Cognitive Rehabilitation

Cognitive Rehabilitation

People with the following conditions may benefit from cognitive rehabilitation:

What does cognitive rehabilitation involve?

Our highly trained staff works collaboratively with patients and caregivers to develop an individualized treatment program. Treatment approaches may include use of organization strategies, structuring environment, memory books and brain fitness computer training programs. Goals of treatment may include improving day-to-day activities, like preparing meals, grocery shopping, managing finances and taking medication. Another component of the program is aerobic exercise training with an emphasis on walking programs.

How long will cognitive rehabilitation take?

Your evaluating therapist will work with you to develop a  care plan that specifically meets your needs and goals. Treatment length can vary depending on your needs.

How do I get started?

Your physician will prescribe cognitive rehabilitation as an integrated part of your occupational or speech therapy treatment plan.

Huntington's Disease Rehabilitation

Huntington's Disease Rehabilitation

Huntington’s disease (HD) can be an overwhelming diagnosis, but there’s hope for many people. Cleveland Clinic rehabilitation therapists specialize in HD to assist in your care.

Who is Huntington’s disease rehabilitation for?

People with Huntington’s disease may see a physical therapist to help manage the physical symptoms of HD. Symptoms and conditions treated may include:

  • Balance problems and fall risk reduction.
  • Upper body or trunk weakness.
  • Pain or fatigue.
  • Difficulty walking.
  • Difficulty with daily activities, like dressing, self-feeding, bathing, grooming and going to the bathroom.
  • Difficulty with home management tasks, like meal preparation, cooking, cleaning and laundry.
  • Impaired coordination of movement.
  • Changes in cognition.

What does Huntington’s disease rehabilitation involve?

Physical therapists may assess fall risk and prevention, as well as strengthening, stretching and cardiovascular exercises. Physical therapy can be helpful by providing “compensatory” treatments that help you compensate for the changes brought about by HD. Goals of physical therapy may include:

  • Improving your independence and quality of life by providing “compensatory” techniques for movement and function.
  • Learning new strategies to cope with the changes that occur in HD.
  • Promoting safety to prevent secondary problems (such as injuries from a fall).
  • Adapting daily tasks to make them doable for people with HD.

How long will Huntington’s disease rehabilitation take?

Physical therapy can often be completed on an outpatient basis. The first appointment includes an evaluation and recommendations for exercises. The following appointments check your progress and review and expand your home program. Additional sessions of outpatient physical therapy can be added if needed to attain an expected improvement in function. Treatment length can vary depending on your needs.

Parkinson's Disease Rehabilitation

Parkinson's Disease Rehabilitation

Who is Parkinson’s disease rehabilitation for?

There’s growing evidence that, immediately after diagnosis, people with Parkinson’s disease can benefit from treatment that establishes a physical routine which targets flexibility, strengthening and cardiovascular conditioning.

Physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for everyone. These treatments can improve balance, walking and overall functional ability. In addition, therapy may slow down the progression of the disease. Moderate to vigorous exercise or activity should begin immediately upon diagnosis and continue throughout the course of the disease.

Evidence also supports that regular aerobic exercise, such as walking, prevents cognitive impairment from developing in healthy elderly individuals. And this can hold true in Parkinson’s disease, as well.

What does Parkinson’s disease rehabilitation involve?

Our clinicians bring a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to the patient care management of Parkinson’s disease. Specialists in occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy will collaborate with your healthcare provider to coordinate your care.
After a thorough evaluation and development of a care plan, treatment may consist of:

  • Flexibility, stretching and strengthening exercises.
  • Aerobic high-intensity activities.
  • Strategies to improve mobility, like walking, freezing, standing up from chairs and reducing risk of falls.
  • Strategies to improve self-care activities.
  • Handwriting.
  • Stress management.
  • Instruction in cognitive strategies.
  • Speech training in swallowing as well as speech rate and control, respiration and phonation.

How long will Parkinson’s disease rehabilitation take?

Your care plan is developed specifically to meet your needs and goals, as defined by you and your evaluating therapist. We’ll work with your treating provider to optimize your care. Eventually, you’ll incorporate activities from your skilled therapy sessions into your normal routine outside of the care setting.

We offer community exercise programs in some locations. These programs are structured to help people maintain and possibly improve their functional abilities in a supportive, caring environment once outpatient physical therapy is completed. Physical therapists are active participants in your medical team and they’ll recommend regular check-ins to monitor your function and tweak your home exercise routines.

Treatment length can vary depending on your needs and goals for rehabilitation.

Stroke & Neurological Rehabilitation

Stroke & Neurological Rehabilitation

Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation and Sports Therapy offers a comprehensive outpatient physical, occupational and speech therapy program for people with neurological conditions. This program can help them progress toward a more independent lifestyle. Our therapists who specialize in neurological treatments are invested in the latest research and offer leading-edge treatment approaches using evidence-based practice. We’re able to address a wide variety of individual needs, ranging from the person who requires assistance throughout the day to the person ready to return to work. We encourage family members and caregivers to participate in therapy sessions in order to carry over newly learned skills at home.

Who is stroke and neurological rehabilitation for?

Adults diagnosed with neurological diseases or conditions, including but not limited to:

What does stroke and neurological rehabilitation involve?

Our therapists evaluate your specific needs and select a technique or a combination of techniques to serve them.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy methods that can help improve muscle coordination, strength and mobility, such as:

  • Gait analysis and training to promote improved skills for walking.
  • Use of a suspended treadmill for partial body weight support.
  • Use of motor learning devices along with skilled treatment.
  • Balance training (fall risk reduction).
  • Transfer training (sit to stand, wheelchair to bed or chair, floor to stand).
  • Recommendation of equipment for greater independence and mobility.
  • Joint range of motion, strengthening and endurance.
  • Orthotics management.
  • Patient and family education.

Occupational therapy

Treatment activities to promote functional use of the hand and arm can include:

  • Strengthening and range of motion.
  • Coordination training.
  • Customized or prefabricated splinting.
  • Self-care skills training (activities of daily living), including dressing, bathing, going to the bathroom and self-feeding.
  • Home management, leisure and work skills training.
  • Functional cognitive/safety training.
  • Adaptive equipment for self-care and home management.
  • Low vision training.
  • Driving rehabilitation.
  • Patient and family education.

Speech therapy

Speech therapy methods to allow for better voice and swallow control, like:

  • Articulation and voice improvement.
  • Aphasia/language therapy.
  • Cognitive retraining for memory and attention as well as organizing and planning.
  • Computer-aided speech or alternative nonvocal communication.
  • Swallowing therapy.
  • Patient and family education.

How long will stroke and neurological rehabilitation take?

This will vary by person and diagnosis. Eventually, you’ll incorporate activities from your skilled therapy sessions into your normal routine outside of the care setting. We offer community exercise programs in some locations. These programs are structured to help people maintain and possibly improve their functional abilities in a supportive, caring environment once outpatient physical and occupational therapy are completed. A caregiver must also attend this program.