Liver Transplant Program

Cleveland Clinic’s Liver Transplant program has over 30 years of experience and is the largest liver transplant program in the nation.

Liver Transplant Program

Our expert hepatologists, skilled in diagnosing and treating all forms of liver disease, work hand-in-hand with our surgery team to manage your care through the entire transplantation process. We are proud to be the largest liver transplant program in the nation and proud to serve our patients.

Cleveland Clinic Performs Laparoscopic Living Donor Surgery for Liver Transplants

Cleveland Clinic Performs Laparoscopic Living Donor Surgery for Liver Transplants

Clinic now offers laparoscopic living donor surgery for liver transplantation in adult recipients. We are one of few U.S. academic medical centers to offer this advanced procedure, resulting in smaller scars and faster recovery for donors.

Patient Stories

Patient Stories

Joe Gilvary, two-time living organ donor, holds liver recipient, Katelyn Kutscher.

Two-Time Living Organ Donor Donates Liver, Saves Baby’s Life

Dec 31, 2019

"It was very powerful seeing her with her family and realizing I got to be a part of helping this little girl get well." 
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Karen Ciolek (left) donated a portion of her healthy liver to help her friend, Mindy Craft.

Unexpected Donor Steps Up to Save Her Friend’s Life

Dec 12, 2019

“The opportunity to change someone’s life for the better is the greatest gift … the best thing any of us can do.”

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Abraham Aviv with his daughter Shiri and her boyfriend, Nikko. (Courtesy: Cleveland Clinic)

Minimally Invasive Transplant Surgery is Transformative for Living Liver Donor’s Recovery

Oct 30, 2019

“He’s young, strong -- who would want to do this? But he insists. He says, ‘You need it. And I’m ready.’”
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