For Soccer Players

Our Match Fit soccer training program is designed to improve jumping and landing techniques, and increase flexibility, strength, power, agility and quickness in soccer players. This program also may reduce the risk of common soccer-related injuries by addressing form and mechanics to make sure they are performed properly. Match Fit is appropriate for all age groups and levels of soccer ability, and female- or male-specific programs are available. Our specialists cover a number of common soccer-related injuries including ACL injuries, hip and lower back injuries.

Program Services

  • Pre-testing to determine the athlete’s current ability, strengths, weaknesses and goals for the program.
  • Individualized instruction tailored to athlete’s goals and needs.
  • Basic to advanced exercises, depending on athlete’s level and need.
  • Post-testing to analyze the athlete’s success in the program.
  • Comprehensive rehabilitation to treat injuries that do happen.