
As one of the largest subspecialized Head & Neck Pathology groups in the United States, our staff pathologists evaluate approximately 4,000 in-house and consultative cases annually. Morphologic diagnosis is supplemented with access to an extensive menu of immunohistochemical stains and a specially designed Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) panel for confirmation of rare translocation associated tumors of the head and neck.

Our Head & Neck pathologists offer expertise with decades of experience in evaluating biopsy specimens and highly complex head and neck resection specimens from various sites, including the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, sinonasal cavity, ear, and salivary glands. In addition, our staff has extensive experience in diagnosing and testing thyroid tumors, including rare, aggressive tumor types.

Head & neck pathology staff

Christopher Griffith, MD, PhD
Christopher Griffith, MD, PhD
Director, Head and Neck Pathology
Deborah Chute, MD
Deborah Chute, MD
Program Director, Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Residency Program