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Tommaso Falcone, MD

Tommaso Falcone, MD
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Department Subspecialty Care for Women's Health
Primary Location Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
Type of Doctor Adults Only
Languages English, French, Italian
Surgeon Yes
Cleveland Clinic Main Campus
Primary Location

Cleveland Clinic Main Campus



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About Tommaso Falcone, MD

Tommaso Falcone, M.D., FRCS(C), FACOG, is Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. He is presently Chief of Staff, Chief Academic Officer, Medical Director. Cleveland Clinic London.  He is certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology in general obstetrics and gynecology, as well as Reproductive Endocrinology. He is also certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (UK ad eundem).

Dr. Falcone was appointed Chair of the department of obstetrics & Gynecology in 2001 and subsequently Chair of the Women’s health institute in 2008 to 2018. He was a member of the board of governors of Cleveland Clinic between 2006-2013, member of the Executive Team (ET) from 2007-2010. He served as Vice Chairman of Professional Staff Affairs, Cleveland Clinic from 2007-2014.

Dr. Falcone has published more than 500 original manuscripts, abstracts, and book chapters. He is co-editor of 8 books including a textbook on Clinical Reproductive Medicine and Surgery (Springer third edition 2017); Operative Techniques in Gynecologic Surgery (Wolters Kluwer 2017

He has served on the editorial board of several journals, including Associate Editor of Fertility & Sterility and the Editorial Board of the Obstetrics &Gynecology (Green journal). He is presently editor-in-chief of JMIG. He is past President of the Society for Reproductive Surgeons (SRS) and Past Chair of the Endometriosis special interest group of the ASRM. He is President of the International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP-2019-2020). He has served on review committees for NICHD and MRC. Dr. Falcone has been the recipient of many awards for laparoscopic and robotic surgery at different societies. He was a senior author on the first publication on gynecologic robot surgery and a member of the team that performed the first uterus transplant in the USA.

Education & Professional Highlights

Education & Professional Highlights


Education & Fellowships

Fellowship - McGill University
Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility
Montreal Quebec, Canada

Residency - McGill University
Montreal Quebec, Canada

Internship - McGill University
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Montreal Quebec, Canada

Medical Education - McGill University Faculty of Medicine
Montreal, QC Canada

Graduate School - University of Montreal Faculty of Medicine
Montreal, Quebec,

Undergraduate - McGill University
Montreal, Quebec,

Additional Training

  • Executive Program Practice Management, Cleveland Clinic

Professional Highlights

  • Grant Reviewer
  • Federal Review Committee (USA): NICHD Review committee (P01/R03 reviews) 2004, 2005; NIH/NICHD Review committee for U 54 Center grants (Specialized Cooperative Centers Program in Reproduction and Infertility Research), 2006; International Review Committees: NIH PAR-08-105: Optimizing Technologies for the Preservation of Fertility (R21) 2009
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer for Medical Research Council of Canada; Ad Hoc Reviewer for Dutch Cancer Society, 2005; Ad Hoc Reviewer for Swiss National Science Foundation, 2006; Ad Hoc Reviewer for MRC (UK) (Uterine Transplantation) 2009;Ad Hoc Reviewer University of Leuven (Endometriosis) 2009
  • Editorial Responsibilities: Journals       

    Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology-(JMIG)
    • Editorial Advisory Board 2009- 2012
    • Editor-in-Chief 2013-
    • Fertility & Sterility
      • Editorial Board 2002-2009
      • Associate Editor 2011-2013
      • Obstetrics & Gynecology (official journal of the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists)-Editorial Board 2009-2013
      • Section Editor-Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery for “Up-To-Date” (www.uptodate.com) 2006-present-
      • Journal of Robotic Surgery (Springer): Associate Editor 2006-2014
      • Journal of Gynecologic Surgery: Member of the Editorial Board 1999-2010
      • US Obstetrics & Gynecology (Touch Briefings)
        • Member of the Advisory Panel 2008-2014


        • Obstetrics and Gynecology
        • Obstetrics and Gynecology - Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility

        Specialty Interests

        in vitro fertilization, in vitro fertilization and reproductive endocrinology and infertility, laparoscopic surgery, infertility surgery, laparoscopy, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, sterilization reversal, infertility

        Awards & Honors

        • 1997   American Society of Reproductive Medicine Infertility surgery video award (National meeting of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine Ohio 1997).

          1998   Endometriosis Society video (VI world Congress on Endometriosis Quebec City 1998)

          1999   Robotic Laparoscopic surgery. "Computerworld Smithsonian Laureate". Part of the Smithsonian Institution's Permanent Research Collection. Washington, DC; (http://collections.si.edu/search/detail/ead_component:sova-nmah-ac-0425-ref4077?date.slider=&q=Robotically-Assisted+Tubal+Reanastomosis&dsort=&record=1&hlterm=Robotically-Assisted%2BTubal%2BReanastomosis)  

          1999   Robotically assisted tubal anastomosis. Best video award for infertility surgery. American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Toronto, Canada.

          1999   Pelvic anatomy for laparoscopists. Best video award for basic science. American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Toronto, Canada.

          1999   Endoscopic Surgery in the Pediatric and Adolescent Patient. Video Accepted in the ACOG Audiovisual Library, Philadelphia, PA

          1999   Primary Left Upper Quadrant Trocar insertion. Best video award in laparoscopy at The Global Congress of Gynecologic Endoscopy, American Association of Gynecologic Endoscopy, Las Vegas, 1999 (also a separate award given for the manuscript)

          2000   Bilateral Adnexectomy by Robotic Assistance. Best video: Open Category. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. San Diego, CA.

          2000   Robotic Laparoscopic surgery. "Computerworld Smithsonian Laureate". It is part of the Smithsonian Institution's Permanent Research Collection. Washington, DC (web site: archivescenter@si.edu; Archives Center, National Museum of American History-https://web.archive.org/web/20010528051241/http://www.cwheroes.org:80/laureates5.asp

          2001   Autotransplantation of an entire ovary with vascular anastomosis. Reproductive surgery video award at American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Orlando Florida

          2001   Ultrasound Guided Embryo transfer. Assisted Reproductive Technology video award at American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Orlando Florida

          2001   Laparoscopic Repair of Ureteral injuries. “Jerome J. Hoffman” award for best manuscript at the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists. San Francisco. CA        

          2002   Autotransplantation of intact Cryopreserved-thawed ovary: A Minimally Invasive Approach. Prize paper Pacific Coast Reproductive Society 2002.

          2002   Autotransplantation of Intact Frozen-Thawed Mammalian Ovary with Micro-Vascular Anastomosis. Prize paper for the Society of Reproductive Surgeons, presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Seattle, WA

          2002   Robotically-Assisted Gynecologic Surgery. Reproductive Surgery Video Award. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Seattle, WA

          2002   “Are Heat Shock Proteins Acting as Modulators of Pre implantation Mouse Embryo Development and Apoptosis”” Prize paper for the Reproductive Immunology Special Interest Group. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Seattle, WA

          2002   Histological Evaluation and in situ localization of Apoptosis in fresh and cryopreserved ovarian tissue. Prize poster award. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Seattle, WA

          2003   “Use of the deep inferior epigastric vessels to vascularize cryopreserved-thawed ovarian grafts” Reproductive Surgery video award. Presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Antonio, TX, 2003

          2004   “Presacral neurectomy revisited: Surgical technique & literature review” “Best Surgical Video” Global Congress of Gynecologic Endoscopy AAGL 33rd Annual meeting. San Francisco California.

          2005   “Criteria for Planning Optimal myometrial incision during laparoscopic myomectomy” Prize video at Global Congress of Gynecologic Endoscopy AAGL 34th Annual meeting. Hilton, Chicago, IL.

          2006   “Laparoscopic ovarian transposition prior to pelvic radiation” Prize video at Global Congress of Gynecologic Endoscopy AAGL 34th Annual meeting. Hilton, Chicago, IL.

          2007   American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists Annual meeting-all 3 film awards won by CCF fellows: Chen C, Gustilo-Ashby AM, Juliano J, Falcone T.  Laparoscopic Lateral Ovarian Transposition.  Film Presentation, First Prize.  Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, San Diego, California, May, 2007.

          2007   Sokol A, Falcone T.  Criteria for Choosing the Optimal Myometrial Incision during laparoscopic Myomectomy.  Film Presentation.  Second Prize.  Annual  Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, San Diego,  California, May, 2007.

          2007   Park A, Atiemo H, Goldman H, Goldberg J, Falcone T.  Laparoscopic Excision of Bladder Endometriosis.  Film Presentation, Third Prize.  Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, San Diego, California, May, 2007. (Accepted into the ACOG permanent library-DVD # 197) 

          2008  Mansour G, Falcone T, Sharma R, Agarwal A. Effect of Peritoneal fluid of Endometriosis on the DNA of 2 cell and 8 cell stages of embryos of embryonic development. Junior fellows award at the ACOG District V Annual meeting in Cincinnati October 2008.        

          2008   Ridgeway B, Attaran M, Falcone T.  Anatomic implications for the treatment of rudimentary uterine horn.  First Prize Video Presentation.  Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Francisco, CA, November, 2008.       

          2009   Society for Gynecologic Investigation (SGI) President’s Presenter Award (Mentor) for Skaznik-Wikiel ME (resident)

          2010   Reddy J, Frick AC, Stein RJ, Paraiso MFR, Falcone T. ASRM Honorable Mention for Technical Achievement in Video: Surgery Category.  “Robotic Resection of Ureteral Endometriosis” 

          2010   Bedaiwy M, Falcone T, et al The Society of Reproductive Surgeons Award for best paper titled ‘Robotic assisted, laparoscopic and open myomectomy: a comparison of surgical outcome " at the 66th Annual meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Denver, CO, USA October 23-28, 2010.

          2011   Catenacci M, Attaran M, Falcone T. Laparoscopic assisted myomectomy. ASRM Honorable Mention for Technical Achievement in Video: Surgery Category

          2012   Bedaiwy M, Falcone T. Video Presentation.  First Prize for Technical Achievement.  Standardization of laparoscopic pelvic examination.  Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, California, October 2012. Prize video award

          2013   Holoch K, Flyckt R, Falcone T, Goldberg J.  Video Presentation.  Uterine Septum: Reproductive Implications and Surgical Management.  Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2013. Prize Surgery video award

          2014   Goodman L, Kremer M, Falcone T. First prize video presentation award “Surgical scar endometriosis: recognition and resection. Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. April 2014. Chicago.

          2015   Caronia L, Goodman L, Falcone T. Video Presentation. Value of selected venous catheterization in the diagnosis of hyperandrogenism.  Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Baltimore, MD, October, 2015. Best Surgery Video award

          2015   Jamie Stanhiser, Brian Mouille, Rebecca Flyckt, Jeffrey Goldberg, Tommaso Falcone and Linnea R. Goodman. Trends Over Time and Surgical Outcomes of Abdominal, Mini-Laparotomy, and Traditional and Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopy with and without Tandem Mini-Laparotomy; A Compassion of Myomectomy Techniques. Kurt Semm Award for the Best Abstract on Laparoscopic Surgeries. AAGL annual meeting November 2015 Las Vegas NE

          2016   Flyckt R, Kotlyar A, Arian S, Tzakis A, Falcone T. Video Presentation. Deceased donor uterine transplantation.  Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, October, 2016. Award for Best Video presentation.

          2016   Arian S, Flyckt R, Tzakis A, Falcone T. Demographic Characteristics of Women with Uterine Factor Infertility Seeking Information on Uterine Transplantation.  Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, October, 2016. Fellow In-training-award

          2018- Richards EG. Flyckt R. Tzakis A, Quintini C, Hashimoto K, Falcone T. Uterus Transplantation: From Back Table to Embryo Transfer. Video Presentation .Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Denver Colorado, October, 2018 Award for Best Video presentation

          2019- Llarena N. Falcone T. Flyckt R. Surgical Management of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis involving the Rectosigmoid Colon. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Philadelphia October, 2019 Award for Best Video presentation

        Innovations & Patents

        • Robotic Surgery-first gynecology case in the world (1999); see awards
        • Cleveland Clinic Innovation Award- Ohio Cryo: A novel vitrification loading device for homogenized tissue or high cellular contents load (US patent # 61/073392)


        • Professional Societies & Service

          Member of & committees served

          Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
          • Chair on the Obstetrics & Gynecology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee-2010-2014; reappointed 2015-2018
          • Chair of the FDA review of meshes used for pelvic organ prolapse
          • American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology-oral boards examiner
            • 2008-1017
            • Society for Reproductive Surgery (of the ASRM)
              • Officer of Society 2003-2004
              • Assistant Secretary/Treasurer 2004-2005
              • Secretary/Treasurer 2005-2006
              • Vice-President 2006-2007
                • Board of Directors 2003-2010
                • President 2007-2008
              • Past President 2008-2009
              • Endometriosis Special Interest Group (of the ASRM)
                • Board of Directors 2009-
                  • Vice-Chair- 2009-2010
                  • Chair Elect 2010-2011
                  • Chair 2011-2013
                  • Past Chair-2013
                • American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
                  • General Program abstract committee 2007
                  • Abstract review committee 2001, 2007 (SRS)
                  • ASRM - Scientific Congress-Video Committee-
                  • Member Review committee 2004-2015
                  • Program chair- 2017-2019
                    • Postgraduate course director 2006, 2011
                      • Board of Directors 2007-2008
                      • Scientific Program Prize Poster Committee 2011
                      • ASRM Practice Committee-2017-
                  • American College (Congress) of Obstetricians & Gynecologists-ACOG
                    • Postgraduate course director 2002-4
                    • ACOG Update program: moderator 2005
                    • Member of the Committee on Practice Bulletins ( gynecology) 2008-
                    • Vice Chair of the Practice Bulletins ( gynecology) -2010
                    • Chair of Practice Bulletins ( gynecology)- 2011-2013
                    • Member of Committee on Gynecologic Practice 2011-2013
                    • American Association of GYN laparoscopy (AAGL)
                      • Postgraduate Course Director 2003, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
                      • Board of Directors of the Council for Gynecologic Endoscopy 2006 (1 year term)
                        • Abstract Review Committee- 2007, 2011-2014
                        • Practice Committee 2010-2013
                        • MRC Committee- (consultant) -2010
                      • Gynecologic Surgery Society
                        • Officer of Society 2002-2010
                        • Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 2003-2017
                          • Elected to the Board of Directors 2005-2007
                          • Abstract review committee 2006, 2007      
                          • Euro American Multispecialty Summit 2007-Program Director
                          • Membership lapsed
                          • European Society for Human Reproduction
                          • World Endometriosis Society
                            • 13th World Congress on Endometriosis 2017 Vancouver Canada- member of Scientific Committee
                            • Association of Professor of Gynecology & Obstetrics (APGO)
                            • American Gynecologic & Obstetric Society (AGOS) 2010-
                            • International Society for Fertility Preservation-
                              • Member Board of Directors 2010-
                              • Treasurer 2013-2016
                                • Vice President 2017-18
                                • President 2019-2020
Research & Publications

Research & Publications

See publications for Tommaso Falcone, MD.

(Disclaimer: This search is powered by PubMed, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. PubMed is a third-party website with no affiliation with Cleveland Clinic.)

Industry Relationships

Industry Relationships

Cleveland Clinic physicians and scientists may collaborate with the pharmaceutical or medical device industries to help develop medical breakthroughs or provide medical expertise or education. Cleveland Clinic strives to make scientific advances that will benefit patient care and support outside relationships that promise public benefit. In order for the discoveries of Cleveland Clinic physicians' and scientists' laboratories and investigations to benefit the public, these discoveries must be commercialized in partnership with industry. As experts in their fields, Cleveland Clinic physicians and scientists are often sought after by industry to consult, provide expertise and education.

To assure professional and commercial integrity in such matters, Cleveland Clinic maintains a program that reviews these collaborations and, when appropriate, puts measures in place to minimize bias that may result from ties to industry. Cleveland Clinic publicly discloses the names of companies when (i) its physicians/scientists receive $5,000 or more per year (or, in rare cases, equity or stock options) for speaking and consulting, (ii) its physicians/scientists serve as a fiduciary, (iii) its physicians/scientists receive or have the right to receive royalties or (iv) its physicians/ scientists hold any equity interest for the physician's/scientist's role as inventor, discoverer, developer, founder or consultant.* In publicly disclosing this information, Cleveland Clinic tries to provide information as accurately as possible about its physicians' and scientists' connections with industry.

As of 5/2/2024, Dr. Falcone has reported no financial relationship with industry that is applicable to this listing. In general, patients should feel free to contact their doctor about any of the relationships and how the relationships are overseen by Cleveland Clinic. To learn more about Cleveland Clinic's policies on collaborations with industry and innovation management, go to our Integrity in Innovation page.

Public Health Service-Reportable Financial Conflicts of Interest. Cleveland Clinic scientists and physicians engage in basic, translational and clinical research activities, working to solve health problems, enhance patient care and improve quality of life for patients. Interactions with industry are essential to bringing the researchers' discoveries to the public, but can present the potential for conflicts of interest related to their research activities. Click here to view a listing of instances where Cleveland Clinic has identified a Public Health Service (PHS)-Reportable Financial Conflict of Interest and has put measures in place to ensure that, to the extent possible, the design, conduct and reporting of the research is free from bias.

* Cleveland Clinic physicians and scientists subscribe to the guidance presented in the PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals and the AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals. As such, gifts of substantial value are generally prohibited.

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