driving or reading until your vision stabilizes.
  • Your eyes will be dry even if they do not feel that way. Your vision may improve after using drops prescribed by the ophthalmologist. These drops may burn or cause temporary blurring of vision. Do not use any drops not approved by your ophthalmologist.

Are there any restrictions after surgery?

It generally takes about two to four weeks for the eye to stabilize following surgery. Some special precautions to prevent injury or infection should be taken during the initial postoperative period, including:

  • Do not rub your eyes for the first week. Wear the eye shield/goggles that you receive in your postoperative kit when you are sleeping for the first three nights.
  • Do not let tap water get in your eyes for a week.
  • Do not go swimming for 10 days.
  • Do not wear eye makeup for one week.
  • Do not get your hair colored or permed for 10 days.
  • Do not exercise for two days. Once you have resumed sports activities, wear eye protection for the first month.
  • Do not take a shower or wash your hair until the next day.
  • Avoid getting soap in the eye when bathing and washing your hair for one week. Also, avoid getting products such as hair spray and shaving lotion in your eyes during this early healing period.
  • Wear sunglasses when you go out on a sunny day to protect your eyes from UV exposure for the first several months, especially if you had PRK.

If you have any questions after your surgery or if you experience pain, sudden decrease in vision, red eye or discharge, contact us immediately at 216.445.8585.

Above all, enjoy your new freedom. The freedom to read your alarm clock without fumbling for your glasses. The freedom to exercise without worrying about your contact lenses. And the freedom to see clearly all day, every day.



Q: Can I drive myself home after surgery?
A: No. Your vision may be blurry and hazy for a few days, which could make it difficult for you to drive safely. Some people are able to drive the next day to their follow-up appointment, however. Use your own judgment.

Q: How many follow-up appointments will I have?
A: You will have follow-up appointments at one day after surgery, one week after surgery, one or three months after surgery, and occasionally six months after surgery. The cost of these visits is included in your surgical fee.

Q: How long does the surgery actually take?
A: The actual procedure takes less than 20 minutes. Depending on your prescription and the amount of correction your eyes require, the laser itself is only on each eye for less than a minute, but plan on being in the refractive suite for two to three hours.

Q: Can I fly on an airplane after LASIK?
A: It is safe to fly after surgery but your eyes may be drier than normal and require frequent use of artificial tears.

Q: Does the procedure hurt?
A: Most people have mild irritation for a few hours after LASIK. Some people compare it to wearing dirty contact lenses. Tylenol may help. Also, the eyedrops your surgeon will recommend will be helpful too. We suggest patients go home and relax with their eyes closed for a few hours after surgery. Taking a nap is a good way to do this. Do not rub your eyes. If you experience excessive redness or severe pain, call our office. With PRK, patients will experience slightly more discomfort with healing.

Q: Will I have to have the procedure again later in life?
A: It is unlikely that you will need to have any additional laser vision correction once your vision is stable several months after your procedure.

Q: I have an astigmatism. Can you treat me?
A: We can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism in most patients.

Q: Do you usually treat both eyes at once?
A: Yes. When laser vision correction was new, many surgeons chose to treat your eyes on different days as a safety precaution. However, now the technology is so advanced that most patients prefer to minimize the time off work and reduce the amount of healing time they experience after laser vision correction, so they have both eyes done at the same visit. Also, many patients reported headaches, disorientation and other discomforts from having one eye corrected and the other one not. So, if there are no problems when we treat your first eye, we feel comfortable treating the second one right away.

Q: Is it true there is a burning smell during the procedure?
A: Some patients notice a smell similar to burned hair during the time the laser is treating the eye. It is normal and passes quickly.

Q: Can my spouse watch the surgery being performed?
A: Observers are not allowed in the procedure room. They can wait in our waiting area.

Q: Will you validate my parking?
A: Yes, bring your parking ticket in with you and we will validate it.

Q: Can you do the procedure if I am sick the day it is scheduled?
A: Maybe. Call us to discuss how you are feeling and we will make the decision then.

Q: What should I do with my old glasses after I no longer need them?
A: You can leave them in a basket in our office and we will donate them to a vision charity.

Q: How do I get started?
A: Schedule a free consultation with our team of laser vision correction experts.



Call today for an appointment today.

Main Campus: 216.445.8585 or toll-free 800.223.2273, ext. 58585
Cole Eye Institute, Beachwood office: 216.831.0120

Cost Includes:

  • Procedure
  • Post-op surgery kit (eye drops, goggles, sunglasses)
  • Evaluation, measurements and related follow-up appointments for one year
  • Enhancements needed in the first year of original surgery and related follow-up appointments for one year

Payment Notice:

  • Financial payment must be completed on the day of surgery. Payments are accepted in the form of check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover. Financing available.

Find billing information, accepted insurance and financial assistance for Cleveland Clinic, as well as frequently asked questions

Virtual Second Opinion

If you cannot travel to Cleveland Clinic, help is available. You can connect with Cleveland Clinic specialists from any location in the world via a phone, tablet, or computer, eliminating the burden of travel time and other obstacles. If you’re facing a significant medical condition or treatment such as surgery, this program provides virtual access to a Cleveland Clinic physician who will review the diagnosis and treatment plan. Following a comprehensive evaluation of medical records and labs, you’ll receive an educational second opinion from an expert in their medical condition covering diagnosis, treatment options or alternatives as well as recommendations regarding future therapeutic considerations. You’ll also have the unique opportunity to speak with the physician expert directly to address questions or concerns.

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Us?

Laser Vision Correction

Above all, laser vision correction means freedom. The freedom to read your alarm clock without fumbling for your glasses. The freedom to exercise without worrying about your contact lenses. The freedom to play and read with your kids without hassles. And the freedom to see clearly all day, every day.

Why trust your eyes to just anyone? Let the Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute add new freedom to your life too.
