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Cleveland Clinic Martin Health St. Lucie East (Tiffany) phone outage
We're experiencing a phone outage. You can reach your provider's office temporarily at 877.463.2010, or through MyChart. The lab at this location is currently closed.

Coming to a Cleveland Clinic Florida location?
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Departments & Services

Cleveland Clinic in Florida comprises over 40 clinical departments and centers that provide innovative and advanced high-quality patient care in a team-oriented, collaborative environment.


Dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons at Cleveland Clinic Florida have specific expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases and disorders, including skin cancers.

Plastic Surgery Departments

The plastic surgeons at Cleveland Clinic Florida offer a wide range of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery services. Most have completed additional training in various subspecialties, including cosmetic surgery, microsurgery and hand surgery.

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