Cancer Prevention and Cancer Research

According to the latest cancer research, many cases of cancer can be prevented by not using tobacco products, avoiding harmful rays of the sun, and choosing foods with less fat and more fiber. In addition, cancer research shows that alcohol and exposure to certain chemicals and/or radiation may increase a person's risk of developing cancer.
Many risk factors can be avoided. Others, such as inherited factors, are unavoidable. It is helpful to be aware of them, and their symptoms of cancers, but it is also important to keep in mind that not everyone with a particular risk factor for cancer actually gets the disease; in fact, most do not. People who have an increased likelihood of developing symptoms of cancer can help protect themselves by avoiding risk factors where possible and by getting regular checkups so that, if cancer develops, it is likely to be found early. Treatment is likely to be more effective when symptoms of cancer are detected early.

Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center offers services for cancer prevention, cancer research and cancer information. Here are some ways you can decrease your risk factors and improve your chance of cancer prevention:

  1. Choose a diet rich in a variety of plant-based foods.
  2. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active.
  4. Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.
  5. Select foods low in fat and salt.
  6. Prepare and store foods safely.

Cancer Genetics

Hereditary cancer is a type of cancer that has developed as a result of an inherited gene mutation. The gene mutation is passed down from a parent to a child at conception. A person will not necessarily develop cancer due to a gene mutation, however, it does increase their lifetime risk of developing cancer as opposed to someone in the general population.