Mary E. Temple, MS, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP
Clinical Coordinator, Hillcrest Pharmacy Services
Hillcrest Hospital – a Cleveland Clinic Hospital
Phone: 440.312.2902
Fax: 440.312.8431
Email: mtemple@ccf.org
Cell: 216.385.7857
Clinical Specialist 2001-2017; Clinical Coordinator since 2018
- Master of Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- ASHP Leadership Academy, Baltimore, MD
- Doctor of Pharmacy, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Pediatric Pharmacotherapy Fellowship, Nationwide Children's and The Ohio State University, Columbus OH
- Pharmacy Practice Residency, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI
- Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
Past Experience Areas
- Clinical Specialist, Pediatrics, Neonatal Medicine, Obstetrics
- Retail Pharmacy
- Nursing Home Consultant
- Director of IRB
- Staff Pharmacist
- Teaching Assistant
- Combat Medic
Areas of Interest
- Health Care Policy
- Pharmacy Administration
- Opioid abuse in OB patients
- Continuous Quality Improvement
Current Projects
- Residency Program Director, PGY 1 Pharmacy Residency.
- Clinical rounding with Cleveland Clinic, OB.
- P&T, Pediatric QA Committee, OB QA Committee.
- Consultant, Lexicomp Inc. pregnancy and lactation database.
- Admission and discharge medication counseling program.
- Continuous Quality Improvement with OB, Anesthesia and Pharmacy teams.
- Student Education development for Cleveland Clinic.
- Pharmacists Recognition and Advancement Program team for Cleveland Clinic.
- Accreditation Team for Cleveland Clinic.
- PRN Committee member, Women’s Health teaching and Education 2017-present.
- Pediatric Consultant Pregnancy and Lactation Database, Lexicomp Inc. 2001-present.
- Peer reviewer for AJHP 2001-present.
- Resident/Student Women’s PRN committee member, ACCP 2012-2015.
- Chairman, Public Policy, Women’s PRN ACCP 2013-2015.
- Council of Health Care Advocates (COHCA) for Ohio, Board Member 2011-2017.
- Health Policy Consultant for COCHA Political Advocacy Committee 2012-2017.
- Membership currently in ASHP, ACCP, OPA, Cleveland Society of Health System Pharmacists.
- Engagement team member, Pharmacy Department, Hillcrest Hospital.
- Committee member for Anchored to Excellence, Service quality initiative.
- Reviewer for Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2005-2008.
- Cancer IRB member 2004-2006.
- Director, CCHSEAST IRB 2003-2005.
- Reviewer for Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2000-2003.
- Volunteer, Bainbridge food for Friends 2009-present.
- Volunteer, Boy Scouts of America, 2005-2017.
- Volunteer, Girl Scouts of America, 2009-present.
- Apparel Chair, Kenston Parent Teacher Association, 2010-2014.
- Veteran, United States Army: Iraq War.
- Instructor, Cleveland Clinic Technician School, 2015-present.
- Visiting Instructor, Ohio College of Podiatry Medicine, 2001-2012.
- Instruct Medical Residents monthly 2002-present.
- Preceptor for Doctor of Pharmacy students 2002-present.
- Provider of local continuing education for nurses, pharmacists and physicians at Hillcrest Hospital and in northeast Ohio.
- Instructor, PA program Hillcrest Hospital.
Honors and Awards
- Safety Champion, Hillcrest Hospital 2015.
- Cleveland Clinic Caregiver Award 2014.
- Fellow, The American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 2014.
- Summa Cum laude, Master of Science in Pharmacy, 2011.
- Albert E. Dyckes Ohio Hospital Worker of the Year, Hillcrest Hospital, 2010.
- The Chairman’s Award for Commitment to Clinical Research 2001, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Division of Pediatrics. This award is normally given to a physician.
- Magna Cum Laude, Doctor of Pharmacy.
- Temple ME, Nahata MC, Koranyi KI. Pharmacotherapy of tinea capitis. J Am Board Fam Pract 1999; 12:236-42.
- Temple ME, Nahata MC. Interaction between ciprofloxacin and rifampin. Ann Pharmacother 1999; 33:868-70.
- Wandstrat TL, Kaplan-Machlis B, Temple ME, Nahata MC. Tetravalent rotavirus vaccine. Ann Pharmacother 1999; 33:833-9.
- Temple ME, Nahata MC. Rifapentine: Its role in the treatment of tuberculosis. Ann Pharmacother 1999; 33:1203-10.
- Temple ME, Luzier A, Kazierad DJ. Homocysteine as a risk factor for atherosclerosis. Ann Pharmacother. 2000; 34:57-65.
- Temple ME, Nahata MC. Pharmacotherapy of acute sinusitis in children. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2000; 57:663-8.
- Temple ME, Nahata MC. Comparative palatability of 22 liquid antacids. J Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2000; 14:421-5.
- Temple ME, Nahata MC. Treatment of listeriosis. Ann Pharmacother. 2000; 34:656-61.
- Gilliland KK, Shermock KM, Flores P, Goldman MP, Temple-Cooper M, Calabrese AT, Schentag JJ. The A.U.I.C. (Antibiotic Utilization Information & Consultation) Program: utility in predicting clinical outcome. ICAAC 1999 Abstract 1006.
- Temple ME, Nahata MC. Pharmacotherapy of lower limb diabetic ulcers. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2000; 48:822-8.
- Temple ME, Nahata MC. Treatment of pediatric hypertension. Pharmacotherapy. 2000; 20:140-50.
- Temple ME, Koranyi KI, Nahata MC. Safety and antiviral effect of protease inhibitors in children. Pharmacotherapy. 2001; 21:287-94.
- Temple ME, Koranyi KI, Nahata MC. Gastrostomy tube placement in non-adherent HIV infected children. Annals of Pharmacotherapy.
- Temple ME, Brady M, Koranyi KI, Nahata MC. Periorbital cellulitis secondary to Conidiobolus incongruus. Pharmacotherapy. 2001; 21:351-54.
- Shermock KM, Temple ME, Younossi ZM. The Cost-effectiveness of Treating Chronic Hepatitis C. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 2002.
- Shermock KM, Temple ME, Younossi ZM. A pharmacoeconomic appraisal of therapies for hepatitis B and C. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2001; 2:205-211.
- Temple ME, Koranyi KI, Nahata MC. Lipodystrophy in HIV- infected pediatric patients receiving protease inhibitors. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 37(9):1214-8, 2003 Sept.
- Temple ME, Miller JA, Nahata MC. Frequency, causality and preventability of adverse drug events in pediatric patients. Drug Safety. 27(11):819-29, 2004.
- Temple ME, Arden SA, Bartos M, Paulin D, Jinks J. The effects of a bronchiolitis care path on clinical outcomes and length of stay in a pediatric community setting. Poster presented at ACCP 2004, manuscript in progress.
- Temple ME, Jakubecz MA, Link NA. Implementation of a training program to improve pharmacy services for high risk neonatal and maternal populations. American Journal of Health System Pharmacists 2013; 70:144-149.
- Rafie S, Borgelt L, Koepf ER, Temple-Cooper ME, Lehman KJ. Novel oral contraceptive for heavy menstrual bleeding: estradiol valerate and dienogest. International Journal of Women’s Health 2013; 5: 313–321.
- Huebner M, Temple–Cooper ME, Lagzdins M, Yeh JY. A Pilot Study Evaluating the Effect Daily counseling by a Pharmacist on Medication Related HCAHPS Scores and Medication Reconciliation Satisfaction. J. Biosafety and Health education. 2013:1(2) http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/jbhe.1000105.
- Temple-Cooper ME, Lagzdins M. Streamlining the residency interview process using available web-based technology. AJHP 2014:71;697-701.
- Jakubecz MA, Phillipson E, Temple-Cooper ME. A Mother’s Stay in the Maternity Unit Yields an Opportunity to Vaccinate Fathers and Grandparents for Pertussis. AJHP 2016:74;e54-e58.
- Link NA, Temple-Cooper ME. Correlation of AD use during Pregnancy and Autism: Unclear study design and inconsistencies in reported data. JAMA Pediatr 2016:170;441-442.
- Hogue A , Temple-Cooper ME, Raich M , Schwersenski J, Floyd R, Saker F. Effects of In-Utero Exposure to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors on Neonatal Outcomes. J Perinatol. 2017;10(4):1-10.
- Vijayarajah S, Mary Temple-Cooper, Saker F. Baclofen withdrawal in a neonate. Pediatric Dimensions 2017;2:1-2.
- Hoyt, M, Temple-Cooper ME An Observatioanl Case Series on the effect of clonidine epidural for pain control in patients who have received buprenorphine for opioid maintenance during pregnancy. Int J Obstet Anesth. 2018 May;34:67-72.
Poster Presentations
- Kolenda M, Kuroski JE, Temple-Cooper ME. The Effect of a Therapeutic Guideline on Discharge Pain Prescriptions from an Emergency Department. Cleveland, OH 2018.
- Kim S. Walker, Pharm.D.; Mary E. Temple-Cooper, Pharm.D., MS, BCPS, FCCP; Melissa Raich, Pharm.D., BCPS. Evaluation of Sepsis-3 Recommendations and Derivation of New Criteria to Predict the Risk of Mortality in Sepsis. Cleveland, OH May 2017.
- Fink K, Temple ME. Oxytocin use in the obstetric population. The American Society of Health System Pharmacists. Las Vegas, Nevada Dec 2016.
- Hansen K, Temple ME. Use of clonidine versus morphine for the treatment of neonatal abstinence syndrome. PAS; Baltimore, MD May 2016.
- Temple ME. Implementation of a midyear oral examination to assess clinical competency and need for remediation in pharmacy residents. The American Society of Health System Pharmacists. Orlando, Florida December 2013.
- Hogue A, Temple ME, et al. The effects in-utero exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and venlafaxine on neonatal outcomes. Ohio College of Clinical Pharmacy, Cleveland, Ohio. 2013.
- Temple ME, et al. Co-investigator. A pilot study evaluating the effects of daily counseling by a pharmacist on HCAHPS scores and medication reconciliation satisfaction. Ohio College of clinical Pharmacists. Cleveland, Ohio May 31, 2013.
- Temple ME, et al. Co-investigator. Effects of in-utero exposure to SSRIs and venlafaxine on neonatal outcomes. Ohio College of clinical Pharmacists. Cleveland, Ohio May 31, 2013.
- Temple ME, et al. Primary investigator. The effects of a bronchiolitis carepath on clinical outcomes and length of stay in a pediatric community setting, American College of Clinical Pharmacists, Dallas, Texas October 2004.
- Temple ME, et al. Co-investigator. The value of Pharmacists in Preparation of Neonatal Care Protocols, Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group, St. Petersburgh, Florida October 2004.
- Temple ME, et al. Co-investigator. Neonates with single ventricle physiology have ultrasound evidence of poor mesenteric perfusion. Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Diego, California, January 26, 2002.
- Temple ME, et al. Primary investigator. The Efficacy of Antimicrobial Stethoscope Covers in Reducing Bacterial Contamination of Stethoscopes. Pediatric Infectious Disease Society San Francisco, California, October 25, 2001.
- Temple ME, et al. Primary Investigator. Lipodystrophy in HIV- infected pediatric patients receiving protease inhibitors. Boston Children’s Research Forum, Boston, Massachusetts, April 7, 2001.
- Temple ME, et al. Primary investigator. A prospective study of the safety and efficacy of protease inhibitors in HIV infected children American College of Clinical Pharmacists Los Angeles, California, November 2000.
- Temple ME, et al. Primary investigator. Gastrostomy tube placement in HIV-infected pediatric patients” Children’s Hospital Research Forum, Columbus, Ohio, June 2000.
- Temple ME, et al. Primary investigator. A study of medication errors in an adult hospital”, American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Miami Florida, December 1994.
Lecture Presentations
- Neonatal Lecture Course: Series of 36 OB lectures combined with 36 NICU lectures. January 2018-present.
- Common Drugs of Abuse and the implications for the inpatient practitioner. Hillcrest Hospital physician Assistant Grand Rounds. Mayfield Heights, Ohio. September 2017.
- Maternal Medicine through the Years. Cleveland Clinic Pharmacy Technician School. Cleveland, Ohio July 2015, May 2016, March 2017.
- Standardization of Epidural Anesthesia carts using SOLVD. Cleveland Clinic SOLVD Symposium Cleveland, OH June 2, 2016.
- Antenatal Drug Abuse: Implications for the mother during labor, delivery and postpartum. Cleveland Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology Physician Grand Rounds Mayfield Heights, Ohio July 2013.
- Pearl and Challenges of Smart Pumps in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit PPAG National Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana, May 1, 2013.
- NICU Course, 65- one hour lectures in neonatology and obstetrics. Hillcrest Hospital Pharmacy Staff. Mayfield Heights, Ohio June 2009-November 2011, October 2012-2015.
- Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal. PPAG National Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, October 20, 2009.
- Pharmacology in the Neonate Neonatal Conference-level 3 preparation. Mayfield Heights, Ohio May 5, 2009.
- Postpartum Hemmorhage. Neonatal Conference-level 3 preparation. Mayfield Heights, Ohio May 25, 2009.
- TPN Basics. Neonatal Conference-level 3 preparation. Mayfield Heights, Ohio June 2, 2009.
- In With the New, Out with the Old: How the 2007. Asthma Guidelines Affect Patient Management. Pennsylvania Society of Health System Pharmacists. Erie, PA, January 31, 2008.
- The Use of SSRIs During Pregnancy and Lactation. Neonatal Consortium Meeting. Mayfield Heights, OH March 10, 2006.
- Treatment Options for Pediatric Diabetes. Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL October 12, 2005.
- Conscience Sedation: Options for Pre-surgical Procedures. Surgical Center, Hillcrest Hospital, Mayfield Heights, OH January 2005.
- Pharmacotherapy Considerations in the Pediatric Patient. CCHS East Continuing Education Seminar. Huron Hospital, November 2004.
- Immunizations in Children. Pediatric Physician/Nursing and Pharmacy CE Program Hillcrest Hospital, South Pointe Hospital, May 2003, January 2004.
- Community Acquired Pneumonia in Children. Pediatric Physician/Nursing and Pharmacy CE Program. Hillcrest Hospital, May 2004.
- Conscience Sedation: Options during Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. Pediatric Gastroenterology Department Hillcrest Hospital, February 2004.
- Bronchiolitis and the Impact of a Care Path. Pediatric Physician/Nursing and Pharmacy CE Program. Hillcrest Hospital, November 2004.
- Hyperlipidemia. Ohio College of Podiatry Medicine. Guest Speaker Cleveland, Ohio. April 2001-2011.
- Pharmacotherapy of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Ohio College of Podiatry Medicine Guest Speaker Cleveland, Ohio. April 2001- 2009.
- Frequency, Causality and preventability of adverse drug events in pediatric patients American College of Clinical Pharmacists Annual meeting Los Angeles, California.
- Gastrostomy tube placement in HIV-infected pediatric patients. American College of Clinical Pharmacists Annual meeting. Los Angeles, California. November, 2000.
- Periorbital cellulitis secondary to Conidiobolus incongruous. Children’s Hospital Research Forum. Columbus, Ohio, June 2000.
- Acute Otitis Media in Children and Community acquired pneumonia. Doctor of Pharmacy Lecture Series. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. January 1999, 2000.
- Accolate: A Milestone or Just Another Drug?” Doctor of Pharmacy Seminar. The State University of New York at Buffalo, October 1997.
- Homocysteine: Another Pawn in the Atherosclerotic Battle. Doctor of Pharmacy Seminar. The State University of New York at Buffalo, March 1997.
- Parenteral Nutrition in a Patient with Short Bowel Syndrome. Pharmacy Practice Conference. William Beaumont Hospital, June 1994.
- Medication Omissions: A Study of Their Underlying Causes. Great Lakes Residency Conference. Toledo, OH. April 1994.
- Pravastatin and a Review of HMG CoA Inhibitors. Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI. January 1994.