
Ob/Gyn Residency: Where You Design the Program
Thank you for your interest in Cleveland Clinic's Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency Program. Unlike other residency training programs in the nation, Cleveland Clinic’s Ob/Gyn residency training program allows you flexibility to design your own program. During this four-year, ACGME-accredited program, you determine which track to take, and we tailor the curriculum to meet your needs.
Program Mission: To develop competent, compassionate OB/GYN physicians with an advanced skill set, through an innovative, individualized, flexible “tracking” program, who provide culturally sensitive care for patients across their lives utilizing evidenced-based medicine.
Program Aim:
- Provide a framework where trainees progress through milestones, explore special interests and develop specialized skills through innovative and individualized “tracking” blocks.
- To recognize the needs of diverse patient groups and the importance of providing culturally sensitive care for all people.
- Establish mentorship and coaching relationships to foster trainee-centered development and patient centered care with a focus on clinical excellence, research, teaching and quality.
Diversity and Inclusion: Cleveland Clinic values a culture where caregivers integrate diversity and inclusion throughout the enterprise as well as in our training programs. We respect and appreciate our similarities and differences; they enable us to better serve our patients, one another, and our global communities.
With the availability of exceptional educational and clinical resources and renowned faculty, our residents train while caring for an incredibly complex patient population. With the flexibility of a tailored curriculum, you are able to train with a focus in the subspecialty of your choice. In this exceptional environment, we train experts in the field who become leaders in research, academics, and private practice.
Every residency program must offer core training in the fundamentals of obstetrics and gynecology to prepare you for passing your boards. In addition to this core training, you will have the opportunity to gain significant experience and a deeper understanding of gynecologic surgical training as well as issues in women’s health that physicians deal with daily.
We encourage you to review the information on our program to compare various tracks, including Family Planning, Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, General Ob/Gyn, Global Health, Gynecologic Oncology, Maternal Fetal Medicine and Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility.
Stacie Jhaveri, MD
Program Director
Lindsey Beffa, MD
Associate Program Director
Erica Newlin, MD
Associate Program Director
Mitch Reider, MD
Associate Program Director
Alexis Scaparotti, MD
Associate Program Director
Melinda MacDonald
Education Department Administrator
Erin Hodgson
Residency Program Manager
Tracking Program
Innovative Tracking Program
Our residency program offers innovative “tracking” rotations in addition to core rotations. The tracking rotations are designed for residents to have seven blocks of tracking throughout their curriculum. These are rotations that are developed by residents, with faculty guidance beginning in their first year. This early exposure allows them to explore potential interests and begin to build the foundation of their training. During postgraduate year two, tracking time is used to refine skills and identify clinical gaps. Third and fourth year tracking is spent in the areas of special interest to master management of more complex clinical and surgical challenges. The Cleveland Clinic was the first “tracking” OB/GYN residency program in the country. The benefits of this were highlighted in the October 2019 Green Journal supplement. The major strength of the Cleveland Clinic program lies in the breadth and depth of exposure to specialty or subspecialty training to advance into fellowship training or specialty practice after residency.
Residents can choose to concentrate training in Ob/Gyn specialty or subspecialty such as:
- Breast Health
- Family Planning
- Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery
- Global Health
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery
- Obstetrics/Gynecology
- OB/GYN Hospital Medicine
- Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Tracking Program Advantages
In this "trainee-centered" program, you have the option to track into a curriculum specifically designed to give you more extensive experience and flexibility. By self-selecting into areas of career interest, you will naturally demonstrate a greater focus on your training. This approach also identifies what the physician should take responsibility for in terms of further professional development as well as preparedness for fellowship if that path is chosen.
The outcome-based approach provides a useful framework for all rotations, thereby guaranteeing that all residents are held to the same standards. It emphasizes the technical aspects of clinical responsibilities as well as the scholarship and professionalism of Ob/Gyn practice. This approach also identifies what the physician should take responsibility for in terms of further professional development.
The curriculum has been developed by a group of practicing obstetricians and gynecologists, many of whom are innovators in the field. This not only gives the curriculum credibility, but it also ensures that the material is at the cutting edge of Ob/Gyn education.
What's more, Cleveland Clinic is recognized in the U.S. and throughout the world for its expertise and care.
Clinical Training Rotations
Clinical Training Outcomes
The curriculum ensures that residents progress through graduated learning outcomes in a coherent and cohesive fashion.
Resident progression during the first year involves increased breadth, which extends resident learning to more or new topics in Ob/Gyn, to different practice contexts and to building on existing knowledge to attain new learning. Residents also experience a variety of subspecialties early in their training to expose them to future career options.
Increased difficulty during the second year involves more in-depth and advanced consideration of Ob/Gyn topics. Second-year residents also begin to apply learning to more complex situations and deal with subtle situations in clinical encounters.
Increased utility during the third year involves applying learning to more complex presentations of disease in Ob/Gyn practice.
Finally, fourth-year residents demonstrate increased proficiency by becoming more accomplished. Performance becomes more efficient and more like second nature as residents hone their skills as well as chief their junior residents and lead teams.
Obstetrics Residents have the opportunities to be involved with obstetrical patients at each of our regional hospitals, Hillcrest and Fairview along with Main Campus. Our regional hospitals labor and deliver unites each do between 4500-5000 deliveries per year. Our patient population at each of these hospitals offers residents the opportunities to care for a diverse patient population. Residents work on teams with varied levels of responsibility based on post graduate year and are involved in all aspects of obstetrical care. Residents manage patients on antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum. Vaginal Deliveries, VAVD, FAVD, primary and repeat cesarean section are typical procedures residents learn as they master basic and then more complicated Obstetrical situations. In addition to managing faculty obstetrical patients, residents also deliver their patients from the continuity Westown Clinic at Fairview Hospital. This population offers a unique opportunity for diverse care including a large Hispanic population. Patients from underserved areas of Cleveland also deliver at Hillcrest Hospital and offer a different experience for residents. Hillcrest and Fairview both serve as referral hospitals for many of the outlying hospitals in the community representing a different patient demographic.
The Maternal Fetal Medicine rotations takes place at Hillcrest and Fairview Hospitals. During the second year the rotation is primarily an outpatient consultation and ultrasound experience where residents work directly with clinical faculty. The third year rotation is primarily an inpatient rotation where residents manage the antepartum service and perform complicated obstetrical surgeries under the supervision of the Maternal Fetal Medicine faculty as well as spending time in the outpatient office learning ultrasound, genetics and consultation.
The Gynecology rotation occurs in each of the four years with residents operating as early as their first year. Residents are involved in level-appropriate cases that are assigned by the gynecological chief resident. This gives the chief residents the autonomy needed to develop into supervising physicians as well as to select the most valuable clinical experiences for the resident teams
Residents have the opportunity to participate in cases at various sites allowing for a vast surgical experience. They operate with our specialty (general) OBGYN surgeons along with our Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgical team performing cases that vary in complexity from simple to advanced. Residents typically graduate with well over double the minimal required cases in many categories. Residents have 24/7 access to a dry simulation lab to master their laparoscopic and hysteroscopic skills even prior to entering the operating room.
On Gynecologic Oncology the resident team learns the care of acute and chronically ill patients. Clinical management begins in the first year with progressive involvement in complex surgical cases. Residents work with the staff and fellows on this rotation to evaluate patients with female cancers in outpatient clinics and are involved in their surgical procedures and perioperative management. Our nationally recognized gynecologic oncologists perform innovative approaches to surgery with a focus on minimally invasive surgery. Residents participate in open surgeries, laparoscopic and single port laparoscopies. The diversity of patients who travel both locally and internationally for care by our faculty provides residents unique patient care opportunities.
Female Pelvic Medicine and Reproductive Surgery: Residents will become familiar with the surgical management of pelvic floor disorders. Surgical skills like vaginal hysterectomy, vaginal suspension procedures and midurethral sling placement are the focus of the urogynecology rotation. Nationally recognized staff educate our residents about a wide variety of diagnoses including pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence.
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility will allow residents to evaluate complex infertility issues and patients with endocrine challenges. This rotation also provides the opportunity to work with national leaders in endometriosis who are exploring innovations in endometriosis imaging. Advanced laparoscopic surgeries are utilized to treat patients with tubal disease, endometriosis and pelvic pain.
Ultrasound Training is comprehensive ranging from Obstetrical to Gynecologic sonograms and saline infusion sonography. Residents get a robust experience in the outpatient clinical offices, didactic experience, high risk clinics and family planning rotation. Advanced simulation equipment in available and residents also have a first year rotation completely dedicated to ultrasonography.
The Family Planning rotation is an official Kenneth J. Ryan Residency Training Program in Abortion and Family Planning. This prestigious program is part of a national initiative to enhance comprehensive resident training in uterine evacuation techniques, complex contraception, LARC, advocacy and grieving/bereavement counseling. Our innovative program has been carefully designed to be in full compliance with all ACGME requirements and maintains a partial participation option for our residents.
Global Health (tracking opportunity) experiences with Dr. Miriam Cremer, Cleveland Clinic Staff Physician and President/Founder of Basic Health International gives the residents opportunities to become involved in global health.
Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in many developing Cervical Cancer Prevention Program (CAPE) is a pilot program with the Salvadoran Ministers of Health in El Salvador. Over 30,000 were screened through this program which not only established an infrastructure for a sustained system of cervical cancer prevention in El Salvador; but also created the framework for a viable model of replication in resource-poor countries. The program mission is to eradicate cervical cancer globally. Dr. Cremer and BHI are also involved in a project to introduce HPV DNA based screening in Haiti. Through the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Cremer is PI on several NIH research projects working to develop an inexpensive, mobile, effective treatment device for cervical pre-cancer.
Education and Simulation
2019 Residency Team building and Simulation Event | Cleveland Clinic
Every Wednesday morning residents have four hours of protected didactic time. Education during this time includes Grand Rounds, Didactics, Morbidity and Mortality Conference, Journal Club, Ultrasound Conference, Quality Updates, and Simulation.
Educational activities are monitored through semi-annual program reviews, rotation-by-rotation specific feedback, program surveys and attendance at conferences, rounds and journal clubs. The education team is a multi-disciplinary team involving residents, staff, administrative support, graduate medical education support and many more members invested in resident education.
In addition to scheduled didactics, structured learning occurs on clinical services with supervising attending physicians and subspecialty fellows.
State-of-the-Art Simulation Center
Cleveland Clinic’s Education Institute multidisciplinary simulation center is designed to enhance the clinical learning experience for healthcare professionals. All physicians, nurses and allied health providers can engage in high-fidelity, team-based interventions to learn specific clinical skills or to practice new technical skills such as laparoscopy through the use of state-of-the-art task simulators. The Simulation Center provides an interactive learning experience in a low-stress, risk-free environment.
Scheduled Simulation
The first Wednesday of every month is dedicated to resident simulation. This alternates between obstetrical and gynecological experiences. Examples of simulations include laparoscopy, robotic training, complex perineal repairs, emergency cesarean section, obstetrical hemorrhage, and cadaveric dissections. Our Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgeons are dedicated to facilitating both low and high fidelity simulation scenarios. We also have faculty who have done fellowship training in simulation who help to create robust experiences for all level residents. Simulation is paired with didactics to maximize resident learning and engagement.
Residents typically complete their Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery within their first year.
Residents have the opportunity to participate in a structured robotic training curriculum that spans all four years of training. This curriculum incorporates participation in the Robotic Training Network, and includes completion of online modules, simulation tasks, didactics, small group simulation labs, hands-on operative training and faculty assessment. The program emphasizes proficiency-based advancement of skills, providing experience to bedside assist and basic surgical skills for the robotic platform. Those with an interest may also opt to pursue advanced training during tracking block.
Intern Bootcamp
Each year in July, we start out the year with seven weeks of introductory simulations to introduce our Interns to basic surgical skills. Facilitated by faculty and PGY-3 residents, interns learn: knot tying, suturing, anatomy, laparoscopy and vaginal deliveries (spontaneous, vacuum, and forceps), cesarean sections and perineal repairs. This allows clinical skill development along with the opportunity for the new intern class to development relationships amongst themselves and with upper level residents.
Skill Based Team Building
A team building surgical skill experience in July is just the beginning of the simulation program our residents experience. This event allows senior residents to guide junior residents through various simulations in a fun interactive environment. Examples of these activities include simulated cerclage placement, circumcisions, laparoscopic treasure hunts, patwardhan technique, surgical positioning, laparoscopic led signatures, amniocentesis, post-partum hemorrhage devices, forceps, I-Pass, and IUD placement.
In the spring the annual resident Olympics provide opportunities for skill development and resident well-being in addition to mock oral board exams. Examples include OBGYN escape room, pessary toss and endometrial biopsy relays.
Our staff physicians are engaged highly at each of these simulation to coach and mentor residents throughout the experiences. Staff can even be spotted during our Olympic opening ceremonies caring their iPhone flashlights as torches.
Research Opportunities
Every year celebrate research in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Institute with our Resident Research Day. Third year residents give oral podium presentations on their research while second year residents present posters highlighting their projects. In addition, residents consistently present their research at other local and national meetings.
Faculty provide mentorship throughout the research and publication process. Our faculty research is recognized nationally through publications, national academic leadership positions and extensive grant funding.
To help support research endeavors, the Obstetrics and Gynecology Institute has six full-time and two part-time research staff including five RN research nurse coordinators, three non-RN research coordinators and an RN nurse manager. The clinical research team is responsible for all patient-related aspects of your research project with respect to regulatory compliance.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program
1 of 10Hospital and Clinic Locations
Cleveland Clinic provides patient care for regional, national and international patients at locations throughout the Cleveland metropolitan area. Most training will take place at Cleveland Clinic’s main campus. Residents will also train at Fairview and Hillcrest hospitals, both of which are Cleveland Clinic hospitals that provide general and high-risk obstetrics care as well as general and sub-specialty surgical care.
In addition, the resident outpatient continuity clinic will take place at Westown Physician’s Center which is located near Fairview Hospital. This is a resident run clinic staffed by 25 staff physicians that have training and interest in outpatient clinical teaching. Westown clinic serves highly diverse patients with a large immigrant and Spanish speaking population.
- Founded in 1921 by George Crile Sr.
- 44 buildings, over 85 operating rooms, more than 1,400 beds.
- Special Delivery Unit focuses on delivery of women or infants who will require special monitoring and/or interventions around or after delivery.
- Fairview Hospital is a busy 488 bed community hospital on Cleveland’s west side overlooking the city's Metro parks.
- Features a Level III NICU, and a Level II Trauma Center.
- Over 5,000 deliveries per year.
- Features the Fairview Family Birth Place, a low intervention birthing unit.
- Baby-Friendly designation.
- Hillcrest Hospital is a busy 500 bed community hospital located on the east side of Cleveland.
- Hillcrest Hospital features a level III NICU and level II trauma center.
- Over 4,000 deliveries per year.
- Features OB Emergency Department and low intervention birthing suites.
Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Westown Continuity Clinic
- Located 10 minutes from Fairview Hospital.
- On-site pediatrics, internal medicine, social service and county WIC services.
- Resident-led Centering OB visits offered.
Current Residents
Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents - Class of 2025
Emily Armstrong, MD
- Hometown: Cleveland, OH
- Undergraduate: The Ohio State University
- Medical School: The Ohio State University College of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Emily’s Interests include traveling – she recently went to Amsterdam and Paris. Also, photography, playing with her rescue dog, watching history documentaries (particularly Victorian-era and 20th century European history), art history (impressionism, Italian renaissance), and Orange Theory Fitness.
Riva Desai, MD, MS
- Hometown: Clearwater, FL
- Undergraduate: Washington University in St. Louis
- Graduate: Georgetown University, M.S.
- Medical School: Georgetown University School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Riva is a food enthusiast. She enjoys Hollywood and Bollywood movies, satirical news and TV shows. She also enjoys trivia games, settlers of Catan, picnics, traveling and writing. Riva speaks advanced Spanish.
Katarina Fleckenstein, MD
- Hometown: Fairfax, VA
- Undergraduate: William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA
- Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Katarina enjoys being outdoors and was a competitive ski racer, and competitive runner. She enjoys Orange Theory Fitness, traveling with family and friends, and trying local foods.
Emily Frisch, MD, MA
- Hometown: Orange, CA
- Undergraduate: Chapman University – Orange, CA
- Graduate: Chapman University – Orange, CA – M.A.
- Medical School: University of California Irvine, School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Emily enjoys tennis (previous member of NCAA Division III Team at Chapman), Spanish Book club, scuba diving, nationally ranked artistic roller skating, road biking, baking, skiing and traveling. Emily speaks advanced Spanish.
Olivia Neumann, MD
- Hometown: St. Louis, MO
- Undergraduate: University of Miami – Coral Gables, FL
- Medical School: University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Olivia is an avid runner who has completed four half marathons and hopes to train for a full in the future. She enjoys baking and creating new recipes. Her favorite foods to make are cupcakes, cookies and homemade buttercream frosting. She also enjoys drawing, painting, hiking, traveling, exploring museums and listening to podcasts.
Kirat Sandhu, MD
- Hometown: Santa Rosa, CA
- Undergraduate: University of California, Davis – Davis, CA
- Medical School: Morehouse School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Kirat is a native Californian who enjoys hiking and camping in national parks. She has back packed the Lost Coast Trail and hopes to do the same in the Pacific Crest Trail. She also enjoys printmaking using linoleum and wood blocks, fostering and training dogs, and practicing and training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Dominic Sandler, MD
- Hometown: Stockton, CA
- Undergraduate: University of California, Los Angeles
- Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Dominic enjoys coaching collegiate and professional athletes, War Dragons (competitive online strategy game, his team is currently top 100 globally), guitar, basketball, running/hiking, anime and Door Dash.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents - Class of 2026
Meghan Ansbro, MD, PhD
- Hometown: Conneaut, Ohio
- Undergraduate: Denison University
- Medical School: University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Megan enjoys singing, with a wide range of musical tastes. She was a member of King’s Voices Choir at King’s College Cambridge. Megan also enjoys spending time outdoors, hiking and cycling. She grew up boating on Lake Erie and is looking forward to getting out on the water again. And to save the best for last, she enjoys spending time with her husband, two cats, and their twin boys, Henry & Hugo.
Dana Baraki, MD
- Hometown: Chesapeake, Virginia
- Undergraduate: The College of William and Mary Williamsburg
- Medical School: Eastern Virginia Medical School
- Interests/Hobbies: Dana enjoys reading non-fiction novels & essays, podcasts, soccer, traveling and enjoying food.
Parker Bussies, MD
- Hometown: Zeeland, MI
- Undergraduate: Hope College – Holland, MI
- Medical School: University of Miami - Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Tennis, soccer, going to the gym, Latin music and dancing, classical piano, genetics, dystopian novels, and quality time with friends. Parker speaks Spanish fluently and is working on learning Portuguese.
Andreea Dinicu, MD
- Hometown: Iasi, Romania and Farmington, CT
- Undergraduate: University of Connecticut
- Medical School: University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Andreea enjoys spending time with her loved ones, going to cycling classes, dancing, yoga, hiking, and trying new foods. She also likes to travel and to be outdoors.
Emma Gargus, MD, PhD
- Hometown: Columbus, Ohio
- Undergraduate: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Medical School: Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Emma is an avid volleyball player who enjoys pickling and fermenting, experimenting with produce from her CSA (community supported agriculture) box, reading fictions and memoirs, art and architecture.
Marissa Hand, MD
- Hometown: Severna Park, MD
- Undergraduate: University of Virginia
- Medical School: Georgetown University School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Marissa enjoys swimming, scuba diving, collecting vinyl records, Peloton, running, hiking at national parks, grilling, and game nights with friends.
Jennifer Hansen, MD
- Hometown: Los Altos, California
- Undergraduate: Johns Hopkins University Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
- Medical School: Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University
- Interests/Hobbies: Jenny is a fitness enthusiast and enjoys being active with CrossFit, Peloton, hiking, and triathlon. She also enjoys a cappella, making baked goods, and reading non-fiction. Lastly, she finds joy in traveling and spending time with family and friends.
Sunny Lee, DO
- Hometown: Incheon, South Korea; Fishers, Indiana
- Undergraduate: Purdue University
- Medical School: Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Sunny enjoys yoga, hiking, camping, cross-stitching, crocheting, learning new languages, baking desserts, and binge watching the same three shows (Parks and Rec, the Office, and Friends).
Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents - Class of 2027
Rachel Cevigney, MD
- Undergraduate: University of Michigan
- Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Rock climbing, golfing, exploring new restaurants, hiking, back backpacking, cooking/baking, hosting dinner parties.
Cameron Harris, MD
- Undergraduate: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Medical School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Drawing, painting, hiking, kayaking, volleyball, basketball, learning to play piano and mandolin.
Chloe Kaunitz , DO
- Undergraduate: University of Pittsburgh
- Medical School: Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine of Midwestern University
- Interests/Hobbies: Powerlifting, cooking, baking, rock climbing, knitting & crocheting.
Alexandra McKinzie, MD
- Undergraduate: Indiana University
- Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Living a zero waste lifestyle, gardening, scuba diving, hiking, camping.
Gabrielle Mintz, MD
- Undergraduate: Vassar College
- Medical School: University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson
- Interests/Hobbies: Acting, singing, guitar, rock climbing, board games, spending time with friends and family.
Rachel O’Brien, MD
- Undergraduate: University of California, Los Angeles
- Medical School: University of Virginia School of Medicine
- Interests/Hobbies: Gluten free baking, boxing, barre, and interval training.
Ariella Yazdani, MD
- Undergraduate: Union College, Schenectady
- Medical School: Robert Larner, M.D., College of Medicine at the University of Vermont
- Interests/Hobbies: Exploring new recipes, ballroom dancing, diving, wine making.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Residents - Class of 2028
Cydni Akesson, MD
- Undergraduate: Case Western Reserve University
- Medical School: Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Julie Chugh, MD
- Undergraduate: The University of Texas
- Medical School: Texas Tech University Health Sciences School of Medicine
Emily Ho, MD, PhD
- Undergraduate: University of Chicago
- Medical School: University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine
Elizabeth Klein, MD
- Undergraduate: Cornell University
- Medical School: The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Sara Koussa, MD
- Undergraduate: Allegheny College
- Medical School: Wayne State University School of Medicine
Margo Nelis, MD
- Undergraduate: The Ohio State University
- Medical School: University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Caleigh Smith, MD
- Undergraduate: Duke University
- Medical School: University of Virginia School of Medicine
Staff Obstetrics and Gynecology and Women's Health Institute
Cleveland Clinic caregivers are involved in clinical innovations that are advancing the care of women and the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Some of these advances are highlighted in the following Cleveland Clinic OB/GYN and Women’s Health Institute publications and news releases:
News releases:
- Tackling Pregnancy-related Disparities in Women of Color
- Cleveland Clinic Receives $2 Million Gift to Establish First Endowed Chair for Uterine Cancer Research
- Cleveland Clinic First in North America to Deliver Baby from Deceased-Donor Uterine Transplant
- Cleveland Clinic Performs Its First In Utero Fetal Surgery
Research, insights and innovations:
- Obstetrics Emergency Department Caters to Unique Needs of Expectant Parents
- Doula Program Improves the Birthing Experience and Patient Outcomes
- Novel Medications Boost Treatment Options for Patients With Postpartum Depression
- Experienced Specialists Team Up for Complex Surgical Obstetrics
- Cleveland Clinic Launches Center for Infant and Maternal Health
Academic Appointments
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University
- Marjan Attaran, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Stephen Bacak, DO, MPH Clinical Assistant Professor
- Rebecca Bagley, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Fadi Bashour, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Pelin Batur, MD, Associate Professor
- Lauren Bouchard, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Natalie Bowersox, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Linda Bradley, MD, Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Amy Burkett, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Jeffrey Chapa, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Anna Chichura, MD, Clinical Instructor
- Edward Chien, MD, MBA Professor
- Francine Cosner, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Miriam Cremer, MD, MPH, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Robert DeBernardo, MD, Associate Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Brittany Denny, DO, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Jillian Dodge, DO, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Meredith Dorr, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Kenneth Edelman, MD, Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Ashraf El-Dabh MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Jonathan Emery, MD, Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Tommaso Falcone, MD, Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Lourdes Falconi, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Ruth Farrell, MD, Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Amanda Ferry, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Jonathan Funk, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Julia Girzhel, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Oluwatosin Goje, MD Associate Professor
- Jeffrey Goldberg, MD, Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Rhoda Goldschmidt, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Erin Higgins, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Maeve Hopkins, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Patrick Isaac, DO, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Joan Jesse, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Stacie Jhaveri, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Sarah Juza, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Amanda Kalan, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Monique Katsuki, MD, Assistant Professor
- Fadi Khoury, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Melissa Kirven, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Swapna Kollikonda, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Suchetha Kshettry, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Mary LaPlante, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Justin Lappen, MD, Associate Professor
- Melissa Lee, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Hanna Lisbona, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Erin McKelvey, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Margaret McKenzie, MD, Associate Professor
- Gita Mehta, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Amy Merlino, MD, Assistant Professor
- Chad Michener, MD, Associate Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Sharon Mikol, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Trina Pagano, MD, Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Marie Paraiso, MD, Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Betsy Patterson, MD, Clinical Assistant Professo, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Uma Perni, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Kim Puterbaugh, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Sudhakar Rao, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Vicki Reed, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Mitchell Reider, MD, Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Jean Reinhold, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Stephanie Ricci, MD, Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Beri Ridgeway, MD, Academic Department Chair, Associate Professor
- Peter Rose, MD, Professor
- Rebecca Russell, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Sabrina Sahni, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Abdelaziz Saleh, MD, Clinical Professor
- Alexis Scaparotti, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Maria Schleicher, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Lynn Simpson, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Katherine Singh, MD, Assistant Professor
- Amber Somerville, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Amy Stephens, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Womack Stokes, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Jessica Strasburg, MD, Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Sharon Sutherland, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Monica Svets, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Holly Thacker, MD, Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Center for Specialized Women’s Health
- Tonya Thomas, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Roberto Vargas, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor
- Mark Walters, MD, Professor
- Catherine Wilkins, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Diane Young, MD, Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
- Salena Zanotti, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn & Women’s Health Institute, Ob/Gyn
Cleveland Clinic Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency Program Alumni
2024 | Sabrina Bains, MD | REI Fellowship, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY |
2024 | Lauren Buckley, MD | MFM Fellowship, Vanderbilt University |
2024 | Katie Klammer, MD | MFM Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania Medicine |
2024 | Erika Lampert, MD | Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center – Magee |
2024 | Madeline Lederer, MD | Ob/Gyn Private Practice, Northwestern Specialists for Women, Chicago, IL |
2024 | Johnathan Zhao, MD |
Ob/Gyn Staff, Clinica Sierra, Fresno, CA |
2023 | Rachael Baird, MD, MS | Faculty, Advocate Aurora BayCare Medicine Center, Green Bay, WI |
2023 | Julia Chalif, MD | Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, The Ohio State University |
2023 | Alexandra Imani Chatman, MD | Faculty, Cleveland Clinic |
2023 | Catherine Keller, MD | Academic Generalist, Carle Foundation Hospital, Carlisle, PA |
2023 | Kaia Schwartz, MD | Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellowship, University of California, San Francisco |
2023 | Rachel Shin, MD, MPH | Complex Family Planning Fellowship, Oregon Health & Science |
2023 | Annika Sinha, MD |
Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship, Duke University |
2023 | Nicole Wood, MD |
Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship, Hartford Hospital |
2022 | Carrie Bennett, MD | MFM Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Magee - Women's Hospital |
2022 | Jonathan T. Hunt, MD, MBA | Faculty, Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth |
2022 | Ukpebo Rebecca Omosigho, MD | Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship, Vanderbilt University |
2022 | Morgan Gruner, MD | Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, University of Minnesota |
2022 | Mary Kate Lintel, MD | Ob/Gyn Specialist, Wellstar, Atlanta, GA |
2022 | Cory Messingschlager, MD | Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Fellowship, University of Tennessee College of Medicine |
2022 | Molly Morton, MD | Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, The Ohio State University |
2021 | Anna Chichura, MD | Breast Surgical Oncology Fellowship Program at North Shore and the University of Chicago Medicine |
2021 | Alyssa Herrmann, MD | Ob/Gyn Specialist, Private Practice - Eastside Gynecology and Obstetrics as an Ob/Gyn specialist in Detroit, Michigan |
2021 | Melanie Katz, MD | Faculty, Cleveland Clinic |
2021 | Lia Miceli, MD | FPMRS Fellowship, Methodist Hospital-Houston-TX Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery OBGYN-Houston, TX |
2021 | Ji “Jessica” Son, MD | Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, Univ of TX, MD Anderson, Houston, TX |
2020 | Deepanjana Das, MD | FPMRS, Fellowship - Northwestern McGaw Medical Center |
2020 | Sarah Hershman, MD | Faculty, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Cleveland Clinic |
2020 | Emily Holthaus, MD | MFM Fellowship, Loyola University Medical Center |
2020 | Christine Hur, MD | REI Fellowship, Cleveland Clinic |
2020 | Erica Newlin, MD | Faculty, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Cleveland Clinic |
2019 | Caitlin Carr, MD | Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship – Mount Sinai Hospital |
2019 | Chelsea Fortin, MD | REI Fellowship – University of Michigan |
2019 | Julian Gingold, MD, PhD | REI Fellowship – Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center |
2019 | Natalia Llarena, MD | REI Fellowship – Cleveland Clinic |
2019 | Jessian Munoz, MD, PhD | MFM Fellowship – University of Texas, San Antonio |
2019 | Kate Woodburn, MD | FPMRS Fellowship – MedStar Washington Hospital Center – Georgetown University |
2018 | Alexander Kotylar, MD | REI Fellowship - Yale University, New Haven, CT |
2018 | Thanh Ha Luu | REI Fellowship - University of Colorado, Denver, CO |
2018 | Laura Moulton, DO | Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship - Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH |
2018 | Emily Nacy, MD | Assistant Professor, Division of General Obstetrics and Gynecology - University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT |
2018 | Sarah Steele, MD | FPMRS Fellowship - University of California, Irvine, CA |
2017 | Chiazor Akusoba, MD | Private Practice, Washington |
2017 | Cynthia Arviso, MD | MIS Fellowship - Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN |
2017 | Lisa Hickman, MD | FPMRS Fellowship - Cleveland Clinic |
2017 | Suejin Kim, MD | Private Practice, California |
2017 | Lindsay Valentine, MD | MIS Fellowship - Penn State, Hershey, PA |
2016 | Melanie Arora, MD | Private Practice, Apple Valley, CA |
2016 | Megan Buechel, MD | Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK |
2016 | Ginny Marie Harris, MD, PhD | Private Practice |
2016 | Monique Katsuki, MD | Faculty, Obstetrics & Gynecology Cleveland Clinic |
2016 | Jamie Stanhiser, MD | Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Fellowship University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC |
Resident Life
Our program emphasizes the health and well-being our residents. We have developed a “L.E.A.D.E.R” Series that focuses on Leadership, Equanimity, Acceptance, Diversity, Engagement and Resilience throughout the residency. Through this program’s curriculum, we have focused on team building, mentorship with staff/colleagues, mindfulness, professionalism and leadership development.
Resident Retreat
Each fall, the residents participate in a resident only retreat. This is an opportunity for residents to get to know one another on a more personal level, spend time together outside of the hospital setting, participate in team building activities and have discussions on ways to continue to improve and strengthen the training program. The retreat is fully supported by the administration and the current fellows. All residents participate and are excused from clinical activities and responsibilities during this time.
Application Process
The Obstetrics and Gynecology Institute offers 8 categorical residency positions each year. Currently there are a total of 29 categorical residents in the program. This is an increase in 2 positions from the 5 since 2017. Currently there are a total of 28 categorical residents in the program. All positions are filled through the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP). No preliminary (PGY1) or advanced positions (PGY2) are offered through the Match. International applicants are invited to apply through the ERAS and participate in the NRMP as well.
How to Apply
The Ob/Gyn Residency Program participates in ResidencyCAS for all positions. You must complete all components of the ResidencyCAS in order for your application to be considered complete and to be reviewed by the Selection Committee. Our supplemental requirements include three letters of recommendation and all COMLEX and USMLE scores must be included in your application.
- Complete Application.
- CV.
- Personal Statement.
- Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE).
- Medical School Transcript.
- USMLE Step I Transcript & Score Report – must pass one your first attempt.
- USMLE Step 2 Transcript & Score Report – must pass one your first attempt.
- Must have USMLE Step 2 Score Report uploaded into ERAS prior to the deadline of the Rank List submission. If you do not have a Step 2 Score Report uploaded, you will not be ranked (assuming you were invited for an interview).
- Three Letters of Recommendation.
International Medical Graduates
Here are some frequently asked question by graduates of international medical schools regarding the application process:
- ECFMG certification at the time of application is required. Please review the ECFMG requirements for additional information.
- Must have graduated medical school within the last 5 years. Anything greater than 5 years does not meet the minimum requirements.
Application Deadline
September 25, 2024.
Offers for interviews will be made starting on October 29th, 2024, according to CREOG/APGO guidelines. 2024-2025 interviews will be held virtually.
Please take a moment to watch this video, which will help outline the world class training you can receive at Cleveland Clinic.
Life in Cleveland has so much to offer! Learn more about the city of Cleveland.
For more information:
Erin Hodgson
Residency Program Manager
Benefits Overview
Approved Time Off
15 vacation days and 5 personal days are provided at the beginning of each academic year.
All clinical trainees at Cleveland Clinic receive medical, dental, vision, prescription, life, and short-term disability insurance coverage. Medical insurance is provided with a small premium paid by the resident. Insurance covers residents and their families fully and is effective on the first day of training with no waiting period.
Educational Allowance
Each resident will receive $500 per academic year to use for educational purchases and reimbursement. This can be used for books, tablets, laptops, society dues, etc. In addition, it can be used to offset the cost of the USMLE Step 3 exam. Residents can also choose to use this amount as a lump sum.
The Education Institute (GME Department will fund up to $2,500 per year for meeting attendance for PGY Year 2 and above that have an abstract or poster accepted for presentation at a national meeting. Additional funding for travel and meeting attendance is available through the Obstetrics and Gynecology Institute pending an approval process. Meeting attendance does not subtract from vacation days.
Please refer to the table below for new salary rates, effective May 16, 2024:
Grad Level | New Annual Rate | New Per Pay Rate |
1 | $65,361 | $2,723 |
2 | $67,564 | $2,815 |
3 | $69,746 | $2,906 |
4 | $72,475 | $3,020 |
5 | $74,890 | $3,120 |
6 | $77,836 | $3,243 |
7 | $80,414 | $3,351 |
8 | $81,982 | $3,416 |
9 | $83,556 | $3,481 |
10 | $85,830 | $3,576 |
Additional Benefits
- Additional information regarding benefits can be viewed on the GME website