

For many people who are transitioning to their self-identified gender, gender affirmation surgery is an important part of their journey. These procedures can be an essential part of relieving gender dysphoria and helping you embrace your true self.

At Cleveland Clinic Florida, our experienced team of plastic and reconstructive surgeons addresses the unique medical and cosmetic needs of transgender individuals. You’ll receive compassionate, individualized care along with guidance and support every step of the way.

Transgender Surgery: Why Choose Cleveland Clinic Florida?

At our renowned plastic surgery institute, you’ll find:

  • Multispecialty expertise: Our board-certified plastic surgeons meet regularly with a team of experts in related specialty areas, including urology, gynecology, endocrinology and psychiatry. We collaborate so that you receive comprehensive care from a single source.
  • Personalized attention: Everyone experiences gender transition differently. We take the time to discuss your goals and evaluate where you are in the process, both physically and emotionally. Getting to know you as a person helps us provide the best treatment options for your needs.
  • Clinical leaders: Gender reassignment surgeries require a high level of expertise. Cleveland Clinic Florida was the first academic medical center in Broward County to offer these complex procedures. You can rest assured that you’re receiving the most up-to-date treatment from a team that trains new doctors in the latest approaches.
  • Focus on safety: We use the highest patient safety protocols before, during and after your procedure. You receive treatment in a full-service hospital that can address any issues that you might experience. And you recover under the care and supervision of a knowledgeable team of nurses, surgeons, pain management specialists and other healthcare providers.
  • Full spectrum of care: Surgery is only one part of the transition process. After surgery, you may need services such as hormone therapy, voice therapy or other treatments. We can connect you to the right experts to support your journey.
Gender Confirmation Surgeries We Offer

Gender Confirmation Surgeries We Offer

Surgery can help you achieve your gender transition goals in a variety of ways. We provide:

  • Facial feminization surgery: We perform multiple procedures to soften the lines of your face and make it appear more feminine. Your surgeon may adjust your hairline, reshape your nose or reduce your jaw.
  • Facial masculinization surgery: Individuals transitioning from female to male may want facial features with sharper contours. We can enhance your chin, browbone or jaw, or reshape your nose. Our experts can also enhance the cartilage at your throat to create an Adam’s apple.
  • Upper feminization surgery: Transfeminine top (chest) surgery uses implants made of silicone or saline to create or enhance your breasts.
  • Upper masculinization surgery: Transmasculine top (chest) surgery removes breast tissue (mastectomy) and excess skin to create a more masculine-looking chest.
  • Lower feminization surgery*: Transfeminine bottom (genital surgery) removes the testicles and some penile tissue. Feminizing genitoplasty or vaginoplasty creates a vagina and clitoris for transgender women.
  • Lower masculinization surgery*: Transmasculine bottom (genital surgery) involves multiple stages. Our surgeons can create a penis and scrotum from tissue elsewhere in your body, including lengthening the urethra.

*Program is currently under development at Cleveland Clinic Florida.

What to Expect

What to Expect

When deciding on cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, it is important to consult with an expert. During your consultation at Cleveland Clinic Florida’s Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Center one of our board-certified physicians will meet with you to discuss your goals and expectations as well as the following:

  • Review your complete medical history (including past and current medications)
  • Discuss any medical conditions that could affect your procedure’s outcomes
  • Explain the benefits, risks and timeline for the procedure
  • Evaluate the part of your body that would be treated
  • Give recommendations
  • Answer any questions you may have

You will leave your first visit with a clear idea of the options available to you, as well as any risks involved.

Our plastic surgeons also may collaborate with physicians from other medical and surgical specialties to provide you with the best and most comprehensive care for your aesthetic and reconstructive needs. To schedule a consultation, please call 954.659.5220

Care Credit

Care Credit

Insurance rarely covers the cost of copays and/or elective cosmetic surgery and procedures. For an explanation of payment options, including CareCredit financing to pay for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by medical insurance, please call 954.659.5220 and ask to speak with one of our caregivers.

Our Doctors

Our Doctors

Appointments & Locations

Appointments & Locations


Make an appointment at one of our Cleveland Clinic Florida locations, or schedule a virtual visit.
