Career shadowing is an opportunity for individual learners who are not affiliated with a school or academic institution to shadow our caregivers on-site. Shadowing opportunities are observational in nature, there is no participation in clinical treatment.
High school students (ages 16 and over) may be eligible to shadow for up to 20 hours per calendar year.
Adult learners or college students who are independently interested in learning more about healthcare professions may be eligible to shadow for up 40 hours per calendar year.
Some examples of career shadowing opportunities we offer are:
- Individual observation.
- Pre-application Physician Assistant observation.
Interested individuals who have already identified a mentor or are looking for a mentor, should reach out to FLYouthandEdu@ccf.org for more information.
Interested individuals can view the appropriate login instructions below:
- View the college and adult learner login instructions.
- View the high school student (16 and over) login instructions.
To participate in a shadowing opportunity, individuals must have:
- Tdap booster within the past 10 years, proof of documentation required.
- Negative tuberculosis screening: two-step Mantoux test (TB test), QuantiFERON®-TB Gold test, or T-Spot test within 6 months before the student experience.
- Measles (Rubeola) immunization.
- Mumps immunization.
- German measles (Rubella) immunization.
- Chickenpox (Varicella) immunization.
- Hepatitis B immunization or signed waiver.
- Influenza vaccine (November 1-March 31).
Please note: In addition to the above documentation, students will also be required to complete onboarding. Instructions and next steps will be provided by Cleveland Clinic’s program manager.
Questions? Contact FLYouthandEdu@ccf.org.