Are you a medical professional who knows a patient that would benefit from bariatric surgery? You can refer them by calling us directly at 216.445.2224 or by calling the Referring Physician Hotline at 855.REFER.123 (855.733.3712).
Cleveland Clinic’s Referring Physician Center has established a hotline for referring physicians and their office staff to streamline access to our array of medical services. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you and your patients when you entrust us with their care.
Contact the Referring Physician Hotline to obtain information on our clinical specialists and services; schedule and confirm patient appointments; receive assistance in the resolution of any service-related issues; and connect with Cleveland Clinic specialists.
When contacting us to schedule your patients, please have the following information readily available:
- Patient demographic information.
- Reason for visit.
- Any special needs that will require facilitation once the patient arrives.
- Patient insurance information, if available.
We will work with your patient to complete the registration process and to schedule an appointment at the patient's convenience. You will be notified once the appointment is scheduled.
DrConnect at Cleveland Clinic
Provides referring physicians secure online access to real-time information about their patients' treatment progress while at Cleveland Clinic. Learn more about DrConnect now.