Tag: pediatric sleep disorders

Young female teen drinking canned beverage outside
December 26, 2023/Children's Health

The Young and the Restless: Why Kids Should Avoid Caffeine

No amount of caffeine is safe for kids under 12, and kids 12 to 17 should be cautious about how much they consume

Child snoring during his nap while sleeping on his front.
February 7, 2023/Children's Health

Does Your Child Snore? These Could Be the Reasons Why

Six possible reasons (and solutions) for that nighttime noise

Baby sleeping on back sucking on pacifier.
November 17, 2022/Children's Health

6 Ways To Help Your Baby Self-Soothe and Find Calm

Use a naptime schedule and relaxing sounds to encourage self-soothing

child frightened in bed with night terrors
November 13, 2022/Sleep

What Are Night Terrors? And What To Do About Them

Getting enough sleep and keeping the bedroom quiet and restful can help


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Child asleep in class
September 18, 2022/Sleep

Signs Your Child Is Exhausted: Spotting Sleepiness, From Babies to Teens

From pulling on ears and hyperactivity at night to irritability and napping during the day

Child awake in bed at night
March 26, 2019/Children's Health

Sleep Disorders Affect Children Too: What You Can Do

Help your children get the rest they need

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