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Manage Your Healthcare 24/7

MyChart is a secure, online health management tool that connects Cleveland Clinic patients to portions of their electronic medical record allowing you to see test results, message your physician, schedule appointments and more.

Connect to your MyChart® account via the MyClevelandClinic™ app or website for access to your health information and all of the Cleveland Clinic services you know and trust in a single place.

Important Update for Martin Health Patients

Martin Health MyChart accounts have made the move over to Cleveland Clinic MyChart. Your information will now show up in your Cleveland Clinic MyChart. You do not need to sign up again to access your account.

Please note that your Martin Health MyChart account will no longer be available as of December 4, 2023. After that date, to make a payment on Martin Health charges for dates of service prior to April 22, 2023, please call Martin Health Customer Service at 772.223.5680 for hospital charges or 772.223.2823 for professional charges.

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Man with daughter on his lap during video chat with their doctor

Manage Your Health — and Your Family’s

Man sitting on couch on video visit with his physician

Want a Virtual Visit With Your Doctor?

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MyChart Messaging

Starting November 17, 2022, some MyChart messages will be billed to your insurance. Which MyChart messages are billable? These are responses to your questions that take at least five minutes to answer and require your provider’s medical expertise. Many messages will still be free.

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