illustration of cleveland clinic diet app

Cleveland Clinic Diet App

Expert Guidance for a Healthier You

Optimize your habits with weight loss programs built by the world-renowned health experts at Cleveland Clinic.
No judgement, sensible guidance and customized program

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No judgment, no fads, no strict nutrition plans.

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Sensible, accurate guidance from medical experts.

illustration of someone running with confetti

Customized program to fit your unique needs.

Expert Advice in Your Inbox

Fuel up with nutrition and fitness advice from our experts twice a month. Sign up today!

A Collaboration To Mobilize the World To Achieve a Healthy Weight

The Cleveland Clinic Diet app is the product of a collaboration between the renowned Cleveland Clinic and FitNow. Cleveland Clinic is a nationally ranked and globally recognized hospital, based in Cleveland, Ohio, with locations also in Florida, Canada, Las Vegas, Abu Dhabi and London. Established in 2008, FitNow emerged with a singular vision: mobilize the world to achieve a healthy weight. As pioneers in the health app industry, they not only introduced one of the very first apps to the App Store, but have since developed a comprehensive suite of apps spanning weight loss to overall fitness.

Digital Health Awards Spring 2024 Winner

The Cleveland Clinic Diet app is recognized as a Gold recipient of the Spring 2024 Digital Health Awards.

Sign Up Today

Key Features

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Your Path to Wellness

✓ Track what you eat daily.
✓ Follow your customized nutrition plan.
✓ Commit to regular movement.
✓ Dive into insightful wellness courses.
✓ Discover recommended recipes and expert advice.
✓ Log your progress and celebrate achievements!

Disclaimer: The Cleveland Clinic Diet app is offered and operated by Fitnow, Inc. By using the app, you are not a patient of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation or its affiliates, and you should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


Who is the Cleveland Clinic Diet app for?

The Cleveland Clinic Diet app is rooted in evidence-based nutrition science and crafted by Cleveland Clinic's team of world-renowned health experts, including dietitians, endocrinologists, metabolic experts and more. The program is designed for individuals who want to make informed, sustainable changes to their dietary and lifestyle habits for better health and overall well-being.

When starting any new diet or lifestyle change, it's crucial to ensure that it aligns with your individual health needs. We recommend consulting with your doctor or a registered dietitian before using the Cleveland Clinic Diet app or beginning a new dietary regimen.

Is this program more focused on weight loss, overall health or both?

Our program is a comprehensive approach designed by Cleveland Clinic health experts, with the goal of promoting overall health and well-being. While weight loss is one of the components we address, our primary focus is to help you make healthy and sustainable changes to your diet.

Do I need to follow a specific diet?

No, this program does not require you to follow a specific, rigid diet. The goal of the Cleveland Clinic Diet app is to guide and educate users about healthier food choices and habits tailored to individual needs and preferences, making it a perfect fit for every lifestyle.

About Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic was at the forefront of modern medicine when its founders opened it as a multispecialty group practice in 1921.

In its first century, Cleveland Clinic has introduced many medical firsts, opened facilities around the world and is proud to be ranked among the top hospitals in the country.

Now, 100 years later, the vision of the founders remains Cleveland Clinic's mission: caring for life, researching for health and educating those who serve.

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