

The Center for Esophageal and Swallowing Disorders provides patients with a variety of esophageal problems with a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation to find the cause and give the appropriate treatment for the esophageal condition.

The esophagus is a tubular neuro-muscular organ that carries what we eat or drink from the throat into the stomach. This process requires a healthy esophagus which can be affected in many different ways. The esophagus can be damaged from acid reflux, infections, medications, radiation, benign or malignant tumors, surgical procedures, neuromuscular diseases and many other causes. The most common symptoms arising from the esophagus are swallowing difficulties (dysphagia), painful swallowing, heartburn or acid indigestion and chest pain. The esophagus can also be the source for asthma, prolonged hoarseness, cough or sore throat.

Our staff work closely with other specialties in a multidisciplinary way to approach and solve the patient's problem. These include Advanced Endoscopists, Thoracic and General surgeons, ENT physicians and Speech Pathologists, Allergy-Immunology and Pulmonologists as well as Radiologists and Pathologists.

The team also includes American Board Certified Gastroenterologist with special interest, expertise and experience in esophageal disorders. Staff also includes medical assistants and registered nurses who perform diagnostic procedures dedicated to diagnose esophageal disorders.

What We Treat

What We Treat

The center commonly evaluates and treats patients with:



The diagnostic technology includes:

  • Esophageal manometry test.
  • pH monitoring (conventional 24-hour pH/impedance and 48-hour Bravo® capsule).
  • Barium esophagram and modified barium swallow with speech pathology.
  • Video (esophageal and small bowel) capsule endoscopy.
  • Wireless capsule motility study (SmartPill®).
  • Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS).

The center also provides services for breath tests (H.pylori, glucose, lactose, fructose) secretin stimulation testing and more.

Our Doctors

Our Doctors

Resources Nutrition


Nutrition services and lifestyle changes regarding swallowing disorders

Our Center for Human Nutrition is part of our Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute. Nutrition plays a large role in treating the symptoms of having an esophageal or swallowing related disorder. Our Center is one of the only centers in the nation offering comprehensive services, including specialized teams for nutrition therapy, intestinal rehabilitation and nutrition support.

Dietary tips for swallowing and esophageal disorders

Certain foods can trigger your symptoms. Keep a food diary to discover what foods you should or shouldn't eat. Common food triggers include:

  • Citrus juice or fruits.
  • Spicy foods.
  • Chocolate.
  • Alcohol.
  • Smoking.
  • Fatty or fried food.

Avoid smaller meals and avoid lying down for at least three hours after eating. Sleep with the head of your bed elevated, as this can help prevent stomach acid from flowing into the esophagus.

Treatment options for your swallowing disorder may include working with our Center for Human Nutrition.